>Fates FAQ (please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
>Fates FAQ (please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
Azura is shit
Stop with this meme already.
>not a new IP
is the second
>im the third IP
>You can only post once per thread
Azura a shit
It's not a meme if it's true
>le it's not a meme if it's true meme
Posting in this one because Flora says slugabeds gotta go
>desperate necroposting/shitposting/fillerposting about shitzura to make your thread look like it has more posts/IPs/traction
Pretty petty my friend............ pretty petty........
It does have more IP's though...
Because /feg/gots cant not shit on shitzura when the opportunity shows itself, it's prime bait, it's all a part of your master plan for us to use your early thread
Trying to find a peri with aptitude. Can anyone help me out?
/feg/ was a mistake
Flora is my wife
Me on the right
what region
Heh... cuck
Why didn't anyone use my comfy birthday thread?
>it was early
so was this one
>it was shitposting
well that may be my cucky compadre but so was this one
>it had a shitty OP
wow did you look at this one's OP and the first post that was made in it yet?
Wow did you run out of arguments already? Uh oh.
No really, explain.
Why is luck always recommended as a bane? Doesn't it nerf your offensive stats?
Because you posted it 20 minutes before the thread actually died.
Why can't you people just wait until the number of posts goes red?
>Because you posted it 20 minutes before the thread actually died.
LITERALLY just like this one.
I always feel like shit for choosing birthright or conquest. Why must revelation be so terrible.
The nerf is minimal compared to the gain from +str/+magic, and it's better to lose that than losing out on any speed/skill
Wake up, slugabed!
>Using Uglythur
I like Hana
clever is skill right
Stat boosters/10
Blame the anti-Shitzuracucks. They just can't help themselves and have to open their mouths even when a thread is shit and early, inadvertently giving it the appearance of having more traffic than the REAL thread.
I know that feeling senpai.
I just want to play comfy adventures with both my Hoshidan and Nohrian friends, to have Velour and Kinu fellate me in the morning and Zero at night.
And I always feel like shit for betraying either side.
Classes like Oni Chieftain and Basara are pretty funny,all you have to do is equip them with a lower power spell and all enemies will rush at you to do 0 damage. it's even better with the Chieftain as they reduce resistance
Cutest family
Yeah I actually do like every sibling, I do have a favorite one but seeing them all so sad when you betray them is gut wrenching. I hate revelation because of this because I don't find revelation fun but it's the only route where everyone is happy.
I just want all my siblings to be happy and be one happy family.
US, please and thank you!
Cousin~ cousin~
Anyone wouldn't happen to have Flora with Pavise around? Shit seems to be rare in EU. If only MyCastle wasn't fucking region locked.
I think it's safe to say that Azurafags have officially declared war on Mitamabros. They weren't satisfied with only bullying Flora.
There's something to be said about how Awakening and Fates made an impact on Fire Emblem but at least there's some good cross over art with Kingdom Hearts.
I've not even reached a chapter with an energy drop yet.
>near the end of Birthright
>Takumi tells me he's glad I'm his sister and that he loves me
>actually benched him at the beginning
>get C rank, do the support
>he's a cunt
Will IS stop with this shit and write supports that make sense at all points of their game or change if married or after certain story points?
You love Severa and Sevra loves you! What do you bring Severa on a big date?
Lies an deceit of the Alpha Legion.
I like Effie.
She makes me happy.
Why do shitposters get so mad when their threads arent used???
Staff~ staff~
I want to fuck all my sisters and my cousin.
A big shotgun! To blow off her leg! Then I run away and let her live as a cripple!
I laughed.
That's not much to go on. Why not like Hayato walking in on Orochi while she's in the bath, and she tells him to stay. He protests that she's treating him like a little kid, and then she proves to him that she's not.
>Joker likes dirty talk
W-why is that hot?
Why would they be mad? They WON. We're IN a shitposter thread right now. The comfy birthday thread was IGNORED for NO reason.
A gun to shoot her in her ugly face.
Unless you mean Goddess Icons in which case yeah, but why wouldn't I use them on Arthur?
I tell Laslow to go in my place and suck Soleil's dick instead
Chill out Mitamacuck, literally just sit down and take a chill pill, take a time out, go in the corner, sit down, take a deep breath, reevaluate why you are so unnecessarily peeved right now my pal, not everybody needs a birthday thread. You should appreciate the fact that you even got one at all, you greedy faggot, and I bet you made that one too.
Say something good about Azura and Revelation.
Kaze and -luck MU kinda want them too
Goddess Icons are pretty much only for patching up bad RNG though. They're only really crucial for Arthur
Post the thickest FE girl
her wet looking hair is neat I guess
I can't, they're both shit
Which mom makes the most lore-sense for Mitama?
-Luck is for people who complain when their MU misses shit.
Oh you missed a 78%?
Well if you had normal Luck that would have been a 88%.
>sexy Effie
still mad on treehouse for that american voice
Why would a Mitamapal make a thread with her cuddling with Dwyer in the OP image? Don't tell me Mitamafriends are actually into... you know...
I like how the people/person who make early shitpost threads always does the whole capitalizing whole words in the middle of a sentence thing.
She's can suck dick really well.
I can have all children and my dear families won't try to kill each other.
skill > luck
Happy birthday best daughteru~
Can we just stop with the constant shitposting already?
Why do you hate Fighters?
Where do you think you are?
I really didn't like Vaike in Awakening so I got put ever wanting to use axe users in general, the low hit rate also really put me off. Similarly, my absolute hatred of Kellam made me not use Knights that much either.
Don't hurt Sev's body or her feelings, that's mean.
Skill and Luck > Magic
You really should play the Tellius games, as I told you years ago.
>Some people are still using Jap names at this late date
Alright, you look like tough nuts to crack, so how about we do a simple exercise
Try to think of a shittier fictional character (yes, no matter how bitter you are towards something, there's *always* someone worse if you think hard enough), it doesnt even have to be a Fire Emblem character, just any character from any fictional media game cartoon or otherwise that you can truly consider worse than Azura
Say something nice about her in comparison to that shittier character.
Play Thracia for PUGI
Felicia is the cutest! Stroking her soft hair! Kissing her cheek! Holding her hand! Going everywhere together! Falling asleep in each others arms! She means everything to me! She is all i could ever want! I love Felicia!
Uh... at least she's not Shitvera?
I don't think you understand, Lucina literally is as low as it gets.
You can give six male characters and six female characters same sex S supports. Only two can be Kamuisexual. Who do you pick?
For me it's:
-Soleil for obvious reasons
-Crimson because she's cute and looks like she could be gay
-Hinoka because tomboy and she loves you a lot
-Either Charlotte or Nyx because they just want someone to accept them for who they are/provide money
-Camilla and Rhajat are the Kamuisexuals
Shino, Hinata, Flannel, Foleo, Niles, and Benoit.
Heads up Mitamabros. Here's the twitter hashtag for her birthday. Go get yourself some art.
Good, we're getting somewhere!
Why exactly would Camilla be a Kamuisexual? You could make a better argument for Hinoka if we're going by actual info from the game desu
No see, what you do is you play the Tellius games while you're waiting for the enemy phase to end in FE4!
Yeah Mitama/b/ros because this is the last chance youll ever get ufufufufufu
>implying you can't play both FE4 and RD while waiting for each other's enemy phases to end
I forgot how funny it was to see Mitama snap like 90 fucking brushes in half at Corrin's spaghetti
Christ all this art is legitimately terrible. Who would save this garbage?
>My real name is EH-ni-go
Have I been saying his name wrong this whole time?
everytime it's posted I regret drawing this
It's what I named his sword since I heard his My Room lines.
I always said it this way
>boss of a level
>about to kill him
>Hinoka can get a free hit in for a little exp
>he has a killer weapon and will do 8 damage to her
>she has 25 hp
>figure I'm good even if he crits
>crits and does 32 damage apparently
>she says something about withdrawing rather than dying
Can I finish the level and have her after, along with the knowledge that killer weapons do 4x crit damage? Or is she dead?
Desperate waifufags. Isn't it sad?
Haha it sounds like a shitty form of gay sex