Dueling Network General #2217 - Shin Neo New Based God Sawatari-san Edition
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Dueling Network General - /dng/
Dinosaur support when
Still didn't get an answer from last thread, but is Dragonecro and Dragon's Mirror good in a Zombie World deck?
>Infernoid Tierra can send 3 copies of Treatoad to plus the fuck out of your hand if you play WATER shit.
Post the full deck, I would assume so though
>Toadally Awesome Party!
>Normal Spell
>Send any number of "Frog the Jam" from your Deck to the Graveyard; Add the same number of "Frog" or "Toad" monsters from your Deck to your Hand. You can banish this card from your Graveyard, then target 1 "Frog" or "Toad" monster in your Graveyard/Banished Zone; Add that target to your Hand. You can only use 1 "Toadally Awesome Party!" effect per turn, and only once during that turn.
Would you run it?
After Cloudians support
Don't tease me, user.
>you're only supposed to use summoner monk in spell heavy decks
It's common sense, but don't expect the /dng/ petdeck shitters to know anything about deckbuilding.
Frog Infernoids new meta
Also by chance you have a discord?
again, its not as bad as it seems.
for reference, opening terraf/field spell and transmodify in ABC is 17%.
> my rulings test is still in the OP after all this time
I feel honored.
How is /dng/ doing nowadays? Any of you guys preparing for the EUWCQ or NAWCQ?
1-2 seems good. I personally tech 1 in Shiranui because Dragonecro is fun
>1/5 chance to open Summoner Monk and a spell isn't that bad
yeah, it's not that bad. it's just extremely suboptimal, especially in a deck that lacks consistency and doesn't have a variety of plays unlike ABC
you should consider the fact that you might also want to activate that spell instead of discarding it with Monk
tl;dr atmos is awful at deckbuilding
Hey joey, how's it going? I think a couple people in here are, but I don't know if any of them are actually going.
/dng/ has been pretty shit with the influx of new trips but I can't get myself to leave sadly. Just ignore AtmosX, swamp man, and the usual Marzepan/Mariomon posts.
People will only start taking you seriously if you either: post a Cubic deck with better ratios, or prove that I can't build other decks that aren't Cubics. Unless you have any of my other decks saved, I would suggest you do the former.
joey please come back, and bring everyone back with you
>Any of you guys preparing for the EUWCQ or NAWCQ?
Probably not. I haven't played meta in months.
>joey back
>Marzepan back
>Atmos getting BTFO
Is /dng/ finally going to git gud again?
>People will only start taking you seriously
but I'm already being taken seriously, see >I will start taking you seriously*
here, ftfy
summoner monk in a deck with 14 spells and 21 monsters is an awful tech and I shouldn't even need to explain myself
you're just that idiotic
Nah I think it's just bad, for now at least. I can't think of anything WATER heavy enough that's worth mixing with Noids at any capacity. It's funny though.
what would you consider to be a good ratio of spells?
14 is 20.18% for monk and a spell.
20 is 22.66% for monk and a spell.
30 is 23.69% for monk and a spell.
you're arguing for like 2% increase, when monk probably isnt the greatest start the deck can have.
The only thing I'm preparing for is:
A. Free play during convention season. I'm bringing a meta deck (domain monarchs), a petdeck (Harpies), and a rogue deck (Lunalights)
B. The TCG release of the movie packs, though the inevitable price of the new gadgets will probably just make me want to play deskbots instead of ABC.
i wonder how feels with this pic lmao
What is that? Is that skype? Since when does skype tell you what people are doing?
thats discord
You guys should stay there.
Life's alright, but it's also keeping me from doing any serious YGO-related things. I spend most of my time buying/selling cards nowadays (Which is ridiculously easy by the way. Holy shit, the YGO community is retarded. Did you see the price on Galaxy Soldier and Transmodify?). I thought about coming back here once in a while and doing a jew update post like Accel did once in a week or something for fun, but I imagine it'd go into tripfag drama pretty quick.
Yeah the meta's been stale lately, didn't really bother with it at all. I did manage to get T32 at nationals with a cookie cutter Kozmo build which was nice. Hopefully the Felgrand deck will shake things up during the WCQ's.
>Atmos getting BTFO
You know we can still save it and repost it right you retard?
>monk and a spell.
of course opening with monk and one single spell isn't likely at 30
try P(X >= 1)
They never left the party, they only left you guys ;)
Gib invite
nah that guy is just dumb, he calculated the probability to open with one single monk and one single spell
the probability to open with one or more monks and one or more spells is much, much higher
but i guess you wouldn't know, being an idiot lol
>standard degenerate
>all those other garbage people
You can keep them fuck, I don't want anything to do with those shitters.
>Atmos being stripped of his last chance to save face
Oh, the humanity.
i did multiple.
the problem isnt the amount of spells, its the number of cards you start with and monk being semi limited.
with 3 monks and 5 cards in hand, 14 is 28%, 20 is 32% and 30 is 33%.
with going second and having 6 cards, 14 is 25%, 20 is 27.5% and 30 is 28%.
I thought you fucked off forever SirFatCat? Literally nobody else but me even knows who you are anymore
going second and having 2 monks, i mean.
3 monks and 6 cards is just short of 40% for 30.
Do you have the probability calculator on hand? I want to test this for myself too and maybe replace the monks if I can find something better.
What did he mean by this?
>Do you have the probability calculator on hand?
Yo! Angelo!
What up nigga. Bought an Ulti Castel, JUMP Shock Master and a Duel Terminal Daigusto the other day, they look so sweet.
>Duel Terminal Daigusto
Good taste.
>expecting me of all people to read
The only thing this guy debating my ratios is definitely right about is that I'm retarded when it comes to reading things
trust me, you don't want in. there's no YGO discussion, just bad politics memes and waifuposting.
I join worse discords, do it anyways.
still not accurate enough, but you're getting closer
adding summoner monk to the equation is wrong in the first place anyway
you don't need to draw summoner monk, you're supposed to adjust your strategy to it IN CASE you draw it
the point is that with 30 spells in your deck you have 99% chances to open with at least one
nah i don't, the other guy probably does though
Stop shitposting, autismo.
>there's no YGO discussion, just bad politics memes and waifuposting.
So exactly like /dng/?
kys niggers go make your own chat if you're so thirsty to have someone licking your dicks
Only because retards like you keep shitting up the thread.
So /dng/, how would you make the meta more diverse, and what would you remove/put on the banlist?
Alright you asked for it.
treatoad meta incoming.
Ok I found it in the OP, and yeah I'm wrong here. Sorry for calling you shit, do you have any other possible replacements for Monk then?
Nerf Kozmoshits into the ground so things that target can exist again
Well, I'm having fun.
>TCG players are discussing probabilities
>meanwhile, OCG players are doing SHINING DRAWS and DESTINY DRAWS while shouting "ORE NO TAANNNNNNNN"
Can I post my're waifu?
>Aigami plays two traps in the movie not in the movie pack
>First Trap:When opponent's monster declares an attack: ss Vijam from deck and make the attacker battle with it
>Second Trap: When opponent's monster declares an attack: negate the attack, and then ss 2 houkai monsters from deck ignoring their summoning conditions.
>Houkai monsters can be ss in BP and monsters with Houkai counters on them have their attack reduced to 0 as well.
Konami nerfed Houkai because Kaz made them too powerful.
limit Kozmotown, Pantheism, Terrortop, and maybe either Dante or Beatrice
Yuya posting is always welcome here
>he isnt in the /dng/ discord
>like you
Mother fucker I've posted like 3 times in the past 2 months.
sorry, I have no idea how to play cubics whatsoever
>all those trannies
>conversation is about summoner monk being bad with 14 spells
>i point out with math that it generally does not matter
>"adding summoner monk to the equation is wrong in the first place anyway"
thats a little bit of a backpedal there.
if it was so wrong, then the first post would have pointed that out, instead of saying you shouldnt run it with only 14 spells.
point is, if you do manage to discard a cubic spell with it, you would have a half decent card live in the grave and special summon a cubic from deck on top of that.
Oh yeah conventions are pretty sweet. Easy winning after scouting, easy pickups from people who don't follow meta. I have the feeling Alternative won't be in the movie pack though, why the fuck aren't they promoting it otherwise? Maybe it'll be an import in TDIL so they can sell more boxes.
Something funny about the ruling test: 403 people have done the rulings test so far, which is almost 4x the amount it had when I left /dng/. 40% of these people got the miss-the-timing question wrong. That's fucking garbage.
Am I the only person here who doesn't use discord?
ocg players actually test out their ideas extensively instead of just pretending to be philosophers like tcg players
>card advantage
>stealing all that shit
no, not a "backpedal" or anything like that
summoner monk is already a card you'll probably end up not drawing anyway, so the logic is to run as many spells in order to use him effectively in case you draw him
First thing to come to mind is Goblindbergh or Tin Goldfish. Not many cards let you ss generic monsters from the deck.
>battle traps
That effect from the movie is just imitation of Kozmo pilots and the atk point reduction is the only worthwhile effect missing.
This entire archetype is still gimmicky and got nerfed less than Malefics even
You're rude, Kotorifag.
Here for petdeks, wanting to fug Lunalights and holy shit that Frogs support. What else does INOV have in store?
Join the future grampappy
You ruined the thread all the time before your short break and now you are back at it again. The damage is already done. It needs time to recover.
The threads we had without tripfags (The 1 or 2 who posted occasionally were mostly ignored) over the past few weeks were way better than the threads we had before. There is way less shitposting without you retards. This is a fucking fact.
What's so great about discord anyway?
its just better skype
its skype that isnt a resource hog and has normal, not shit options.
I don't use skype either.
>implying you don't want to fuck us
Get a load of this fag.
Mieru a shit.
>The threads we had without tripfags (The 1 or 2 who posted occasionally were mostly ignored) over the past few weeks were way better than the threads we had before.
That's because the threads were dead you stupid fucking pavement ape.
I only Skype with friends that I know.
some of us have internet friends
Yo dawg, that's a nice deck you got there.
Would be a real shame if something happened to it.
fuck you
I don't have _any_ friends
I've always been here. I took a relatively small break for a while but I still post here with the same damn images.
Everybody has been playing on YGOPro recently (which I don't play) and I don't really play on DN anymore either. I recently got back into locals though and I've been participating in tournaments with my Monarchs.
The threads were not dead. Just slower because all the mindless off-topic shit that had nothing to do with yugioh was missing.
Ill be youre internet friend
Dunno if I want to keep the "ss level 4" thing going if I can't summon Duja from the deck then. What 2 cards would be good in cubics?
I should have known it was you autismo. >The archetype as a whole could have been far less shit
A damn shame.
No, fuck off.
Alright you two faced horsefucker go back to pojo then
I like this.
I do not like this.