>Fates FAQ (please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
>Fates FAQ (please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
Other urls found in this thread:
mm watcha say
I love Sakura!
I unironically like edge!Chrom btw
I love Tsubasa and so do you!
Why is it so hard to talk about Fire Emblem related stuff without devolving into senseless Waifu Wars or having cancerous fuckpots ruin the thread for everyone? Why is it so hard for /feg/ to not be shit? I just want to talk about my favorite Vidya series with a reasonable amount of civility, dammit, is that so much to ask?
Awakening came out and the fanbase turned to complete shit.
>le blame Awakening meme
I never understood this meme
Azura a shit
Just ignore them.
So what did you want to talk about?
I need more peri boobers
Yeah, the threads were nice and comfy after Awakening. It wasn't until after Fates that it got filled with shitposting.
It turned a very niche series into a mainstream one.
>Arthur got to feel those up
No, they were nice and comfy until Tharjafag started to shitpost daily and Drill and the whole "-cuck" happened.
>It turn a very shit series into a great one
Yeah, the threads were nice and comfy before Awakening. It wasn't until after Awakening that it got filled with shitposting.
Let's share Bullshit RNG stories.
>Shadow Dragon Endgame
>Two Ballisticians attack Maria
>both Hit Rates less than 45%
>Both hit
>This was the first enemy turn
>playing bad games
>dumb shit happens
Nice blog.
Nope. Even if you removed Tharjakek and Drill, the threads were still filled with various other attention whores/personalities and waifufags spamming Lyn, Mia, etc.
Tell me about Itsuki, /feg/.
Is he a stinky twinky?
I somehow managed to get 5 misses in the Arena with 80-something percent chance to hit in a row.
The enemy won.
it's a spinoff
Cutest family
>tfw you're save editing and you fuck up
>Camilla didn't get censored
>but vagina bones did
can someone explain this to me
Now that the dust has settled, what your fav thing about #FE?
I miss Miccyanon.
The music is pretty nice.
Camilla is teaching her how to mindbreak a pubescent boy by showering him with affection.
What causes your units to turn into Vallite Soldiers?
Thread that was actually made on time instead of 20 posts early
We didn't get a chance to get comfy last thread, so let's try now. What things you want to see in FE Musou if it gets made?
>Rock Remixes?
Treehouse is not the entirety of NoA.
>all the lords at least
>outrealms type scenario where everyone has to team up against one big bad
>remix of together we ride
>3 kids
That's a bit much, Femui
Mods are literally fucking retarded pass it on
>fucked up
But that looks cool as fuck.
>Yay! (Laughs)
>I'm so happy! (Sighs)
So far Revelations is a lot of fun, I must say.
How did you know she was pregnant?
>sullying together we ride on your shit idea
Just ignore it. He was completely against it before but now he's trying to get in on it for attention. He probably hasn't even heard Together We Ride before.
Early game Revelation sucks, but it sort of picks up by chapter 11.
>Make another thread when we already have one with like 40+ posts
>le why'd it get deleted tho????
user if I knew I would have a Vallite Army by now.
I like Revelation even just because I can have the full cast bar three characters that were completely irrelevant anyway, and see their interactions and all.
I hated how Fates was split in routes, even if they were very different one from another, but I think it's a trend that is going to stay.
So I have the opportunity to marry Felicia with MU. Is she a good character to go with? In terms of stats I mean.
Every forum I've seen just says pick whoever you want but then it's just waifu picking and then I'm stuck between three waifus: Felicia, Hinoka, and Rinkah.
That one didn't have offtopic #FE shit in the OP.
I like Hana
>very different
>one had grinding, the other didn't, and the third also had grinding
too bad she hates your guts
>the thread with 30 posts was early
They've deleted threads with over a hundred before for being less early than this one
it's not offtopic
The next games will be Fire Emblem: Gay and Fire Emblem: Straight
#FE is Fire Emblem related. Deal with it, nerds.
I played all the GBA games you know
Maybe your penis, too.
This hunk is cute!
How many girls does he got?
How sexy Mamori is.
All of them
The music is great
>All of her scenes and outfit were already known to fall within the T rating (You can thank Cia for that)
>Probably recognized by even Treehouse/NoA that trying to censor the sexual aspects of the fanservice character in the game was borderline worthless.
The most important difference between the two and the most probably though why they got different treatment is actually quite simple. One looks like an adult while the other can pass for a teenager.
But my penis is split in three.
Hinoka was the waifu during promotions.
But then I started playing and holy shit Rinkah made me diamonds.
Then Felicia is qt as fuck and makes my heart diamonds.
I can't choose. Polygamy option when
Nah, he lets his cousin Kiragi have Kana, and lets Hisame have Ophelia.
God damn. Camilla is literally the sexiest thing to come out of Fire Emblem. I'm concrete right now.
The exclusive western content.
Choke on the Nintendo dick you shill
Marry Hinoka your original waifu.
The *sexistest
>Getting turned on by shitty art
Something irks me about Camilla's face.
She's not even the best looking girl in her own game, neckbeard
Why you gotta get mad at my preferences? No need to be jealous.
And yet you can still strip down little girls in Fates. I just don't get it.
>not getting turned on by shitty art
I love Pieri and so do you!
Because you need to grow up you lolicon criminal pedo.
I love Peri and so do you!
they're lions, actually
look up "shishi-mai"
I would touch her butt but I wouldn't get further than that.
>not her breasts
But anyway touching Pieri anywhere is a risk of STABBY STABBY MOOD. And then you end up in a pot full of your stew, and your bones gnawled by Velour and Flannel.
>Having the worst taste here
Do it and then marry her
I will do it because someone on the internet told me to.
Fuck off cuck
Not because it's Hinoka, but because it's your original waifu.
Why is Peri's hair colored this way anwyay
Peri is literally the shittiest girl in the game. Nothing good about her. Kill yourself.
You're right.
How could I even think of choosing anyone other than my first?
But I don't need servants that need to be killed.
That's my wife.
Liking breasts is a sign of lolicon tendencies and as we all know lolicons are pedophiles. So liking anime tiddies makes you a child molestor.
I wish I made this stuff up instead of it being an actual interpretation