Fighting Games General /fgg/
nice footsies!!
That is only because people aren't using customizations:
Daily reminder that sfv is shit.
>it's the old "anonymous pretends to play games but actually he dodges" trick
>tfw can't IAD on stick
sniffbro here, skullgirls is getting stale, recommend me some good sniffcore.
google wavedash right now and tell me what comes up
its from melee and he needs to stop using it
xth for mian
This is not even FR which upgrades the graphics to almost 9th gen.
>same engine as sfv
Holy snooz american tekken is just not there right now.
Switch to the real input device keyboard/hitbox. Also remmeber that 9 counts as a 6 in the inputs.
remove melee
Capcom fighters is live
>aris doesn't know hworangs rageart is safe on block
He is just acting retarded for the viewers, right?
>you now remember that at some point there will be no CRTs left and memelee will die
yea it is our word, fuck off trying to steal it
Best thing to come from CEO
mad sonygger detected
ggs if you are there broski, i dont think i blocked even a single dust in those games
more likely that they won't find any more working gamecube controlers before that
>Also remmeber that 9 counts as a 6 in the inputs.
Ummmm yeah? That's the whole point of it
>mfw they created spacies, endlag, and tomahawk because we already had terms for those things and they cant use things that others already created
looks like you guys have to make up a new term, wavedashing existed before melee, its actually our word
Go wash your ass
I was there. Super fun event.
Melee was scheduled to start at 8pm. A few minutes before, either Jebailey or another TO got on the microphone saying that
Melee will be delayed until 9:30. This is when a majority of the Melee fans booed - which also happened to be when Guilty Gear was playing. They certainly weren't booing the game, but I understand how it could have been misconstrued that way.
Admittedly, I did leave until like 9:20 to play friendlies around the venue, so I can't say if the booing continued - this is just what I
heard. When we came back, Guilty Gear was at Losers Semis I believe and people were very patient waiting for it to finish.
Jebailey apologized for the delay and said not to worry - the rest of the night would be Melee. People cheered at this. He and
TKBreezy really wanted to rally Melee since it was starting so late (I'd imagine). TK was the emcee for Melee Top 8, so when he
got the microphone, he asked if people were ready for Melee - naturally, the chanting commenced.
This was all I heard/saw, no malicious intent as far as I know. If anybody was there for the whole period between 7:45pm and
when Melee (a few minutes after 10pm) started feel free to amend.
There was also booing DURING Melee, but from the part of the crowd not-Dreamland-clapping towards the part that was Dreamland-clapping lol
GC controllers get made still. Even got new offical nintnendo pads for smash 4 release.
post the one where they are shitting in garbage cans
someone post the screencapp of people complaining about smash players shiting in trash cans
>get into SSF4 as my first SF game Because Juri
>later change over to Rog for AE through to Ultra
>haven't bought SF5 yet
I don't keep up with fighting game news and dates and whatnot.
When is Rog and Juri coming to SF5?
I want to wait for my two mains to come out and see how they play before I pull the trigger and buy SF5.
memelee players are actually "POO POO PEE PEE" manchildren
Sounds reasonable actually. Sound was fucked all tourney and r/kappa is literally blaming everything that goes wrong on smash
And wtf is "dreamland-clapping"?
DON'T give capcom money for the giant insult of an early access scam.
>went to my locals
>went in
>realised that SF was the day before
>disgusting stinky swamp monster comes up to me
>"W-wii U or m-melee"
it's true, it's damn true
You will be able to play them on story mode this week, but they only actually come out properly in the next few months (I'm not giving any specific date because Capcom).
i hope juri does not get omega fuhajin
They're just sheltered kids who don't know any better and are too scared to move on like a lot of people who grew up with nintendo systems only.
They cling to smash because for the longest time it was the only thing resembling a fighting game they could get. You see similar stuff to this in games like paper mario or resident evil 4
They will be playable in the storymode that releases next week but they wont be fully finished.
Actual release should be over the next two months.
t. true partician fgc member since the 80s
>stages have an effect on the game in t7
>They cling to smash because for the longest time it was the only thing resembling a fighting game they could get.
>soul calibur
>not fighting games
Hell there was even bloody roar, naruto clash of ninja and whatnot.
Also wtf aris calling this high level.
You forgot the worst offender.
>stinky day
they celebrate boatcolle day? smashers ain't as bad as i thought
>mfw sometimes I go to a friends house and they want to play perfect dark
Like it should be. Effect is even bigger in soul calibur because of ringouts.
It's evolution.
>only wiiu and melee
>no PM or 64 support
Sounds like your local smash scene is trash. My local swamp monsters play everything except brawl around here.
>sf2 Rog theme playing at capcom fighters
but the dhalsim theme is playing ???
do the smash 64 guys smell any better?
Regardless of what happened at CEO I think we should hate smash anyway and do our bestto get them out
>capcom so poor they can't even afford the rights to play real music
They smell like old bookshops
u rite
smash 64 has the most normal players out of all the smash games
Smash is literally the only reason tournaments exist nowadays.
Did livestreamer just stop working for twitch?
SF is on its way out and smash is the big kid on the block now
The autist money is real.
God forbid Sonic comes out with a fighting game.
Quite literalyl with how melee fanatics behave. But hey lets look at the positive site: At least they behave like the good old FGC again. No game maker demanding anything for most events so lets let it rip.
I assumed so just because I didn't know any 64 purist offhand like autismking or that chubby kid that wins all the smash 4 competitions and there doesn't seem to be as much overlap with the other games.
Is it just too hard for the melee players or is it something else?
sagat's now
probably they were too young to have played or something
It's not melee and therefore boring shit.
Smash players play all the versions of their games
And here we are as a community arguing that SF5 is garbage and whatever instead of supporting everything from ST to 5
I'm using it right now just fine
Memelee kids have spent the every year since 2001 trying to prove how relevant they are - they don't know how to play anything else at this point.
is there a berserk fighting game
>Smash players play all the versions of their games
all smashfags do is talk about ecelebs
>Smash players play all the versions of their games
Ummmmm lol?
Fucking Infil
Guess it was my internet getting a blow when the german match started.
smash 64 is the super turbo 2 of smash games
smash 64 is literal kusoge
people make fun of melee for playing it competitively and not being a fighting game and stuff, but 64 is even worse. the only people that play it think they're too cool for melee or just been playing it for so long they dont give a fuck about anything else
infiltration looked like a fucking fortress in that game, how do you get in on him, hes insane
Why is mahvel still allowed at tournaments? it's a dead game and 99% of the matches is hit confirm into singleplayer. not very fun to watch.
capeshit plebs won't accept that their game is anime and move on to one of the better ones
64 is Hokuto no Ken kusoge 1 touch KOs.
It's not just the Super Turbo 2, it's incredibly newbie friendly while also allowing four people to play at once, making it great for groups of aspies to sit and play together. You didn't have to go to an arcade, you just needed to have enough controllers.
What excuse do you have for not playing alpha 3, the most fun and high iq street fighter there is?
No memeing about V ism either.
so like st
I dont enjoy it even though it has my favorite sakura
>random mash armor damage reduce
>americans are so bad they STILL can not break throws in tekken 7
Can't make this shit up.
this match up is so rough man
>americas last hope is almost out
mmmmm i love seeing karinfags get dismantled
Does Majin have any other characters? His King is downloaded.
how do you break throws in t7?
stop stealing my shitposts
who wants to play karnov's on fightcade