>you will never "make it" while you're still young
why. even. bother
>you will never "make it" while you're still young
why. even. bother
Yea but just think how cool you'll be at 42 cruzin in dat charger r/t with the top down
Biological rejuvenation therapy faggot.
>not 42 but too close to home. y u do dis ;_;
>not looking late-20s/early-30s while in your 40s
shit genetics?
Nah man, just by getting debt free I've opened up a world of possibilities my peers don't have (age 26). I'm not tied down to a job because I don't /need/ the money, I'm free to travel whenever I want, I'm able to turn my hobbies into a full on business opportunity, and I'm much less stressed.
I see my peers wasting their income on interest payments, fast food every meal, and foolishly expensive cars. It's gotten annoying because they're all broke all the time and can't go out and do things.
Sure you can nigger
But you need to want it enough, which you clearly don't seeing as you're wasting your time shitposting on Veeky Forums.org
I've thought about this. To be honest, I don't know if I could have been responsible had I - at a younger age, say, 18 - suddenly had a million dollars or something.
If your parents had educated you about money you easily could have. I know a few wealthy heirs and heiresses and if they're old money they're usually really good about not squandering their wealth.
New money, especially first generation... they're the people blowing $26k in a night at nightclubs and bragging about it on peasant social media.
im on 3-4k£ a month at age 21 whilst a university
will be a millionaire by 30 for sure, probably a lot earlier
>hes getting money for sugared peasant activities
>hes jelly of the plebs who only know how to buy expensive versions of middle class items
>his life is about attempting to breed with "the best" women
You honestly may as well never make it. History won't care about you either way.
What do you do, user?
It's ERUR, man
I get asked for ID Everytime I buy booze at age 33. I might as well an hero when I stop getting asked for id
If you take care of yourself, you'll age like wine.
you mean the challenger scat pack
True, that. My parents raised me well, and I'm sure they would have if we were significantly richer.
That said, yeah, new money is fucking obnoxious.
Quality of aging is mostly dependent on genetics. You can't make yourself age any better, all you can do is make it worse by engaging in a life of alcohol, hard drugs, and UV radiation.
It's not about being, it's about doing.
You shouldn't care about "making it" while you're still in your 20s, most of the people who make it at that time actually got lucky, and they happen to drop out of prestigious schools like Harvard, not the shitty community college in your town.
What matters is making it, no matter how old you are. But the early you start working towards said goal the better.
can we define making it?
250k net worth at 29 here... make it or no?
How did you do it
>implying gen x isn't going to be the last generation to die
By the time we're old they'll know how to reverse aging. Technology advances at an exponential rate
He's homeless.
>$250k net worth
Not that impressive imo. Now if you're annual salary is $250k as well then I would say you're well on your way to making it.
mommy+daddy college fund
>only living in the most prosperous, least violent, most technologically advanced, and freest period of human history.
life sucks guys
Life is shit in your 20s anyway
this, pfham
The definition of making it is always relative to other people, not an absolute value.
This desu
>Veeky Forums idealiazing old money
The duke of backingham lost all their money you retard suck dicker
Inb4 grammar
Fuck you im in my phone in the street
You CAN still enjoy being wealthy later in life. Just stay in shape and you can still FEEL physically young, even if you do look like a wrinkled bitch.
Surely, but we shouldn't be wholly saddened by not being able to be wealthy (relatively speaking) while we are young. Rather, we should, at the very least, remember that the standard of living experienced by our lowest classes trumps that of many of histories kings.
>tfw inherited 800k, 21 years old
>the already made it, but im bot gonna stop until I have 10 million minimum by 10 years
>trumps that of many of histories kings
Stop with this fucking meme. A king perhaps didn't have a flushing toilet and a smartphone but at least he had a huge estate - something the lowest classes today don't.
The world also adjusts to the times - housing and living expenses follow the average, meaning lower classes will always have a shitty life - no matter the year.
Being a king: (sex)slaves, guards, wealth, power, but high odds of dying young or living with pain
and if you mess up someone's gonna behead you (often from close family)
Being poor now: Longer life expectancy, videogames, shower, but you need to be a wageslave without the chance of living like you want one day.
its the classic money usually disappears by the 3rd gen
>1st gen works hard to give second gen means to make make money
>2nd gen has been taught about money and knows how to save/spend well
>3rd gen isnt taught something and blows it
atleast ive heard this idea thrown around