>both of us put 20 dollars in a box
>i sell you the box for 30 dollars
>we both make 10 dollar profit
Both of us put 20 dollars in a box
Camden Wilson
Camden Sanders
You make $10 profit, I lose $50.
Tyler Gutierrez
you would only lose 10 ya dingus
Robert Lewis
>being this retarded
I'm surprised you made this far user
Lucas Powell
The one you sell the box to loses 10 dollars.
Laughed my ass off at this tho.
Dominic Rivera
No, you lose $10, they gain $10.
A($50) - [BOX] - ($50)B
A($30) - [$40] - ($30)B
A($30+30) - [$40-40] - ($30-30+40)B
A($60) - [BOX] - ($40)B
Dominic Campbell
Grayson Moore
I'm an idiot cause I can't wrap my head around this
Christopher Robinson
You give me $20 and then I rip it in half. We both have $20.
Jaxon Moore
>There a hidden locked box inside the box
>You have the key to it
>Costs $15
All according to keikaku