Post pics of the /comfy/ place you're going to buy when you've made the money you need.
Pic extremely related
Post pics of the /comfy/ place you're going to buy when you've made the money you need.
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c o m f y
Looks like some gaudy porn set
too manicured.
I used to sort of roll my eyes at threads like these but recently watched a Timothy Sykes interview where he talked about how he was studying psychology and did an A/B test where he had a video of how to read SEC filings and put one copy of the video with a thumbnail of a screenshot of an SEC filing and another copy of the same video with a picture of a nice car like a Ferrari. The results of this test was that people would actually watch the copy of the video with the ferrari thumbnail longer on average than people would watch the video with the SEC filing screenshot. Even though the videos themselves where the same, somehow the thumbnail of a nice car affected peoples psychology to make them more motivated to sit through watching the boring video longer.
u want me to fuck u on the couch or up against the column bb?
Looks like a shitty evanesance video
This is where a guy who wears too many finger rings would live.
i wish i had to friends to play shuffleboard with.
neat idea but too tacky, gotta look more authentic
Played shuffleboard in a bar once. It's actually quite fun. I'd like that and a ping pong table. Maybe a billiards table too.
>all want to go to quiet places in the middle of nowhere
Well, it's Veeky Forums. Deep down we all just want to get the fuck away from people
>tfw you can only currently afford shitty islands on lakes
homestead implies that
80k is all I want
I'd make a lot of changes, but:
Want this fuckin office
I fucking love that style and would love an office like that also...
I just struggle to know what the fuck I'd do in it... smoke a cigar, play some vidya... internet banking? Fap?
Seriously no legit need for it, but I want.
Same, except building wealth with more wealth is too tasty to pass up and I want to have children with good opportunities. don't wanna raise isolated autists with shitty schools nearby. gotta move up at least one rung on the social latter.