>Character Planner
>Character Planner
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i want a souls bf
OP image quality is getting worse.
Send help.
Why cant we have good Hair in Souls games?
What's wrong with that?
It's DeS fanart. Although that helm doesn't look quire right for Fluted.
if you could any person in any of the games which would you?
Only 3 rebirth left.
Need 1 more to adjust upper body width.
Will prolly need some more for stat adjustmens later down the road.
all good hair and beard styles are left in bloodborne for some retarded reason
alongside with goggles
What do you know about this weapon?
gargoyle spear is 10x better
Stop being a baby and go to the next NG when you run out.
Looks fine to me.
why doesn't hatemail exist in ds3? I used to get the best stuff in ds2
Nothing wrong with DeS, I think he's complaining about the artist's skills.
Goinig NG+ before I have my character slots full and every build planned out is UNACCEPTABLE
For backup reasons and such..
I want to send fan mail, but Steam is ran by anti-fanmail fags
Idiot hosts are the worst.
>Playing DeS
>Host tries to facefuck Flamlurker
>Summoned by the same guy
>He learned nothing from last time
>Playing DS1
>Summoned in Anor Londo
>Host dies to Ornstien and Smough before I can even get a foot in the fog
>Playing DS2
>Summoned in Giant Forest
>Host in nowhere to be found, not by Last Giant, not by either Pursuer spot, just nowhere
>A minute passes and I'm banished back to my world
>Playing BB
>Host keeps trying to smack Rom's face through the entire match
>Playing DS3
>Summoned to Lothric Castle
>Actually have fun with host as we fight our way through the level, reaching the Twin Princes' room.
>Host goes down the elevator shortcut
>Elevator returns without them
>They died somehow.
>ng+7 as a level 80
Poor user, he doesn't deserve this.
it never existed in ds2 already
it died with ds1 on gfwl, now that was a fanmail farm
from what i've heard now you can even get banned for being an asshole in private messages on ps4
I wanna make a hyper edgelord character with like 30 katanas
I need a name though
something that says "I'm playing up the stereotype but also I am really a huge faggot"
I've gotten hatemail twice in DaS3, both of them were salty after I spammed kick on top of their corpse before they faded away.
Blade Blackstorm?
the next Souls game is going to be a sci fi adventure. Which setting/manga should Miyazaki """take inspiration from""" to produce the best results?
Are we still being knightly knights?
Sasuke Bloodedge
What is the best Wolf's Blood Swordgrass farming spot to run? What Grus to kill and return to bonfire?
Enforcer XIII
Lost Samurai
Pelgrim Of Death
Blood Legacy
Katana Master
Death Overlord
>Host keeps trying to smack Rom's face through the entire match
this reminds me of a funny story
>friend is a big fan of souls like me
>he mentions he got a ps4
>I tell him he'd probably love bb
>he plays it for awhile
>gives up on it, says he didnt like it, the bosses were shit
>I'm confused, since that's blatantly wrong and contradicts his usual tastes
>go visit him in person for the first time in a couple years
>he decides to give bb another shot
>he tries fighting rom
>hits it in the face over and over
>hits the spiders in the face, never in the side
>gets killed like 3 times before I say anything
>find out this is what made him ragequit last time
>vomit everywhere and mercy kill my friend for this embarrassment to his famiry
Keep ruins is perfect, kill the three outside then go back.
What are the most GENTLEMANLY weapons for HONORABLE COMBAT with fellow GENTLEMEN? And how do I build a gentleman to use ALL OF THEM
So far I have considered the Caestus, Rapier, and Ricard's Rapier
I must duel my fellow man HONORABLY and require more than a meager two-and-a-half GENTLEMANLY weapons
GENTLEMANLY Fashion suggestions also appreciated
in DS2 my GENTLEMAN build wore Faraam chest and legs, Havel arms for boxing gloves, and no helmet, to show off the incredible mustache that didnt make it into 3
feminine penis
anyone doing popeshit on ps4?
but user, BB has terrible bosses
Fuck, I feel like a total scrub. Just got killed by the decons of the deep. Got fucking attacked all at once by every single fat fuck at once
Holy shit.
Xanthous Garb's pretty sicknasty. Only gripe is the corset, but nobody'll notice when I'm murdering them with my spiked mace
don't worry user, yesterday i died to Iudex Gundyr on a fresh character because i was petting my dog
That's pretty decent by fanart standards.
I could repost the same handful of "high quality" fanart pics I usually post, but that would probably get boring.
these are pretty good
>pelgrim of death
the typo makes it so good
I would go with Dark Doomstroyer, but my friend beat me to that one
>Viola Gascoigne, just moments before she is BRUTALLY MURDERED by her insane blood-drunk husband
Gascoigne was a punk bitch
these webms are great
post more if you have any
claymore is the weapon of a gentlemanly scotsman
any katana would be a gentlemanly weapon between two honorabru samurai
consider those times when you can force a normal fight to BECOME gentlemanly, by pulling out the same weapon and making the match a mirror, to that end I would recommend having one weapon of every class
a true gentleman is not picky, but is concerned with the odds being even
It's a bit shitty this time around, too faded and normal looking. Where's by obnoxiously yellow eyesore?
on one hand, it's not retarded looking anymore
on the other hand, it's cute
it's a wash imo
Take your pick
Aside from Slabs and Estus related items, what are some MUST DOs before moving onto NG+?
Barbers didn't exist in medieval times
I was just explaining his reasoning, nothing more.
please user, I can only ejaculate so much
oh god my sides
Kill Yorksha for her Chime. Kill Yuria if you don't plan on summoning her for SoC
Not his fault kosm cursed him.
It's a worse version of the Lothric Knight Long Spear with an absurdly low drop rate that can't be gotten by any other means
It literally took me 7 playthroughs to even find out that it was in the game
murder survivng npcs
Holy shit
THX 1138
Escape From New York
Kill crystal lizards just to reduce the amount you might need to buy later
Buy all available embers because why not
Kill characters for their junk that you can't get otherwise, or fucked up in getting
Pick up every gem
Emerald Herald
It was a long while ago so I don't remember where exactly I saw them (it was on reddit I think, the poster bullshitting saying it was "Space Souls" concept art), but someone posted a link to a series of artworks with a weird sci-fi techno horror theme going on to it. I really regret not saving them because a lot of that artwork was pretty good. If Space Souls actually looked liked that I would be pretty happy.
For what? I have like 70 of them from being a helperfag
>get 3 axis vertebra from trying to actually kill people
>10 from just watching people play and sitting around
So what weapon for lightning/blessed build ?
I wish this game had bonfire ascetics.
For redoing bosses and respawn giant crystal lizards
Yeah well I like to hoard them
I have a compulsion to buy any stackable, limited availability item
The amount of good ideas left behind from 2 that they didn't pick up for 3 because of memes is saddening
Gotta go 60 faith Yorshka's for that +4 hp regen per sec blessed.
Giant lizards are worthless, I'd rather respawn the little ones.
Why does the Legion wear that faggy pointed helm? It's so damn stupid
>Playing DaS1 for the first time
>Get to Sen's fortress
>Dark Spirit Fabio has invaded!
>First actual invasion of the game thus far
>Prepare for the worst
>Invader rolls up in a piggu mask, no weapon drawn
>prod him a few times with my rapier, no real reaction
>He shrugs
>Slowly walks away
>Drops 10 humanity and 30 twin humanity
>Waves and leaves
What a nice fellow.
>tfw cant git gud on nameless king
I know. I just played through sotfs again and while the game is a bit shit, many ideas were a step in the right direction
Better roll directions, how two handing was handled, the torch imho
Just turn clockwise, use rolling attacks if you have a big weapon, standard R1 otherwise.
>blessed buff
literally anything at 40/40
don't use lightning buff. blessed infusion for off-hands like shields or parry tools only.
brand recognition
Yuria CONFIRMED best girl.
I love how people are embracing the pure edge of Reaper and running with. Second favorite thing to come out of this fandom.
Toxic gremlin D.Va will always be first though.
The Bearer of the Curse
>Grab for charger cord because controller was low on battery
>Accidentally grab power cord
>System shuts off immediately, can't turn it on
>Get it working, almost catches on fire immediately
>Pull it out before I die in an electrical fire
>Cord's completely melted
>mfw save data is likely corrupted again, that is if the PS4 will even turn on again
Why me.
Are you a cleric or something?
inferior to the lothric knight spear and the gargoyle spear
if by yuria you mean des yuria, who's called karla now
yeah you're right
karla is much better than that dried up beef jerky hag
Oh, you meant the actual Yuria, for a while I was worried this thread had a taste shit enough to like shitty Yuria.
The pointed helms are actually from CRAAAAWLING IN MY SKIIIIN, which you can see from reading the item description and looking into older Fromsoft games. In reality, they are influenced by THESE WOUNDS THEY WILL NOT HEEAALL, which is related to the FEEEAAAR IS HOW I FAAALLL covenant in DS1. They also have the high collar and long gloves, which comes from CONFUSING WHAT IS REEEAALL.
the votes don't lie 8)
andy of toystora
>big lovable lug who loves his work, which is so steady he can outlive anyone else in the soulsverse
sounds great
bloodlust buff when
literally has the most fun weapon art to use out of all weapons in the game
for the life of me, I cannot find the curvy dragon mod for dark souls.
Has it been scrubbed form the earth?
>No more world wide death counter that tells your deaths offline.
>Sliding secret doors
>Way to know your standing rank in each covenant
>Trap crystal lizard
Little things, but things I wish had made it to 3.
are you looking at the same poll because karla's winning by a country mile
>60~70k souls from the kills for 1 Swordgrass drop
Damn this is some boring shit.
Still faster than waiting the summon though.
I wish I could bait this masterfully.