Quinn is Nice and You Should Play Her Edition
Old eyosongive.us
Quinn is Nice and You Should Play Her Edition
Old eyosongive.us
Other urls found in this thread:
xth for Sona.
Xth for Breast Waifu!
Maybe I made a mistake making this thread.
I unironically like some of the champ select music from LCS.
This has been stuck in my head recently, its really mellow.
Best girl.
Best lover.
Best wife.
In my defense I thought I was gonna be the only Sonaposter here.
you're the best.
First day of playing Olaf, and I get an s-
>say in all chat "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE" as I ascend
>watch as jax and warwick flee from me for the rest of the game
fuck sakes, going ham with Olaf gets results yo
kenen adc still good?
>doing no-fap
>life is actually being amazing
>more confidence
>anxiety that was making life near-unlivable is going away
>hygiene is better
>caring more about my body and health
only downside
>cant go on /lolg/ because if I see a picture of a hot league girl, especially MF or Sona I instantly want to break no-fap and cum hard to them
stop posting lewds you fucking bigots
No. Sona's the best.
Come over here and stop me fuck boy.
>Try Jhin
>Awkward as shit auto attack animation
>Literally can get off one auto attack in team fight before you get your face raped
>Pokes are suprisingly mediorce
>Try Sol
>Awkward as shit auto attack animation
>Some ass retarded spinny passive that never hit anybody
>Die as soon as anyone jump on you
Havent tried Taliyah yet, but from what i see she is probaly as shit as the other two. Why are all the new champs literally pure unfiltered shit?
>get bot lane low, but they're around midway and not under their turret, so it's a FREE gank
>ping rengar to come bot he's level 4 and doing gromp
>"i'll come gank when i'm 6" and he goes top
>lose gank opportunity when enemy jungler drives by and everyone goes b to buy
>go 2-0 vs enemy bot lane and take tower
>see enemy coming down river and ping adc to back off
>facecheck tri instead into the 3 already there
>grey icon appearing at dragon
>ping team to come to prep dragon
>rengar decides now is a good time to do top scuttle and gets chunked by ambush
>enemy gets free drag again
>rengar hides in a bush to 1v1 irelia
>of course irelia destroys rengar
>"how is irelia so strong"
>rengar fights graves for scuttle again
>gets ulted and dies
>"he just ulted me how is his ult up again"
i'm not asking for people to be amazing, i know i'm shit too. i'm just asking them to look at the map when other people (not just me) ping and do the right thing.
he's plat 5 0lp so maybe he's boosted.
how long have you nofapped?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
>do shit on one champ
>do shit on another
>might even do shit on a third champ
Maybe it's you?
you just baited me SO hard you little fuck
Born a Champion and Beat Haven are my personal favorites
I don't have a face smug enough for this
Plat 1 is fucking hell on earth
Here's an actually good song
Good to have on repeat for a game you want to take it easy in.
I can imagine. What I can't imagine is the obsession people have with her
Every bitch in the game that's not a Yordle or named Jinx has them. Well Shyvana is pretty flat too but she's part reptile.
All three of those champs are very strong, they just have non-standard gameplay.
Bronze IV?
>plat shitters will unironically argue that Thresh is balanced
thresh isn't even in the meta you dumb bitch
So Riot is gonna try changing Azir by giving him a more Marksman-like Curve, How would you go about doing this for an AP auto attack focused champion?
Jhin is easy to play, hard to lasthit at low levels, with aurelion you have your ult to push anyone that goes inside your pasive.
taliyah is a little tricky but it has utility in team fights
>jhin is hard to lasthit with
His Lantern is broken, that's for sure.
He has the best basic ability in the game, along with the rest of his overloaded kit.
Everything in it can engage or disengage which is fucking stupid.
just having breasts isn't enough user. Lux's for example, are pretty shitty imo
I'm a plat shitter and I am going to unironically argue that Thresh is balanced:
His design is shit, he has way too much going on for him but that doesn't make him overpowered or broken, just really fucking annoying and frustrating to play against because of how much he can actually do with some team coordination.
He's literally the Lee Sin of supports.
Great suggestions
Though this one is also always stuck in my head.
Give LCS shit for their production all you want but sometimes their soundtrack choice hits the nail on the head.
big breasts and BIG BUTTS :3
So someone needs more breast waifu in their life?
stop lewd
post cute
I think assists are weighted very low for ranking, I got S+ with only 6 on Yi. However both S+ games I recorded I had at least 18 kills.
Post good names
You best start believing in Sona threads Miss Turner. You're in one.
When will they make thresh and blitz actually have some sort of downside?
literally you can dodge 10 hooks, but then the 11th hits and you lose the lane.
>Kindred Surprise
>I can't play these champions
>They're shit
Sorry I can't post faster I'm in game. posting when dead.
>Negative win lose
from spamming quinn
I saw a Kassadin a while back named "6millionlie" that one cracked me up.
I'm like 50 15. I can't win DCs most of the time. Also what's with ever The Nose I see building Unholy grail? She doesn't have a shield I don't get it.
It's like any champ with a snare, sure it is really annoying.
But think about all the times you've died from a Morgana Snare, or a Lux Snare.
The problem is, that the hooks are tied to tankier champs who also have additional CC attached to them. So they can be at the front line, ready to snatch you.
>No shield
I miss my Sona
I wish I could report people for not speaking English and then feeding. I swear to god. I don't go to the other servers and shit the place up why must they come to mine?
Pretty sure they meant Taliyah. I mean while Sona has a nose it's not her defining feature.
>No shield
I don't even play Sona and I know this.
Post mains H8 / R8
yo dont worry famalam ima hit u with a classic
Post main and theme music
Damn didn't notice the nose comment my bad senpai.
Xin Top btw.
I was just Sona posting with everyone else, but I meant the Sand nigger.
One problem is yeah, the blitzcrank e and thresh e after they hook, and their ults make you dead most of the time. I think thresh is better designed because his q doesn't always allow for all of that, but a blitz hook will kill you almost every singe time. Thresh's w is annoying but I would rather power be put somewhere else in their kit then die unconditionally every single time I get hit by one skillshot.
multiculturalism is our strength. stop being xenophobic, you lost because you're bad.
>premades give an unfair advantage
well its half true
* ᴮᵘᵗ ᶰᵒᵇᵒᵈʸ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ
Why is Sona so sweet?
I just bought Azir, can azir lovers give me some fast & hip builds and tips?
why do Yasuo's always feed
Like you said it's because of the other cc.
You get snared by a morg of lux, that's pretty much it. It's a snare, everything else besides morg ult is just damage and you retain the position you were in before. Blitz and thresh however grab and pull you to them, blitz then has a knockup and silence and thresh has a knockback and slow.
Even if they just had knockup and knockback, it'd still be better than lux/morg snare because they bring you to them, typically in a spot where there is no minions and further away from your turret and lane partner.
I've got the same captcha four times in a row. Weird.
The better to lure in virile young males.
basedbro that pointed out the funsucker status of azir. Its good to see those with intelligence are finally coming around.
I fought the good fight when it was basically just me versus a bunch of angry azir mains trying to justify the "Lee Sin" of Midlane.
No thanks are necessary. I fought the good fight because it was a fight worth fighting.
>brexit happening
I see the shitty status quo is finally being undone as well. Britain literally un-aziring themselves
Terminal brain damage.
Stop exaggerating.
If Thresh misses 2-3 hooks early on he loses lane by being OOM. Same thing with Blitzcrank.
>Taliyah has almost zero fans and rarely ever gets played.
I am fucking loving this. She has the worst character design of any champion in the game; her audible VO lines are fucking massive and her VO itself isn't clever at all and sounds like its coming from a fat middle schooler.
Fucking terrible considering we've gotten A+ characters like Jhin recently.
white bee DTX (Yasuo): I usually don't play well when I'm high lol
Do all Lulu players have some affinity with Aatrox or you have posted this a lot?
I'm pretty sure I've seen it Aatrox/Lulu in the top 3 at least 4 times.
I was designed by the guy who called half of England Nazis so what can be expected.
3 months now
Nooo my Sona is no slut!
they are playing a champ they dont have the mechanics to control
>low mana pools early on with high CDs that are easily abused
>blitzcrank offers no peel
>both are directly countered by Braum
get good.
>Not a slut
oh i am laffin
Put literally anyone besides zac there and I'll like it.
Dodge the hooks bro.
If you're really having trouble, the hook on Blitz comes from his right arm and most mediocre thresh players usually walk towards you before attempting to hook.
I'm laffin
zac is my husband
I dont know why hes even with lissandra there. What about Urgod?
But really. Why does ever The Nose, pic not related, player I see build Unholy Grail?
Think they'd be dead if they weren't Zac.
Big Plays were a mistake
Did he really do that? I mean damn at least when I drop the baby that hard I don't try to handwave it with an excuse as tired as DUDE WEED LMAO. I just suck, why is it hard to for people to admit that they suck?
How do I play Nasus?
its the same guy
I love Lissandra!
The thing is literally all they have to do is land one hook to win the lane if you haven't gotten a kill on them before that. Doesn't matter how many hooks you dodge before that.
Will this be her pool party skin? Will she ever get a pool party skin?
Build CDR and Tank get to about 300 - 400 stacks and group win game or don't group and push lanes like a monster and 1v3 with ease
Maybe, Riot needs to cleanse themselves of the SJW's first tho. Daniel Z Cuck would never allow something as sexual and empowering as Pool Party Sona.
Thats some good kindred art there.
maybe he doesn't suck like you and just played bad because he's high
Yeah but we already knew the second he picked yasuo it was gonna be another feed down mid game
hey fuck you hes not that bad sometimes he was pretty shit the last game but the game before that wasn't so bad