Both of us put 20 dollars in a box

>both of us put 20 dollars in a box
>i sell you the box for 30 dollars
>we both make 10 dollar profit

You make $10 profit, I lose $50.

you would only lose 10 ya dingus

>being this retarded
I'm surprised you made this far user

The one you sell the box to loses 10 dollars.

Laughed my ass off at this tho.

No, you lose $10, they gain $10.

A($50) - [BOX] - ($50)B
A($30) - [$40] - ($30)B
A($30+30) - [$40-40] - ($30-30+40)B
A($60) - [BOX] - ($40)B


I'm an idiot cause I can't wrap my head around this

You give me $20 and then I rip it in half. We both have $20.

>There a hidden locked box inside the box
>You have the key to it
>Costs $15

All according to keikaku