How can I make profit with $20?

How can I make profit with $20?

buy a stolen card and then buy an ipad and sell it on cl, easy profit

buy knee pads, suck dick in an alley.

too risky

I haven't sunken that low

Poorfag. I have $32 to invest.

I now have $36. Have fun in poverty bitch

That's +175% in 30 minutes, wow tell me your secret master!

I got money from mummie

learn value investing
go to robin hood.
split ur 20 up in 4 5 dollar internet companys that are value buys.
remember its not unusual for inter net companys
to trade x3 their bvp .
wait a month or 2 sell , repeat

I'm from Europe:((((
Feels like my only hope is crypto trading, will jump on it with $100-200 next month.
Till then I'll learn how to stare at charts with that face.

no. dont put money in that shit. just keep working ur ass off and saving every little bit of money till you got about 30 k , and can get a Etrade account or something.

in the mean time, absorb investing wisdom.

ur gonna lose money on that cypto bullshit. then have 2 start from scratch again.

Start copy trading forex. Pour money into the account copying a good trader

I just farted.

How do I turn this moment into millions?

film fart fetish vids

i have $48 to invest. stay poor, faggots

I don't have a job, just making pennies with online affiliate shit. 30K?
lol if I start work in my city as a wage slave I need to work for 6 years without spending a dollar to earn that.
SEE? I don't have anything to lose!

Btw if I open a legit trading account (stock, forex, etc) the taxes of my country will eat me alive,
not to mention trading fees as a punishment for not trading big money.

Man, I think I should just give up, work in a shop and be an alcoholic as most of young idiots around me.

>in the mean time, absorb investing wisdom
I want to, but... I'm just hanging on Veeky Forums
Ok, fuck it, I'm going to learn this shit.
Investopedia, here I come!

Buy a domain and hosting. Start a porn site.

Just sold my meme account for $150, have fun being poor faggot