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>one of the two areas that butchers my framerate
thanks obama
Any advice on parrying with medium shields?
I'm already fucking annihilating people with the turtlepoke bs tech, using a shield has also eliminated pretty much all of the problem weapons I've faced with a spear in the past (washing pole, halberds/glaives in general, gotthards rolling L1, etc).
I don't think it's worth the 3 extra stability points for the black knight shield when I never use my weapon skill, so parrying is a lot more useful. What I wanted to ask is, any advice on parrying with a LK Shield? I guess it's just practice and focusing purely on setup parries, right? I know for example like with this washing pole user, or spears, I can tank the first hit and immediately queue up an L2 and it works surprisingly consistently. That said, can't do that with glaives/halberds or greatswords, seems like I have to wait some short period of time after the first R1 to get the parry to land (can't just queue up a parry as soon as humanly possible after the first hit). Also trying to figure out shit like the dark sword, I fought a guy today who was just R1 spamming so I thought I'd tank the first 2 hits and then spam L2 ASAP, but it didn't land. I'm not sure if my timing was wrong (should do it after the first hit rather than after the second), or if it was just latency. Or maybe I should even try prediction parrying against those sort of people? Not sure.
tl;dr let's talk about medium shield parrying for a sec. It's the last thing I need to git gud at because I'm in love with the rest of this LK Shield + Gargoyle FS set up. I never use the weapon skill so I might as well find a way to make use of the parrying.
Why do you keep posting this
AB isnt even hard
i don't mind moving somewhere better 4 u friendo
i want a souls bf
Stop giving him the negative attention he craves, idiot. Just filter and move on with your life.
Does spell parry even work? I keep fighting this guy who's trying to parry Great Deep Soul to no avail.
it's too hard to rely on it
I just use it as a gimmick at this point
it feels really good to get it off though
I wouldn't show up anyway tho, don't think I currently have any viable characters in my list
what SL are you anyway?
First for dlc please save us
Starting a new female characters.
Is this the best slider for optimal caster builds?
Please send help.
Or you can actually tell something useful and prove that the other one is shitposting and you are not.
Dream patch notes
>Sunlight Medals can be converted into other covenant items at a 3:1 rate.
Lightning spear damage increased
Meh, AB, Defiled Amy, and HBLB are the 3 bosses I seem the most people ask for help with or complain about.
fucking hell. I miss the twin homo sword.
Why did from killed it? why? it was prue fun.
Is there any other cool sword with useful WA and/or cool moveset?
1. stop using my weaponfu
2. dont parry with medium shields
>would have to bring a 140 character not to get memed
>buy ds1 prepare to die pc edition
>get dsfix
>set everything for optimal performance
>game runs not too bad
>notice that the textures are clearly on high or ultra still
Is there anyway to turn them down through dsfix or a way that works well with dsfix?
Or is it strictly tied to resolution?
Welcome to F-Team
What's wrong with it? Still seemed pretty good last time I used it.
Nobody complains about them in the DARK SOULS general.
How do you even break armor in this game?
I dont even recall armor having durability
how do you do the turtlepoke bs tech?
i can't seem to get it down
There are no texture settings.
Parrying is more about instinct than strategy. I find myself rarely parrying in PvP. I find the more I focus on trying to parry, the worse it turns out unless they have a weapon that's really easy to bait.
The timing on the medium shield parry is fine for telegraphed moves such as running R1s, but unreliable for SS spam. In my experience, anyway.
Find a crab
So I have a question, I'm playing my SL60 Pure Sorc build and I want the Crystal magic scroll. I have to kill the Crystal Sage in the Archives, but from what I read/watched up on was that you have to kill him before he teleports the second time. True or false?
Just let some dumb crabs hit you for 10 hours.
>wahhh i can't infinitely spam light attack weapon art
i used it and i knew that shit was unfair with a simple offhand caestus
here's a quick one minute guide
damage is lacking, so the WA was pretty much all that it got.
Not only they nerfed the whole simple and FP thing, they nerfed the L2 R2 (flame slash) hyper armor
there's no way to edit them at all? period?
You don't have to, it's just nice to not have crystal hail coming down on you as you work your way up.
Not for spamming it, you fucking retard. for not using ashen shit and use it once in a while.
Eh, I've made set up parries work enough times in only the past 2 days to get the feeling that there is definitely a trick to timing it against certain classes of weapons. I'm pretty sure that prediction parrying is mostly not worth the risk, but that's probably be against running attacks which I just block and move out of the way of anyways. Hell, with the GFS I can often just poke those running bastards anyways, so all the better.
But setup parrying? I can definitely see it being something one can get consistently good at. Mostly a matter of learning the weapon timing of different classes of weapons, like I said things like spears and katanas you can block the 1st R1 (even running R1) and immediately queue up an L2 and you parry the 2nd R1. That pic I posted was the second time in the same match I did that, killing him. Can't be too hard to rely on if I could do it twice in the same match, when I'm still pretty new to it.
That said, turtlepoke backstabs are insane, apparently if you backstab with the guard up + R1 instead of a regular R1, it initiates the backstab animation much faster, where you can even cancel other people's attacks in the process. Learned about it from this video: youtube.com
That, I can do pretty consistently now. But I've already got the parry medium shield so I figure might as well start gitting gud at parrying too, I mean why not? Not like a weapon art shield would be of any use to me with a fucking spear. Figure I just need to learn setup parry timings but thought I'd ask around here just in case there was something I missed.
yea because you totally used it strategically and not infinitely pressure opponents from 10 miles with a greatsword
Actual patch notes
>adjusted covenant summoning formula
>fixed some random glitch no one cares about
>addressed issue which caused darkmoons to be summoned
>allocate blue estus
Problem solved you whiney nigger
>I'm pretty sure that prediction parrying is mostly not worth the risk
but prediction parries are the only way to do parries with a medium shield
the startup frames are too long to do any reaction parries unless you have an insanely good connection to eachother
you can't do setup parries either unless maybe against ultra weapons or something
rip FC
thanks for coming anyway bomarrash
host event
If you're one of the five people who did that, you can carry ashen if you do duels, or if you do invades, a simple infusion off-hand will regen enough.
Thanks for hosting, a shame no one else showed up.
>get summoned for duel
>it's a fucking havelstoc
>ad nauseam
>finally get him to within a couple of hits
>he fucking chugs
>turn and run off the ledge
>receive message
>"couldnt handle the pressure fgt"
I don't get it. How can that even be fun?
she wanted fanmail
killing someone with the nerfed estoc feels great
one of the few weapons you can actually outplay people with since it's so fast and great moveset
The only way would be to dump the textures, downscale them and inject them back, but that would kill performance. As far as I know, there are no public methods to repack the game files.
>29 fucking vigor in an SL range where everyone and their mothers are rocking with 44
>wasting half of your points in life
post one build that benefits from the 44 vig over going 35-ish and investing the rest in stamina/str/dex.
being a tryhard in this broken mess of a dead game is fun
Anyone got the webm on the twin smelter swords explosion
Watching you leap to your death out of frustration was probably pretty fun.
That fight you shouldn't have lost
>invaded in Crucifixion woods
>full solaire cosplay
>playing hexfag, eats several affinity balls/GDS
>roll catch him with Dark Edge a ouple times
>bring him down to a sliver of hp twice, chugs
>beats me with R1 spam because I'm too used to being able to hyperarmor trade and I'm only using a raw ASS
Please respond
You can mod them, which has a negative impact in performance. You can reduce resolution at high distances if you've messed with that. Maybe post the ini?
>post one build
that's any build you silly
1500 hp is what, one onigiri combo?
That weapon is trash, /dsg/ said so.
Works on my machine
>getting hit by that WA
>what are dual talismans
i've already pretty much forgotten Dark Souls 3 even exists
Good to know, I'll keep experimenting with it. Definitely want the ability to punish people R1 spamming into my shield, and latency is always a concern of course, but if it winds up being too much of a risk I'll change up my strategy. It's definitely a skill I want to cultivate so I still have hope, though.
It just involves initiating the backstab with your guard up while pushing R1, you'll be right up next to them and walking around them (not running) when you do it (running will cause you to do a running R1 even with your guard up). Apparently it initiates the backstab animation much faster than a normal R1, and can be done with any weapon with the turtlepoke ability (so like, estoc would work too).
Watch this video: Nah, I'd say setup parries are the main way to parry with a medium shield. You tank the first 1-2 hits and then parry on the 2nd-3rd hit. Against certain weapons, like katana or spear R1 spam, you can block the first hit and immediately queue up the parry and it lands basically every time. I know at LEAST this is true from my personal experience. As for other weapons, like say greatswords or halberds/glaives, you can parry the 2nd hit but you need to "pause" for a certain period of time that I'm still figuring out. Immediately parrying after the 1st hit will be too soon. Straight swords I'm still trying to figure out too, I thought it would be mashing parry after the 2nd hit but that didn't work for me against a dark sword recently, but it could be lag too so it'll require more testing on my part. Might be mashing L2 after only the first hit, not sure. Latency problems might inevitably make it something you either try to prediction parry the first swing of an obvious R1 spammer or you just avoid in general, hopefully that's not the case though.
I don't parry ultra weapons, even 1H'd. They do too much damage if you whiff, and besides they're way too easy to just turtlepoke bs anyways. Easy.
>Get bro to start Dark Souls the 1st
>Dies 20 times before defeating Taurus Demon (without the jump trick)
>Finally gets him
>Yells in victory and relief
>"This is better than sex"
Man, seeing a new player up close it's so fun
Tell me about this door
And why Pyro was so much more fun in DaS2
why do people even make these builds?
What do you mean by this?
Don't make slutty casters.
stay mad faggot nothing wrong with havelestocs
I know for a fact straight swords are too fast to be setup parried BY FAR
I doubt katanas or spears are much slower
kill yourself faggot
Why can't king of the storm just telegraph his moves more? Fucker is annoying as fuck, and the dragon fire activates so damn quick.
I could handle it if he didn't do that swipe where he doesn't raise the lance above his head
It provides you the succ you need
Because they can be useful against great-shield users
I use 30 vig 37 end at SL120 and do just fine in all honesty, have ~1600 life with life ring +3.
Are you locking onto the dragon?
I prefer a dork CCS for those faggots.
But that's the best kind of caster.
This is the souls(borne) general and BB is part of that. That won't change just because you vandalize the OP Pasta.
>not spite fucking that bitch into the ground
A carthus curved sword?
I want to be good
Why two generals for BB? Their own thread is pretty much dead...
but you're the one shitposting and vandalizing OPs
I know for a fact I'll get the parry on the 2nd R1 from a katana or spear with a medium shield though. Straight swords are really dumb though (as in OP), granted, but I need more testing against them (surprisingly few people run them in my experience at SL120 pontiff duels, more often run into ultra greats than anything in all honesty). First need to see after how many attacks I should mash L2 and secondly need to see if it's something where I need to attack and hit them first and judge the latency before attempting it, maybe it can only be done with a really good connection, idk.
wheres the popes tho
You will be
Always consider black leather boots if anything. The Iron Flesh improves the butt a lot
where the fc at
I think you'll find the more you focus on parrying, the less you'll find yourself doing it. If that makes sense? Most attacks that you could parry with a medium shield can be blocked or roll-avoided, then punished, rather than risking it.
The right moment to parry is the moment you hit parry and it connects. For me, anyway, it's 100% instinct and has nothing to do with prediction. Even with the caestus. Parryfishing is sad to watch when the guy could've probably countered and at least guaranteed themselves damage.
No, trying to angle the camera is hard though
This fight has to be one of the most multi layered boss fights of all time. There are just so many aspects to it. Quite an achievement actually.