Death is !!FUN!! edition
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Strike the earth!
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Some migrants have arrived
>Kit a competent swords dorf in steel
>Siege comes
>Human recruit punches him in the knee
>Tears it through the steel greave, making him prone
>They exchange blows
>Recruit bites him, tears his upper spine and he suffocates
>A human
what happen to toad
where is dev log updat
Competent sworddorfs aren't that competent at all.
Just slap them into danger rooms.
Keep them in danger rooms so long their whole life is just a room with spikes flying out of the floor and walls.
Keep them there so long they'll only feel safe when there are spears flung at them.
Keep them there so long they'll bemoan every second spent outside their throat-crushing safehaven.
Toady made regular training ez. Legend in 2 years from nothing.
>Weak and skinny goat
>Go to butcher
>It's a pet, fuck
>mfw sending the geld order down
>mfw based toady is watching over us
>elven apologists
>based toady
He hasn't even added the "check privilege" labor for the male dwarfs. Sarkeesian said she won't give him good boy points if he doesn't implement it in 43.05.
I like elves when they aren't tree hugging fags. TES does elves pretty good.
let this meme die
But TES divided their elves into tree hugging fags(wood elves), elitist douchebags(high elves), and primitive sub-humans with a false sense of superiority(dark elves). Toady just lets one kind of elves play all of those roles.
>primitive sub-humans with a false sense of superiority(dark elves)
You can just write African-American, this isn't a family website.
>elitist douchebags
I see no problem here.
Werehorse den is fairly done. I got:
Bedroom for morale
Irrigated a 6x6 for 4 plots of plumps when the dorfs arrive for me to buy seed for subterranean plants
Still and kitchen complete with 6 barrels and 8 seed bags.
Small well and stocked hospital incl buckets
3 picks for digging. Anvil in case I decide to risk bumping a cavern
~50 leather for emergency clothes before I get some rope reeds up
pits with retracting bridges to airlock emergency supplies in case of a mood in and for moving crafts/furniture out to sell
Dorm for later immigrants
I guess it could use a minecart for automated shit moving and it could use a mushroom tree farm but I can live without it and don't have it respectively.
He'll be free to setup a pit system for later when I try to convert more dorfs into werehorses and plenty of space for a mausoleum while he wastes time picking.
Am I missing anything?
What are you even talking about?
Judging from Morrowind, dark elves seem more like middle easterners. Especially so considering the dwemer's resemblance to ancient mesopotamians.
>What are you even talking about?
You don't know about Toady and his history with SJW leaders, do you?
No and I'd appreciate if you take the pol shitposting to pol.
Only white men play this game. You cannot prove me wrong.
>19 posts
>4 df related non-shitposts
Thanks for #5
>referring to a different game is shitposting
nah senpai
Just found a site with ~19k coal deposits and no steel components; how badly am I going to regret only being able to make bronze?
There's no game without iron + flux
> thinking you'll be able to make bronze
you can embark with shallow metals and deep metals (both plural) and get zero weapon-quality metals.
review the wiki entries for flux stones and melt item return values. when the caravans arrive which can provide you with flux stones, iron, pig iron, steel, or items made of those materials, request the highest efficiency items in the trade pact screen. the next caravan arrives and provides you with whatever iron you might need.
goblins might also come with iron, be sure to recover as much of that as possible
I embark as many times as it takes until I get iron. Once I literally spent 12 hours on this and I have no regrets.
You can import ~20 steel worth in just ore, bars, and anvils per year. with a booming economy, you can buy bulk weapons, trap components, armor, cages, mine carts, wheelbarrows and you can get even more if you're willing to bite the cost on the less effective ones. You should have already test embarked anywhere to get a list of everyones stone so you should have mutli-flux civs for no problem there. Embark in range of humans for even more meltables.
You can also harvest goblinite in even the worst scenarios purely with importing fuel, flux and shooting/trapping/drowning gobbos dead for their shit. If you don't small embark. Wood/bone crossbows dorfs and forbidden after stocking 10 xbow traps in bulk are pretty raunchy.
Embark and make sure it's shallow metalS, deep metalS for multiple chances for weapons grade, and flux that's in range of a human civ for the best situation.
>Spend a half hour marking shit to buy/sell
>Fatfinger shift+enter on the traders side
Did anyone continue with the legacy fort? I thought more people were interested than just myself...
>DF chugging FPS, in a 2x2 embark, with only 20 dwarfs
>Try everything
>Still chugging
>Turns out chrome is using over 60% of my processing power
Thank's botnet.
>Using Chrome
I bet you're on W10 too faggot
>1x1 embark
>No river or pools
>Don't pop caverns so I don't have grass updates outside of surface pen
>45 civs, 90 livestock/pets, 88 visitors
>50 fps
>Would probably have over 100 still if I didn't get so many barrels, bags, splints, crutches, and other shit.
Feels gud man
This is it, /dfg/, I embarked at a perfect region.
>seven towers
>goblin and elf neighbours
>hematite, limonite and magnetite
>tetrahedrite, native gold and platinum
>bituminous coal and lignite
>even a bit of kaolinite
>a small aquifer up north
And this is all before digging deeper than 4 Z-levels underground.
This is going to be great.
gib worldgen
Post progress pics. I'm hyped as fuck. Even if you don't get alloys you'll be able to import it all anyway.
See pic related for the exact spot.
I don't think I'm good enough at the game to make this entertaining, sorry.
The fort I've managed to establish is a mess, and all I'll be doing for a few years is train military and make armor.
Re-screenshot. The cursor wasn't active in that frame.
I just want to look at your shit. I don't care that it's a mess, I ain't doing any better
Does quality effect trap damage?
Will masterwork spike balls deal significantly more damage, or should I just sell them and use normal spike balls for my traps?
Also are trap logs displayed anywhere?
I want a combat log for the damage my trap did.
I have dwarf with farming idling around even though I issued a farmers workshop to be built.
Whats up with this?
Presumably but it's not like we don't overstack them anyway so you don't notice.
It's showed in the victims
Burrows, clear path to material and structure and not on break or other activity?
And it's not suspended?
>Miner starts shit with a visiting goblin poet
>3 pages of ineffectual flailing later the poet fucks him up
>tfw you just had your first siege in 0.43.04
>tfw you realise that armour damage has made goblinite useless
I-I can at least melt the worn out armour, right?
It's either that spot, or the one immediately to the right. The exact location is that 3x3 fort in the lower left.
What I've got so far is just some workshops placed in a hollowed-out magnetite vein. There is a mineshaft below, but it's mostly flooded by the aquifer due to my oversight. Almost all of my dwarves are in military training to prepare to fight the zombie army outside.
no burrows
not on break or doing anything else
not suspended
It reads:
Waiting for construction...
Needs Any workshop Farming
Construction inactive.
Since there's couples in this game, is cucking something that happens? Serious question.
Yes, and it's in the same combat reports list as every other combat engagement.
When you say he has farming enabled, if you mean planting then that's not the right labor.
Nope. Not modeled
Ah! Too lewd! Goblins are pure you big sexual predator.
The rapist says Farming (level 5)
That should do it right?
Neat as fuck. Who knew they'd actually come.
Activate plant processing.
I gave you that link for a reason.
>danger room
>dfhack won't let me enable elvish diplomats so that I can anger them
but why
Elven diplomats come in vanilla.
I have a refuse pile, why will my dwarves not remove the bodies of their berserk neighbors?
But thats realistic, war is a confusing mess, your ability only goes so far, you need luck for surviving.
That recruit had some, and your swordsman didnt
thats something taody has managed to picture very well
Need a corpses pile
Look at all these cuties I'll be able to employ in 2 years. Fuck yes merc squads
I know, it just irks me when essentially two teenagers go at it and the one with a little training and steel armor gets dunked on by a hobo.
I'm kind of sad you can't have 100% merc squads.
Usually I just leave the token dwarf commander in-fortress while I throw merc meatshields at the siegers and my dorf milita cleans up.
Now I have ghosts.
Fell mood dwarves can actually butcher ghosts. Just because they are so pissed off.
Well darn. Time to abandon the fort. It's game over man game over!
It's my first fort, I'm sure fun will soon be upon me in any case.
Now this is some useful information. I'll just have to stop trying to make them happy, and the ghost problem will take care of itself!
Over ghosts?
Yep. Suicide and succumb. Soon they'll begin possessing your dwarves. You need to get out so they can't possess and emigrate back to the homelands where they kill more to be possessed by other ghosts. Undead cascades are serious business.
>misinformationing this hard
Don't give up, newfag-with-ghost-problem. Just order to have the bodies buried, and the ghosts will go away. You need to build a coffin/casket/sarcophagus, and then activate it for burials.
>You need to build a coffin/casket/sarcophagus, and then activate it for burials.
Build as in (B)uild or just make some?
Also do coffins give dwarves bad thoughts?
Can I just leave them in the stockpile?
DF elves are pretty darn cool when they're imported to other culture. They have the highest possible agility, kinesthetic sense, and spatial sense, and give them some iron or steel gear and they're not bad.
I'm thinking about doing a fort in which I replace the derfs with a couple of elven adventurers.
If he doesn't want to read the wiki he can go fuck himself.
You can't give them labors so no dice. Once we get dfhack back and if one of the add unit to your fort plugins works then yeah.
Wait what? I thought multiracial forts were a go?
Yeah, how dare he bump an otherwise dead thread with questions relevant to the game.
You need to first build the coffin at a mason's workshop, a carpenter's workshop or a metalsmith's forge, and then construct it where you want it. After that, it will need to be activated through the 'q' menu.
visitors are restricted to the purpose they came for. Soldiering, performing, etc. Being able to fill out squads while only needing 1 native is nice though. Especially since you can class warfare and only give them steel. Letting the mercenaries wear shit.
A common misconception. You can give them labours, but only after they've become full fledged citizens. When they first join your fort, they'll only become long term guests. In that state, they'll only perform one task(like entertaining or soldiering). After a few years, they might apply for citizenship. When they become citizens, they work the exact same way as any dorf. They sleep in ordinary bedrooms(unlike long term guests, who stay in the tavern's bedrooms), and can be assigned any labour.
Anyone else try to RP that your fort isnt actually a fortress/outpost? I imagine that the dwarves have massive underground highways that transport thousands of crates of metal and jewels every day, but recently there was a earthquake, destroying most of the Road and killing everyone who used to live in the Exit to one of the continents , so they sent a S&R team to
1. Find Survivors (there are never any)
2. Reopen the Road
3. Defend the exit
as long as they continue this task they will get Reinforcements (migrants) whenever avalible and Resupply Caravans every month Forgive my autism
Wood elves are badass, they can literally shapeshift, eat their fallen dead, and call upon the wild hunt to wipe out pretty much any force that threatens their moving tree-cities. High elves are eugenic cosmically powerful magic-machines that make every other race of magicians look like children. Dark Elves are basically just cursed high-elves, some of which can take credit for becoming literal gods, achieving chim, hollowing out the earth to build a giant magitech facility and growing fancy mushroom houses.
Meanwhile toady elves are just "there are dwarves, therefore there must be elves! But I can't be bothered to flesh them out beyond the fact that they're frail and like trees to the point where it's obnoxious as an ingame mechanic"
>visitors are restricted to the purpose they came for.
Ah. What if your adventurer obtains membership in adventurer mode though?
Keebs aren't frail, nor are they particularly mechanically disadvantaged. Not sure if disease resistance does anything, but its very high.
I mean, are we talking entity-wise or creature-wise? Because if you want to look at a sorry creature, look at humans. Their stats are abysmal, their only advantage being a mild average size increase; yet its quite possible to have any number of fort-raised dwarves of enormous size.
feces arc when
Can marksdwarfs fire through floor bars?
I want to make pic related inside my fort
those are called murderholes
I dident see an option in game to make murderholes, is under a different menu? I was looking in build.
>open floodgates
>invaders drown in poop
>be me, new
>dwarves are unhappy because nothing in their life is shiny
>don't know how to make statues or whatever else makes dwarves happy when they look at it
>engravings are shiny, right?
>smooth entire 200-cell living quarters
>begin engraving everything
>why are there so many dwarves in the walls?
I have made a terrible mistake
I've just gotten back the HDD containing my .42.06 fort, Relicwebs after several months. I've got so much shit going on that I've been scrolling around for an hour trying to remember all my plans. Might not be unpausing today.
Also trying out a color scheme I've never used before. I think I like it.
I would like to see some Ctrl+Z implementation in the game.
I would kill for a search option with trading.
I would kill for the option to browse trade goods by categories and types. I'm fucking sick of browsing through 50 pages of cloth barrels.
Also, why do the legwear never show up next to the other armour types?
fucking Melbil Nakasobok engraves nothing but masterpieces 24/7
whoops wrong folder
>no option to suspend trade with elves via referendum
God damn it Toady