Other urls found in this thread:
if you look real close
first for there is nothing wrong with furries
t. joff99
Trump edition when?
boners for trials bounties and coin farming?
May saint-14 bless you and your loot drops.
>Watching a destiny video on twitch
>some ps4 player is on the loading screen
>"the maintenance is almost down I'm so hype"
>there's anime posters in the background and his teeth aren't brushed but who cares I wanna watch destiny
>he logs on and starts hyperventilating
>suddenly window smash sounds
>there's swat personnel everywhere
>they're screaming at him to get down
>turns out he has a terabyte of Loli and child pornography on his computer
>remember all weebs are pedophiles
>turns out being a normal non pedophile loser is an xbone exclusive
Well fuck me
Please tell me somebody screencapped the latest epic /dg/ meme from the last thread
b-but this is my screeny
>the UK is literally shattering and breaking apart before our very eyes
>giving a shit
They've been irrelevant for over a century
>the EU is literally shattering and breaking apart before our very eyes
Fixed that for you
>i get all my facts and news from Veeky Forums
I was walking down me cobbly wobblys today and the blinkin pavement gave up right infront of me eyes it did
Sorry about having to abruptly leave the raid. I have important adult stuff to do
m8, Scotland and Northern Ireland voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU and now are getting cucked because Britain voted to remain. Not only that, they apparently have a form of Veto power over the entire vote.
It's pretty much inevitable at this point that they're going to become independent countries within the next 2 years or so
Good riddance.
again stop getting your news from Veeky Forums.
eraser-tan pls
>Britain voted to remain
Brexit won numbnuts
Can anybody help me do 1 more Stolen Rune and 1 Antiquated Rune in Court of Oryx?
My Warlock doesn't have any more runes so I need to bum them off somebody else so I can get the quest Artifact.
it's obviously a typo numbnuts
That was a pretty bad typo
Well fuck, all I need to be good at this shit pvp is to be a shoulder charging shotgun toting faggot.
Just become a blinking shotgun hunter.
You'll never go negative again.
It was a typo jackass.
Nice meme
House of Lords European Union Committee (11th Report of Session 2015-16,
"The process of withdrawing from the European Union"). See paras 70-71, "The role of the devolved legislatures in implementing the withdrawal agreement" -- section 29 of the Scotland Act 1998 binds the Scottish Parliament to act in a manner compatible with EU law, and Scottish parliamentary consent would be required to amend this. (A similar provision underpins the devolution settlements of Wales—which voted for Brexit—and Northern Ireland—which voted against it.)
Basically, because of that part of law there you have a massive clusterfuck in the making involving not just the entire EU, but also massive amounts of fuckery and problems in the UK
>House of Lords
Anyone on PS4 doing a raid?
I swer on me mum it appened
We will have a second referendum, but no matter which way it goes, both countries (and the EU itself) are completely fucked and ran by retards.
>Ran out of Exotic shards because im a retard
It hurts
Who /Jovian/ here?
>tfw want to leave the EU but dutch politicians are too chickenshit to leave
End me, senpai.
"destiny general"
Right here.
You can stay in the EU, only non shitters get to leave
No it means they can only voice their opinion on it, get off the internet, the UK as a whole is leaving, Brussels have already shot down Scotland joining the EU.
Go post your politics on /pol/ where they belong, just because you get shot down there you have to try to push it in a video game general.
can someone help me fight a boss?
Wanna hook up and take screenshots in Venus? I wanna see how much bigger you are in full armor.
got hand cannon guantlets got sniper reload gauntlets got sniper boots got rocket boots got HMG boots
feels good
Do not be mad my m80
>le EU boogeyman
Let's see where britfags go without free trade, borders back up and no access to EU funds first. They might pull it off because they were one of the few that actually paid money instead of getting it, but my bet is it's gonna backfire, especially with scots and irish trying to jump ship.
I really don't like it desu
The warloc looks okay, but both exclusive this and exclusive iron banner was a real letdown
>three jovians walk into a bar
>Female titan
Anyone have any tips on Holliday's The Last Word crucible rep shit? I go positive K/D every match and it still ends up being 0%
Play like you have one hp, hide. Basically be a cheap bitch and you'll get it in like two games.
go do it in mayhem
Anyone up for CoE?
>They laugh at xboners and have a good time
iirc if you die without the last word out then it will either take less or none of your progress on the bounty away. so if you know you're gonna die switch to your secondary
we get it, you like to shitpost about cosmetic shit and overall useless exotics
nopety nope you have to unequip it completely
I laugh at myself, no need for them to do it
Wrong, it counts while equipped.
However, the same applies for kills. As long as you have TLW equipped it doesn't matter how you get your kills.
If you want to be a truly cheap bitch, grab a HMG, get ammo, hide til all the rockets killed each other and then go ham. Optionally, follow it up with something like Stormtrance for even more kills, since streaks count more. Then switch back to something else.
>EU boogeyman
The EU operates on the essential enslaving of its less fortunate member states.
Remember Greece? Sure, they were corrupt on a level that rivaled Africa or the Middle East, but the blame doesn't lie only on them.
For decades the Germans and French knew that Greece was bleeding the money away, but kept feeding them bigger and bigger loans. Why?
To create an essential slave state that would be in debt for eternity.
Fuck the EU desu, the only ones who profit in it are the Germans and French.
>be Britain
>leave EU
>lose all your money
that looks terrible
>only ones that profit in it are Germans and French
>the two countries that pay into it the most
He's wrong about the French, but the Germans are profiting from it in an indirect means.
It's countries like Poland that are really sinking the EU.
>feed country bigger and bigger loans
>country has awful government
>country faces bankruptcy
>do what is basically the equivalent of a coup and force insane austerity on the country in order to be bailed out
Congrats, you now have a nation that will be paying you back your money plus interest for the next century.
>when you nighthawk deadeye golden gun Oryx to death
>Congrats, you now have a nation that will be paying you back your money plus interest for the next century.
You mean exactly what germany did after two world wars?
Who Bonglander here?
Based series, truly Capaldi will never surpass it.
So guys, Destiny, who hype for Iron Banner?
Post jealous Zavala.
Thanks jani/mod
Literally have not gotten a 90%+ roll legendary Titan helmet since April and my highest old one is 93%. I'm gonna farm the shit out of it to get a tier-12 helm.
Anyone want to play ToO in an hour or so?
Please add Noobish to the blacklist, he can't even remember his bombs and also fucks up the countdown.
I'm up for anything right now
>doubting based noobish
literally who?
cumstain pls
Alright, I'll eat first though.
>not already having him on the black list.
he's a shitter
This desu
>having an oppinnion on the blacklist
What is the current PvP meta? I've been away for a while, and last time I played it was a mix of The Last Word, MIDA, 1KYS, and the welfare Cancer Theory D
>having an opinion on being aloud in a raid after he got utterly BTFO
just seen another dank emblem
>lone focus jagged edge
need it
Grasp of Malok+1kys+Truth
What's a good pusle rifle I can buy?
Vendor Crucible
>gg buffed 100% on pve
>x1.3 from deadeye buff makes it x2.6
>nighthawk makes it one x15.6 shot
Is gunslinger a better option than multiple nightstalkers now?
Monte Cristo + Welfare CD + The Dreadfang Sword is the current meta. If you are rocking anything else you are a certified scrub.
>he doesn't know
Should be easier than ever to do in mayhem, thats where I did mine.