British Spirit Edition
>where do i look up tanks
>how do i get platoons
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alternatively join NOFUN or GOYIM or ask in the/vg/ channel
British Spirit Edition
>where do i look up tanks
>how do i get platoons
get some friends
alternatively join NOFUN or GOYIM or ask in the/vg/ channel
Other urls found in this thread:
>it's a light tank on himmelsdorf episode
third for sandbox HT bloom values being lovely
sandbox was a mistake
sandbox is good and owns
Use your big gun asshat
one of these is Sam Cyanide
>59-16 is bad!
>shreds tanks in less than 30 seconds
The only thing 59-16 is shredding is you're credit balance
it also shredded my will to live and hope for a better tomorrow
just like in my cartoons
the tog just looks like a giant dick on the lowest graphix
You should get your dick checked out by a doctor
>go on sandbox
>literally 15 minute games because no one can kill each other because of no gold ammo and pen changes
>we want the WoWs audience
oh man, the sandbox 121 has godlike moving acc but only 300 vr
you get 500 gold per day. use it, scrub
maybe this brings my point across more clearly
>sees tier 9's with tier 4 pen
I'll take an AMX 12t instead.
People need time to learn, if it remains like that the meta will adapt.
>no one can kill each other
More like no one can pen eachother because doodoo accuracy and no literally no premium ammo because shitters run out of gold within first 5 games so people resort to tossing HE at each other making armor even more useless than it is on regular server
I only ever had 2 clips of gold and have 88-90% MoE on it.
Literally just flank :^)
12t owns i can't wait to see the sb version
>people resort to tossing HE at each other making armor even more useless than it is on regular server
that's the dumbest, most self-contradicting thing i've read all week
>2 clips
there's your problem, use stock gun and spam premium ammo like a true tryhard
heavy tanks fighting each other head-on means bounces will be frequent. this is good.
>i wasn't invited into sandbox: the post
Why do fast mediums cap when there is only one guy left?
>angle your armor vs gold
>bounce some
>angle your armor vs HE lel
>lose 300hp and 2 crew members
>armor is relevant now guys!
But the autoloader is ridiculously fun and lets you harvest kills like a monster in the second half of a match.
Once I get the missions done and unlock girl tankers, do I have to own the tank I want to put them in? Or is it enough if I just have it currently researched?
You should have been aborted if you have a dick like that
this meme needs to die.
cuz they might snatch the jaws from the defeat of vitory
queue wheezing old man laugh
>Playing without an elited tank? No problem
>Bust your fucking ass and get 4k+ damage in the shitbox, lose
>Do fucking nothing because no engine, no gun and wrong flank to stomp on, win
Repeat ad fucking infinitum. I got NOTHING from this weekend's shit fucking x2 event so far. Well, except on tanks THAT ARE ALREADY MOTHERFUCKING ELITED.
So sick of this bullshit game.
Why are jap heavy drivers so retarded? They are even worse than IS-6 drivers.
Use your free exp shitter
This Save your free XP for modules not tanks.
>dude just sidecrape
>dude just angle
>dude just go hulldown
Meanwhile E-100 slaps your ass ruthlessly with 200~400 alpha HE shots
exactly how does this make armor "more" relevant than it was before ?
don't fight E-100s then
>don't fight E-100s
Dude like how is E-100 real, lmao nigga just turn around and leave like what the fuck nigga just go back to garage
HAHAHAH Like how is armour real? Just flank :^) like what the fuck nigga just load gold HAHAHHA
I know, I know... I don't have any free exp since I got a few tier 9 tanks, eventually it dried up getting modules for all of them. I guess I'll end up giving in to WG and converting.
I guess its a good time to post this.
Discount on obscure lines: Never.
It's as if the game was forcing players to play Russian heavies. But I hated KV so much and heavies are just boring. I just want my STA-1.
zeven replay review starts with our newest elc blogposter
must be embarrassing to watch for him
>ELC reroll with 850 dpg and 58% wins on that tank
>170pen 240dmg gun and can't even break 1k dpg
Lmao, embarassing.
Okay, that cracked me up, thanks bro
>It's -10 degrees
The tank I'm grinding does have 10 degrees gun depression... I'll take it as a sign.
>stalking some literal who jewtuber so you can talk shit about some literal who poster
when did you lose control of your life?
when I stopped working
>that play around arty
tomato tier
>300 ms ping
maybe replay is from eu?
replay is from na
>don't play World of Tanks then
gud advice :^)
What's so special about this video?
Can you read?
The first replay in the video is from a resident blogposter and he plays like an absolute shitter
It's an entire line of made up one-dimensional HE derp spamming tanks that look like a 6-year old designed. Of course it's only going to attract shitters who can't do any damage in real tanks.
>3k damage in a tier 8 game in an ELC
>1800 base xp
>absolute shitter
being pretty harsh towards most of /wotg/ there buddy, including yourself
did you watch the replay
I don't know that guy and I don't that nitpicking chink so no, I just skipped to the important part
then you missed all the bad decisions and missed shots that costed him the game
show your ELC stats
works every time
Is it okay if I reroll first?
>he thinks 850 dpg and 58% wr is good in the elc
>still not posting any stats
>Our stats aren't as good in the elc as someone who made an elc account, so he played fine
a compelling argument
>asking for other people stats
>being this defensive over some youtube video
>finally admits he has worse stats than someone he called an absolute shitter
well it wasn't so hard, was it?
now that that's out of the way have you got an argument to defend his performance in that game?
3k damage and 1800 base xp in a tier 8 game with a tier 5 scout doesn't sound like something that needs defending
if dubs i play wot
if not i watch aliens
Didn't even have to reroll lmao.
>tfw the elc was your second tier 5 so your stats in it are permanently fucked
>watching aliens
what a cuck
now post your ELC stats
clearly haven't seen the performance so no use talking to you
defend your performance in all the games in which you got less than 1800 base xp
Buttflustered barely 3k wn8 elc reroll getting rekt.
Is this new? How long has it been around?
>called out
>pulls the straw man out of his ass
just as planned
probably since UI update, brb booting shitbox
the pen distance was added with 9.15, basically with the UI tweaks
atleast im not watching animemes
are you pretending to be retarded?
>damage control getting progressively more aggressive
go on
>play vk 4503
>is-3a's everywhere, they magically bounce apcr at any angle
save me
can't argue with that logic, still not kino though
>implying I'm the same guy
he didn't strawman, retard. You're a failed reroll.
I was about to tell you why you're stupid but it's funny as it is
>save me
No brother, they expect one of us in the wreckage. Alternatively, git gud. It can be easily penetrated with AP, if you know to shoot.
Or perhaps I'm wondering why you would shoot APCR to an IS-3A, instead of looking up its weakspots and raising the fire. L/71 is a big gun, for IS-3A.
It doesn't matter what I am, what matters is my plan. Refuting your sad attempts at pointing out supposed fallacies, with no survivors.
i didnt make clear im watching the movie aliens(alien 2) not some tv show
i dont have the dedication to watch any form of series Tbh
There's nowhere to shoot an IS-3a, it should just penetrate, it has 200 penetration and like 230 apcr penetration. It's just that when I aim for the side it hits his turret, when I aim for the upper plate it hits his turret or the tracks
Hence why I said it "magically bounces"
If you're not going to play wot, at least watch some true kino.