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Early for figuring out what to do with a stupid filthy Dunmer girl hanging out in places she shouldn't be.

>peri will never lewd your waifu

Kiss her, ofc.

Xth for unsuspecting green dudes

Decapitate her gently


Ra y u so raciss

Ash lives matter

Oh, I am so sorry.

Am I ruining your precious OTP?

Friendly reminder for you guys to STAY in your containment board and not pollute our lore.

Regards, /tgesg/

Why would anyone have an OTP for Yarti when she's a canon TEEHEE

A dignified Altmer such as myself would never stoop so low, as to breed with wild animals!

Yes, I'll invite her deeper within the catacombs, and there she will await her doom.

If there was an OTP anyways she wouldn't have ran away from you

The Hall of the Dead is my favorite drinking spot. Did you want a drink? Maybe we can talk this out.

>not akatosh akbar

She didn't run away, I let her go... But not without a memento.


Best conjuration mods for Skyrim? I want to summon skeletons like in morrowind/oblivion and maybe some other fun creatures.

when will we see snek getting his reward for winning his tesgw match

>I let her go
Oh, honey. Whatever you have to say to yourself. I hear ice cream helps, too.

after kaarina gets her injuries checked

>Peri actually recognising Yarti

Wew. I see a lot of regulars outright ignoring the cringe crew actually.

for you my friend, free of charge

who drew that doodle anyways? if it wasn't honey, goaty, reaction face user, or that minimalist art user, then who did?


Drinking?! A likely story! Hm. There's gotta be a law against that! This is the Empire isn't it?!

The same way the cringe crew ignore the old regulars.

Sorry, sorry. I was a little toasted and wandered in there. I have no idea how. I have a hard enough time finding it when I'm cognitive.
I got a new favorite drinking spot. It's called nowhere and never again.

whose you're waifu, user?

His old circlejerk isn't enough for him, he needs to worm his way into the new one too.

>old cringe recognising new cringe
this surprises you how?

Is that why Cummytear is still upset that Bee didn't want to doodle that lumpyfaced abomination?

>not keeping /tesg/ in a pinned tab so you don't have to go searching for it when you come home shitfaced

Can anyone tell me what walking animation this dude uses in his video?

Is Cumtears their leader or something?

>It's called nowhere and never again.
Do you know what's more pathetic than being a drunk? Being a quitter, asshole

Clearly this one

A bit old and not supported anymore but still the best

Skip to 2:30 to see it.

It'd also be cool if anyone knew what that hdt clothing he's using is

>It's called nowhere and never again.
>giving up so easily

Who else is instigating all the shitposting againt oldfags? Cumtears hopes that they all leave so he and his goons can be worshipped by these chucklefucked "ironic" fans of him.

god damn it

I already celebrated with Mr. Snakestone but the screenshots turned out bad.

Then I checked Natalia for injuries but I guess the pounding didn't transcend time and dimensions.

I still need to attend to Kaarina and Nita real soon. They could get infected if I don't hurry!

I promise thats all I was doing. Drinking and a few people came and went but they were just friends.
Nothing happened!

Uh oh.

yer makin us look bad

You disturbed him in his natural habitat.

Also story sometime this week. Get hyped.

>I checked Natalia for injuries

>Who else is instigating all the shitposting againt oldfags?

Indeed, who could have such a diabolical mind and evil heart to create a conflict in our community? Perhaps, somebody like ___(You)___

>Ewa is an alcoholic

I'll forgive you.

You're always welcome in /tgesg/ if you have actual lore questions.

Did you expect any better from a same-sex couple? Poor girl spends so much money on rakia she doesn't have any savings for surgery to fix her eyes.

N-No, she tried drinking once but she didn't like it

You lost the match you god damn ging! You made me look like a fool for betting on you

Well this armor isn't going to work.. I need something that says Silver Hand, but different from the rest.

Take her in chains, lock her away. This way Snakes can come break her out and then maybe they will finally get married.

Well, maybe not NEVER. I just don't want to have to get put in a wheelchair again.
Wouldn't have helped. I didn't even have Veeky Forums open. I don't know how I typed the captcha, much less how i navigated all the way to /tgesg/.
We'll get her next time.

>checked Natalia for injuries

>put in a wheelchair again
...yikes. I've had a lot of bad nights. I've scared my family and had to be fireman carried back to hotel rooms, but I've never woken up in a hospital. My condolences.

...still, you won't quit. Faggot.

What are those fingers doing down there?


>Ewa was whoring it up all over riverwood
Make sure to say hi to frodnar for me sloot

Well now you're just being silly!

Help anons. I need to summon those skellies.

>Check tumblr
>Skim through a couple of posts and see Count posting
>Get excited about story
>Read through and get more and more disappointed at Count's screenshot skills.

user that's fucking dumb. How would frodnar have the scratch for a night with a pretty girl like Ewa, especially with how many pranks he pulls?
More likely Embry has tapped that drunk tart.

have you considered posting the video, user?

Wow dirty minds.
You know I didn't mean it like that.

Washing. First bath in months!

No no I wasn't in the hospital. There was just a handy wheelchair where I was and they had to put me in it so I would stop crawling around like a snake.

I, uh..wow...


He has a very hard time changing the camera angle. In fact most people do.

>Boobs and Lubes


>put in a wheelchair
m8 what the fuck

Oh. That's even weirder. Well if it makes you feel better, the drunkest I've been, I was crawling towards a friend of mine, but I had my knife drawn saying I was going to stab him.

We're all part of the circle of /tesg/ life!

What the fuck dude.
Did you keep drinking after you passed out or something?

Personally I don't really find myself getting drunk again. Mainly because I don't like it when something changes the way I think. Weed and alcohol makes me paranoid.

I wish there was a simple way of tilting the camera ingame that didn't involve poses and first person mods

Cause rotatingt and cropping 4K screenshots isn't fun

Not him: blacking out really isn't uncommon for some people. Personally, I do it pretty much any time I drink more than a few beers. I totes understand your personal stance though.

Give her a taste of the ole Ripe Spot.

No joke, at first I thought it was just a random photoshoot he was doing.
Then I realized there were multiple posts he did so I decided to click on the images then I saw text.

At least you got a lot of pixels to work with.

Yeah it's not like I don't like drinking. It's just that I'd rather be sober than to be tipsy. I get more laughs out of being sober and watching my friends getting drunk than me being drunk myself.

Nah I just drank... about 8 I think... in quick succession. Fortunately for me I'm not paranoid or murderous when I'm drunk. I just giggle at nothing and everything. But this time the giggle phase didn't last long before I skipped straight to the amnesia phase. Definitely not doing it like that again. Head is still throbbing, I need to go make some eggs.

>last third
Yeah, I get that. Watching drunks is definitely its own genre of entertainment.

Well just by the format of your message you're definitely drunk. Hope you're having fun, darling.

>At least you got a lot of pixels to work with.
Well yeah but I can't be running the game at 4K all the time


8 what. 8 beers? And that put you in a wheelchair? Puuuuuussy

I don't know what response you wanted so here's what you wanted

>they all look like plastic
l m a o

No I promise I'm all better now.
8 somethings. i can't remember. i usually go for the whiskey.

just like ur mums smelly pussy

that's surprisingly accurate
>his waifu is in utter shit tier

How do you know it was 8 then?

>No I promise I'm all better now.
okay, so what does that mean.

>not on the list
Feels nice.

Nah you're fine. Just let your graphics card run on full blast. It's good exercise for it.

8 shots of whiskey?

except for 1-2 wrong placements this is pretty much spot on

literally every waifu in god tier is not god tier
good job

This armor set will do nicely for a leader/general/high-ranking member of the Silver Hand.

Lets share in that feels.

they are tho

All this talk about whiskey makes me want to get a glass.

I said all, you nigger

they all look like fucking shit, waifus are for faggots

>Just let your graphics card run on full blast
>in summer
>in my hot as fuck room with no AC
Nah I'd rather not have to watch it transform into a jet engine

>silver hand

what are the wrong placements then

I... I don't know. I said "about". I'm pretty sure it was whiskey actually.
I'm back to being able to read and type in the correct thread.
Not exactly shots. More like glasses, or half-glasses.
Just stick to "a" glass and not 8.