/bdog/ - Black Desert Online General

>What is BDO?
Black Desert Online is an MMORPG by Pearl Abyss that was recently released for western audiences, with additional changes. It's a sandbox MMORPG that features action-oriented combat, open world PVP territory control, trading, player housing, and more.
Info from the site: i.imgur.com/r7VvB6h.png

discord.gg/0vYcIJNhxt5cd4pK (join at your own risk)

>/bdog/ guilds


>Maps and nodes

>Useful Links
Wiki: blackdeserttome.com/wiki/BDO_Tome
Database: bddatabase.net/us/
Skill Calculator: blackdeserttome.com/calculator
Class Armor Sets: wodox.imgur.com/
Else: Google it before posting

>BDO KR/JP info + differences between NA/EU

Previous thread:

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It takes away from the world and atmosphere because it contradicts the art direction. I've seen some flags that aren't overly obnoxious, usually ones with darker colour schemes.

daily reminder sardine is still a reddit guild and should be removed from the pastebin

Grind's flag is perfectly fine

Reminder all the Chan guilds are gutter trash in PvP. IC been given all their nodes so far. Source: RedFace+Reapers

all Veeky Forums guilds are nothing but gutter whores~

>Velia artwork
>Cron castle isn't on the hill

The majority of the flags are too bright and clean looking. It stands out way too much, which it shouldn't do.

how long should it take me to do the Black Crystal quest?

55, 297 gearscore

Anons please whoever makes the next guild remove sardine

No one even reads the OP, I don't think anyone would notice whether you kept them or not

>leader browses reddit
>guild is reddit

I think they're obnoxious, personally. I never liked having guild flags all over the place.
Aion did it pretty alright, in where the guild emblem would just be on the artifacts/fortresses the guild owned

sorc, if it makes a difference

yo what's up

the guild paste has 107 views though

It's been a long time, can we get some more muscle girl posting?

I'll never forget.....

RIP MangoBay

A little birdy told me Feeds just had a meltdown in discord and said they are quitting sieges after Saturday's loss.

wow the download speed on their client is fucking horrible. i get 15 MB/s on steam but less than 4 for BDO.



Wake up, /bdog/.

Please understand. We don't have much to talk about, those of us around are ingame or doing something else

or im just sitting here for the last hour and a half while this piece of shit downloads at half the speed of smell.

I'm so sorry. The download speed is pretty bad

So, do all sorceresses look slutty?

Also, one of you has the best looking character I've seen here, if it wasn't for the disgusting neon green eyes.



This one.

Nice try kid.

if i quit to tray will it keep autofishing>?


Thanks! and depends on what you mean by slutty, some of the cashshop outfits are really lewd, but all the base outfits are really comfy and dont show a lot of skin

I did want to do brown hair/eyes, but all the browns are weird in this games lighting, so I ended up doing a black cat with green eyes

le ebin meme guild flags xD

nearing 3 hours into the download and the game is hanging at 98%.

i want to die

get better internet

I will remake my sorceress on the future, she won't be slutty I promise.

Don't listen to other user, some guy was having the same problem a couple days ago in here. Last I heard he was reinstalling the game with all his Antivirus and firewalls disabled.

>bdog less active than gw2 after only a few months
how did this game crash and burn so quickly?

I'm literally thinking of trying wildstar, this thread is so dead.

>game about themepark dungeons crawling
>game about constant grinding, losing time by posting

The game didn't. Shitposters and discord killed this thread to the point nobody posts anymore.

There's nothing to discuss, and the ERPers have XIV to go back to. People are ingame, the thread itself is just dead. I have seen several ITC, IC and Baka members around.

>just wasted millions of silver preordering black crystals because I thought it wanted me to type in the total amount of silver paid for all of them not the price I'm willing to pay per black crystal
I'm going to kill myself

At least you can make it back, right?

Yeah but I paid 6 million silver for 14 black crystals
that's 2~ of grinding but still
holy fuck am I retarded or have other people made this mistake
I just assume it wanted to type in the total

>pays 35mils for 5 crystals
>doesn't notice there's 175mils gone from his bank

nah I'm not that rich
I paid in smaller increments since it keep telling me I didn't have enough money
fuck me
I jewed myself so hard

>2 hours of grinding

You're at the wrong spot, laddie.

What spot makes more solo? I've asked multiple times in the thread, guess you weren't here for those. Can't go sausans solo, doubt I can solo pirates either especially without getting pk'd.

Mark of shadow is pretty nice for making money should you have an upgraded node.

>this rare drop that may not actually drop for days is a great way of making money
Yeah I don't know what I expected from the Veeky Forums

unless someone aska a question, you cant' really talk ingame, BDO isn't a game like that. same for the tera genreal remove the elin posts and you have nothing to talk about.

>get an average of 1 mark per 2 hours at node level 8
Yeah I don't know what I expected from an autist

Literally everyone I know has told me node level doesn't matter.

how the hell can you not solo sausans? what are you, like level 51 with 75/90?

helms is good money, and easier than sausans, can drop good jewelry if you head into the dungeon (although the golems can be quite hard)

manes are easy to solo and can drop some useful jewelry

wandering rogues are easier than sausans

personally I don't have any issues in soldier's graveyard which can be very nice money, but then again I don't have any issues at pirate island or sausans either

lv55 140/160 sorc for reference

sorry bruh, devs confirmed recently that rare item droprate is affected by node level

Around 21minutes in
>Will increases the chances of rare drops such as ogre ring
Literally everyone you know is retarded

>w-works for me

Are you retarded?
>how the hell can you not fight off a party of 5 autists who have been grinding since the game released
gee boss idk
I also don't have a million energy to get nodes to 8 for better drop rates so I never get rare drops
>just get S rank knowledge bro! it's super easy to get!
>just invest 8000 energy! lol!
Seriously the dumbest suggestions possible

>w-works for me and everyone I know, b-but it won't work for you becausr y-you're a s-special s-snowflake

Where do you even farm the rings? Is it on Hexe? Mobs are scattered or I don't know where the good spot is.

>I'm greedy and want the main spawn route to myself even though I only play an hour a day
Nigger there's plenty of mobs to go around at sausans, even on the crowded channels.

>I should be able to get all the best drops from every mob in every area without spending any time or making any sacrifices in other areas to improve my chances
Boo-fucking-hoo, faglord. It's been months since the launch. You have 4 (or 5) character slots. All you'd have to do is log onto a throwaway alt character every few days and dump their energy into a node and it'd be fucking 10 by now. And it's your own goddamned fault if you haven't been doing that.

Knowledge is more of a crapshoot, sure, but it's easy enough to reroll knowledge until you finally ding that S, especially since it's really only worth going for on a few mobs per specific area. You're just being a lazy entitled cunt.

TL:DR fuck you


>j-just get this rare drop lol! It's easy!
>believe my anecdotes

Calm down autismo, it hasn't even been two weeks since I've purchased this game
>All you'd have to do is log onto a throwaway alt character every few days and dump their energy into a node and it'd be fucking 10 by now
Don't I have to level all their energy first by questing? Haven't made an alt yet

Not to mention the repeatable hourly quests at hexe and monastery that will net you an accessory on-par with a base mark or witch every 9 cycles. So 4.5 hours, if you do both each time they pop.

Which will help boost your stats to farm the areas more effectively.

I have yet to get a witch earring drop, even with the zone at level 8, 5 luck, and every mob A or S. Marks, on the other hand, seem to drop every few hours. Fucking RNG.

>hasn't even been two weeks since I bought the game
Then why do you think you should be able to contest some of the best farming areas in the game against people who have been playing since the pre-launch? What the fuck are you smoking?

And no, energy pool and contribution point total are shared across all characters on your account. They each regen energy independently (1 point every 30 minutes while not active), but the max is the same for all.

Can you show the location on the map with a picture? The exact spot.

Thread was killed first week by all the degenerate RP guilds who did nothing but spam screenshots and argue guild drama. All the people who were interested in discussion just straight up quit the thread. I dont even know why I am still here, hardly ever read what people type at this point.

Mate, none of the hardcore grinders are still playing the game even if they were they wouldnt be in Sausans.

>rp guilds

was the BAKAxYCxICxGAYS shitposting not enough?

>Then why do you think you should be able to contest some of the best farming areas in the game against people who have been playing since the pre-launch
Because why not? Are you actually telling me to go farm at sausans and then saying I have no right to farm there simply because I haven't been playing as long? What? I'm already level 55 and have 280 ap/dp
sure there's level 56s and 57s with 310 ap/dp but I'm not that far behind
>where can I farm to make more money
>I can't farm there or I'll get pked
>lol u cant farm at sausans??
great talk I guess

>j-just look at me, I never get drops! lol!
>i never get anything! lol!
>everyone's just lying to me! lol!
>where's my tinfoil hat again? lol!

>where can I make more money per hour than 3mill
>by farming this inconsistent drop!
what a genius

>where can I make more money per hour than 3mill
>by farming this inconsistent drop that in AVERAGE drops frequently enough to net MORE than 3mill per hour
what a retard
I'm done dealing with you, stay in your shithole of a grind spot

You guys have a really cute argument going on. Don't let it stop


>level 55, 280 gearscore, can't even hold the back route or beach route at sausans solo
You have nobody to blame but yourself. Not to mention the whole "I show up and get PKed constantly!" meme is just that - an overblown meme. It just doesn't happen with any regularity, especially now that there's literally no penalty for pvp death.

If you're in a guild that pissed off the whole server and that's why you're getting pked, well then, why the fuck aren't you there grinding with a group of guildies?

It's funny because even without taking crystal shards or blackstones into account, you can pretty easily pull 3 mil an hour at fucking CATFISH. I have no clue where this poor fucker is grinding at currently, except that it's awful.

I ended up axing the zone connection to grab pirate island instead because the earring never fucking dropped for me. Black spirit gives you the repeating daily (?) quest to talk to the monastery guy and witch to get the hourly tokens once you hit 50, iirc

>Black spirit gives you the repeating daily (?) quest to talk to the monastery guy and witch to get the hourly tokens once you hit 50, iirc
If I remember right, which I'm pretty sure I do, it goes like this:

>Take the Necklace of Magical Power (or whatever) quest from your spirit and complete that

>(You might have to do the repeat quests once each, I forget)

>Then go to the Calph storage troll guy (Basquean L-something) and you get the ring and earring quests from him

>Complete them and get (and complete?) the quests from the two NPCs

>Then your spirit starts giving you the quests to see them every day or so, and you can repeat their quests every hour

>Earring and ring quests share a cooldown though, as they also share the token type

I don't know how you're getting magical drop rates but there's no way I could make 3 mill an hour at catfish or any place
The game doesn't tell me shit and neither do the players
everyone just magically farms 100 mill a minute and laughs at me for being stupid
guess i'll make a bunch of alts and use their 70 energy whenever it's up

I think if you came across as less of an asshole then you'd get a better response. You got a perfectly valid reply and instead of asking him to explain, you just went straight to "typical Veeky Forums".

>70 energy
There's part of your problem. Talk to more npcs, kill more (different kinds of) shit, explore more areas, craft more things, gather more stuff. Fucking do ANYTHING and you should have more energy than that. Jesus.

And the way you get catfish to drop you 3 mil an hour is by getting the node to level 6 (don't need any more, and that's only like 3k energy total) and killing the fuck out of them with 3 pets to pick up your shit. They're piss-easy - you should practically oneshot everything - and they drop turn-ins that are worth significantly more now.

You have zero downtime because they can't hit you for shit, you can have full zone control since nobody who's actually there for EXP can touch you either, and you just burn a full load of mana/whatever pots over a few hours raking in the cash. They also drop blackstones and crystal shards in reasonable quantities (which I don't count in the total since i use those, but which would push it even higher), in addition to trade goods and other random shit.

Keep in mind that I don't actually recommend grinding there as a level 55 because there are far, far better places that have already been mentioned - just that you CAN do so and you can make 3m an hour easy.

What are you, a warrior or zerker or some other slow-as-balls melee? Of course your shit is going to be slower/less efficient. You should have assumed that going into it. If you're a wizard, archer or sorc you have no fucking excuse at all and you should probably just uninstall.

Yeah, I think completing the necklace quest once triggered the other two. Fuck that quest though, daily + pain in the ass mobs (at the time) = not interested, especially since a DUO or TRI bares is just as easy to make.

well thanks for the advice
I don't know what the main route or anything is so the three times I've went to sausans the same guild killed me with like 10 people


why would you bump a dead thread?

people are either grinding or afk fishing/sleeping

there's literally nothing new to talk about now that mister "why can't I make money" has been answered

'cause it's my subreddit and entertains me at times

shut the fuck up template bitch

I will gut you like a pig



shut the fuck up template bitch

>another sardine member insulting their pig leader

daily reminder that one sorc shitposted about their own leader and got away with it by saying it was some user trying to false flag as them by deleting the picture, something only someone who felt guilty would do and not some 2nd level falseflagging that they played it off as

shut the fuck up template bitch

wait what

Maybe you are the false flagger trying to lie about the false flagging so people will believe on the your lies again. You can not know about the real truth so easy.

t. Schrodinger's Cat

>t. Schrodinger's Cat
That's not what Schrodingers' Cat is

>damage control

>You can not know about the real truth so easy
you just admitted its the truth...?

>still trying so hard
they didn't bite m8, leave it

nope, I don't falseflag in this general

just posting the truth

How do I know you are not lying too?