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What additional game modes would you like to see added?

>Death match
>Friendly Fire
>Free for all
>Protect the president/VIP
>Random abilities

Alright, which one of you was it?




how is it possible for one man to be built out of hype, steroids and armor?

>have high mmr despite low level
>queues take like 6-7 minutes
>if game has to re-instance it just kicks everyone to lobby because no one can connect fast enough

i love this game and it's nice having games where teams actually know what the fuck they're doing but holy shit these queue times are terrible for high mmr players

when is this shit getting fixed

deathmatch to contain all the KDA fags

Posting again because I didn't get a (You) the first time.

4 scoops CMON!

i knew reinhardt's red skin look familiar, it was bothering me for a bit, then i saw it.
considering blizzard is run by neckbeards, they have decent taste in anime

Official list of meme skins

Carbon Fiber Genji
All white skins (wight, el blanco, white hat, ect)
Mecha Pharahs
Rein Legendaries
Mercy Legedaries
Roadhog Legendaries
Ascendant Zenyatta

So he went Hanzo, right

You have 5 seconds why you aren't running Mercy and Lucio in every teamcomp


I love Pharah!

what does the communication of these pro teams sound like? are they just screaming hero names 3 times like they do in league of legends?

Nope, kept clicking on dudes until we lost.

>leaguebabbs already taking over with their "pro" player dickriding and balancewhining


to explain why *


>snipe enemy Junkrat
>he says this in chat
What did he mean by this?

> TTGL skin for rein
> no Best girl skin for DVA

>Torb getting a 30% damage reduction on consoles
Maybe this will stop the onslaught of 3Torb-
>Source: Reddit Via Kotaku
God dammit it's all lies


this is the first non-ult genji potg i've ever done

i feel like this is a good thing

>leaguebabies slowly forcing nerfs on every character instead of buffing them

taimou atleast has streamed some of their scrims so you could watch those to get a feel for what it's like

>tell him he can't complain
>he does


steel has streamed his scrims as well. But splyce has terrible communication

they only know how to remove fun, not change it

you post a lot of shitty OCs so what about some OCs that you want to fuck

I'd just like an endless skirmish so I can faff about with other players, be they enemies I can test stuff out on or friendlies who just want to screw around without having to worry about objectives.


I still don't get PoTG at all. I've had 4 Piece revives not get PoTG, and Ive had high noon utterly destroyed by a sniping Bastion Tank, and PoTG be something like a reaper two piece or my awful genji just jumping around

>mfw i got best girls best pose

kill yourself, waifu shitter

Don't we all?

That's not sitting

can you faggots stop with your boogeyman shit

do you think wanting characters nerfed or emulating the best players is exclusive to league of legends? So stupid.

>wanted to buy Sigrun
>lets wait for a box first
>get Valkyrie from box
I have mixed feelings but saved 1k overshekels.

i feel like koth should be bo5 in actual tournaments


This 2bh

Today I tried out Streetpig for the first time, did pretty well with his clicks and ults (charges faster than I thought) but I cannot into hooking people at all. How the shit do you aim that thing?

>Not Widowmaker who is already a sniper

valk is better anyways, sig has almost no armor details

they're /v/ermins who think LoL is the only esport or some shit

What the fuck is this chicken mercy shit

Mercy's Battle Angel Alita highlight and Bastion's Iron Giant spray are pretty neat too.

When sniping (WM, Hanzo, Bastion) and after getting some kills, should I change vantage points or hold my position? They're gonna know where I am in the Kill Cam.

EVERY time someone is raging ingame or complaining about picks they end up revealing they're a leagueshitter

>seegirl tries going for ebin air shots on talespin while he rapes his whole team
must feed your rebbit army with shit clips i guess


Talespin seems like a much better player than Seagull. Why do I hear nobody mention it?

>They will never limit heroes to one per team
The problem is worse on console than it is PC I'd believe, but there's nothing less fun than that lobby where everyone went Hanzo because one person wouldn't change off

I fear for Junkrat.

most popular
and the overwatch target market is the same as lol's

>Don't like playing as Reaper
>Have 3 Reaper legendaries now
>And got a dupe of the Mariachi one
Make it stop

because seagulll is a streamer personality and reddit sucks his dick


As bastion- you change position the SECOND you are spotted
If they're good and communicate, you do it after every kill

The answer should be yes, relocate, but there's enough bad players that they'll repeatedly die anyway.

If Blizz was going to listen to the majority Bastion would've been nerfed by now.

who is seagull

yeah well i come from dota 2 and csgo, never even played LoL, and i'm probably responsible for 70% of OW esport discussion in this general

play him, he can be fun to drop down on people


>I come from this other cancerous as fuck MOBA
>But I'm above and superior to that other, equally shitty community

He's a shy turbonerd who doesn't like streaming.

What's the highest kill streak you can get? Does it just go on forever?

Blizzard is pûshing it as an esport since that's the last trend in multiplayer games
it's gonna be an esport wherever you like it or not

That's a comforting thought. And it'll be fun to watch them complain.
Let Blizzard dream.

>Seagull hits a shot on a person running in a straight line

And the crowd (Reddit) goes wild

>play mercy
>reinhardt M1s me numbani to kings row
>play reinhardt
>mercy outruns me
>there is no lucio in their team

this game is complete bullshit at times

Pretty much

never said that im above anyone

just that there are a lot of people who are interested in OW as an esport who aren't from LoL

yeah just like sc2 right

lol kys

>Get a PotG as trash mouse
>Not a rip tire multikill

Feels good man.

REMINDER: Don't let a pretty face fool you.

>payoad defense
They're just a constant stream...

LoL is an umbrella term. It's like saying someone who plays GG or MK is a SF player

PLAY, of the game~

When will this meme end?

What happened to sc2, I thought that it was popular with gooks

i think 30 was the highest ive gotten
33/0 or something dumb koth match as mccree (post nerf mind you)

Give it to me straight guys

>It's a PotG where you kill 4 people at the start of the game because they all funnel out into your steel trap + mine + nades

>kill a mercy and winston three times while defending volskaya by putting up an ice wall right on the edge of that flanking position before the first point
Sorry! Sorry, sorry... sorry.

I'm half tempted to rename my character BRINGEROFLOVE and play nothing but reaper

Then second you buy a new fan for your PC. Dang man

game was fucking trash and league gutted it


woaaaah there partner

just run towards them and shoot it at them. if they're running aim a little ahead if they aren't don't. you can carry pretty hard if you're landing at least 70%


a fetish even worse than scat

you probably aren't

what are you talking about?

>Play a character for a little whole in a match
>"Fuck this I'm doing awful, time to switch"
>Do pretty fucking well as the new character
>It's with the first character

You've played far too much Mei

umbrella term for what?

Not too terrible if all that is data recorded from after the extremely massive Mcree nerf