Shit white folks do

>make $100k a year
>refuse to pay for Netflix

Other urls found in this thread:

>make $250k a year
>only order off the dollar menu

>Pay for their kid's college
>Teach them the value of hard work
>Instill a strong work ethic
>Invest their money
>Read the news
>Graduate highschool

Lmfao crackers smdh

you can't get rich if you spend all your money.

>make 100k a year
>evade taxes on 80% of it

Avoiding and evading are two completely different things. I wouldn't evade (illegal) and I wouldn't waste more time or money avoiding, which is why I just don't pay.

wtf I hate while people now

Lmao this as shit.. I saw a whitey with a 2 kids and his wife all order off the dollar menu. Motherfucker was wearing a Rolex and a suit, he also ordered 1 drink and all 4 of them split it and kept refilling it.

>have a father figure in their life

too close to home

>trade cryptocurrencys
>buy high, sell low
>trade at all (never saw a black trader)
>try to kill themselves after a bad trade
>be neck deep in student debt
>take expensive vacations because they "deserve it"

black people just don't do any of these and instead commit petty crimes and go to prison

>niggers don't understand the concept of being frugal


niggers don't how to be niggardly. I am niggardly.

>africans rob each other every day
>white people threaten to nuke each other every day

>make $0k a year
>pays for Veeky Forums

>white folks getting triggered ITT

the joke is that those are minor things that ultimately won't dent your overall wealth, especially if you have an income that high, yet some people are that stingy

are you suddenly not frugal if you haven't saved every last penny throughout your entire life?

And picking the "premium" angus burger over a McDouble won't dent my overall happiness either.

> stay in school
> say 'no' to drugs
> get steady jobs
> work their way up the corporate ladder
> read to their kids at bedtime
> be married to one person for 50 years
> invest in a diversified portfolio of high-quality stocks and bonds to pay for their kids to go to college

i don't know of anyone who makes 100k a year and refuses to pay for netflix

still, that's 120 bucks you can throw in a stock and become rich

>wonder why youre poor
>at least you got netflix

Shit poorfags do:

>Make $25,000 a year.
>Pay for cable
>Pay for Netflix
>Pay for Prime
>Shop at Whole Foods
>Buy shit because Veeky Forums recommends it
>Wonder why they aint got shit to show for anything.

Netflix and chill, man. Netflix and chill.

Then they wonder why they got 12 kids by 5 different fathers.

>Create modern civilisation
>destroy modern civilisation due to white guilt

i make $80k and refuse to pay for netflix
the movie selection is abysmal, the price keeps going up, and the only thing on it is absolute garbage tier tv shows only stoners and women laugh at

can some of you /b/ros help me out???

i dont understnd whythh the womens wage myth is a ''myth''

it kidna seems true when you think aboiut it

>whythh the womens wage myth is a ''myth''
because studies found that young women tend to earn more than young men in the same positions.
and they also found that more men are employed in the private sector and more women find employment in the public sector by choice. considering this alone the difference should be greater than what feminists claim on average but it's actually quiet small. which means women are on average overpaid.

>Don't pay for kids college
>Teach them their natural intelligence will always make life easy
>Instill strong sense of paranoia and fear of others/lack of trust
>Have no savings/budgeting skills
>Listen to Alex Jones/Rush Limbaugh

Just my experience.

>the gender wage gap is small so women are overpaid
Veeky Forums looks pretty intellectual to me

feminist logic detected.

the gender wage-gap favors women when looked in the same professions especially women dominated fields.

but across the board men tend to get better paying more challenging and demanding jobs that tend to pay better so women on average get paid less.

that is why people call the gender wagegap a myth. because women simply don't put the same hours and effort in to work don't take the same risks less inclined to move for a better opportunity and hate competitive environment.

Men work more hours, hence they get paid more, their hourly rates are the same

Women also don't negotiate their salaries as well as men.

>still, that's 120 bucks you can throw in a stock and become rich
now I remember why this board is shit again

>say "Thanks for the warning officer"

>make $100k a year
>It's not expensive I'll buy that
>It's not expensive, and I'm making 100k, I'll buy that too
>Well, I have a nice salary, it's not expensive, so I'll buy that also
>This is so cheap! and I have a nice salary, I'll buy this
>What the fuck, why am I debt?

Women don't work as much as men, in fact when households need more money it is usually the man who is expected to work two jobs. Women don't do the dangerous jobs that men do that also pay more, such as all those women doing deep water construction that pays a shit ton of money. And finally women can't even pay themselves as much as men do, see link.

There is no wage gap.

> Don't talk about sex in public, discourage promiscous sex
> Watch insanely violent movies

> Blame the poor for the problems they have
> Have a 150lb body, but a 40lb gut
> Own dogs the size of a football

> Don't work as hard
> Don't work as many hours
> Don't do any of the physical and dangerous jobs
> Get time off for pregnancy
> Take more sick days
> Science and history have proven 100x they are not as capable as men at any task on Earth
> Don't have to register for the draft

Women have it so good and yet still complain. A reckoning is coming. And that reckoning will be backed by logic and facts.

true i have been nagging my gf to go negotiate a raise for years. in the meantime i have done it twice successfully. she refuses.

>Science and history have proven 100x they are not as capable as men at any task on Earth
they are better at mindnumbingly repetitive tasks and standing on their feet all day than men tho.


>studies found
Which studies?

you fucking nigger

I bought stocks that biz recommended and now I'm clearing 200k this year. Up from 17,000 last year as a wagecuck.


Women also quite their jobs in the middle of their ramping careers to shit out babies and sometimes they "feel" like becoming stay home parents whereas society deems that a lazy shitbag option for men

What the hell did this thread have to do with race? Why the hell did it devolve into that? I'm so confused. It really could be anyone. For starters, most white and Asians I know all have netflix. So assuming OP has to be a poor black person is completely silly.

I'm going to give you the benefit of a doubt and assume youre memeing.

Not same user, but while I agree with the aspects of the wage myth you mentioned, you are forgetting why things like this will happen in the first place culturally. Analyze why women are doing this. For example, perhaps your wife is afraid to ask for a raise because it could get turned down because she took maturity leave at some point or don't feel she deserves it, as untrue as it may be. Studies have found that overall as a group, women have less confidence than men and are raised to be less assertive/ domineering.
Another thing is expectations, women are going to go on maturity leave for much longer because they are still expected to be the primary care givings as women by society. It's "motherly." Providing more financially than emotionally for your children is not seen as enough for women as it is for fathers.

Feminists need to focus more on fixing why women aren't putting in the same work and how to fix it instead of marketing a fake claims about rates and just MAKING employers PAY women more at their current work output.
And yes maturity is important because we need women to have kids so you can't shit on them for that.
>inb4 women shouldn't work
Not viable at this point of our civilization. We need a compromise, unless you want women having no children.

>maturity leave
top kek

How the hell is this memeing? Because I'm using common sense and realism, which you and most shut-ins on here lack? I'm sorry, I forgot you guys aren't based in reality.

Thanks for playing. Try again some time.

It's a typo. My bad. Auto correct is pretty useless. Let's not dwell on it k?

This is not bait. But your post sure as hell is.

back to your home.

>What the hell did this thread have to do with race? Why the hell did it devolve into that? I'm so confused. It really could be anyone

Because it says... "Things white folks do" in the subject???

Okay, fine, I'll take it.
You made a post asking how this blatantly racial thread 'devolved' into a thread about race. Do you realize how retarded that is, or are you impaired in some way?

Shoot I didn't see the subject line
OP just talked about Netflix in his actual post.

>standing on their feet all day
Elaborate. Also citation?

I could agree with that. I've said before that I thought women were better at handling multiple things at one time than men. And also better at getting an emotional read of a customer or client.

That being said, men are better at work overall. Really women are grossly overpaid in our society today, and often use sex appeal to get ahead.

>waaah white people :'(

>Not viable at this point of our civilization.


>We need a compromise, unless you want women having no children.

We already have that.

Good meme, upvoted!

>invent everything
>create modern civilization

lol this is me, make 110k a year, order dollar menu mc chickens.

I'd agree the Netflix selection basically sucks and not worth paying for, even if it is only a tiny margin of your monthly income.

>spending half of their net worth on pharmaceuticals for meme diseases

Every dollar counts.
I am not going to pay for Netflix.
I am not going to pay full price for my meal.
No I am not going to buy the new Iphone or andriod phone. I am happy with my 4 year old Galaxy S3.
No I am not going to pay monthly installments on mortgages or anything else the banks want you to pay. I pay full price without interest. If I can't afford it, too bad, I'll just live in my small house.
No will not pay for transit to work. I'll just soon buy a cheap RV and live and eat there.

This, during my summer job, my female supervisor worked half as many hours as I did.

It started with someone claiming that white people are stingy and someone responded claiming that niggers are frivolous with their money (which imo is very true, I went to a mostly black high school, and can't get over the number of "poor" black people who spend most of their money on new shoes and pot.

lol we don't already have that to such an extent. I mean over 60% of all women not having kids. We need women to have kids so telling them no maternity leave could only make it worse. We would probably have a better birth rate if they had maternity leave at this point. Though di we reallt need that mnay more kids in thia world now? We are already having issue feeding everyone as it is.
Keep in mind, feminists support leave for men too..obviously not the same length of time,since they don't grow and push a baby out of them but still the support it.

It's not viable because there isn't really anything to do in the house for most modern women. I mean we don't even need women to have more than 2 kids these days anymore because almost all will survive. Most house work is easy and automated, and everything we need can be bough at stores for money instead of making them like clothing. They don't really need to clean the house all day because most technology makes cleaning a bit more simple. Finally, once the kids go to school(mainly highschool) there definiely isn't much left. I mean,some can if they want.
However, we're better off not forcing all women to stay home rather than some career to contribute to society. ..more like private sector and STEM instead of all those useless stuff they do of course (that's a whole other problem). Men and women can split childcare and all that to make it possible for both of them to be around their kids and advance in careers. YBH, It's sucks men never got the chance to be around their kid much until now.

They don't have any better educational systems what do you expect? Many poor people dont even know what stocks are anyway, let alone afford to participate. I'm sure this was a bait thread that all of you storm fags just fell for.

>whites invented everything
/pol/tards everyone.
The funnier thing is many of these people who invented alot of things things back then, you would barely consider to "white" now.

Lmfao I had a sortof similar thing as you. I was working 55-60 hour weeks at this firm while this customer care women was just working 40 hours. She always complained and asked me for help for everything also.

>some woman I meant are incompetant
>all women might be incompetant.
Geez, at least with the less work hours there is actually stats behind it.
If I was to go by my experience, all men are drunken assholes.

Uhh I'm pretty sure white people back then we're more white than white people these days. Tf u on about

>Be millionaire
>Spoil kids with whatever they want (Dirt bikes, snow mobile, etc)
>As soon as they turn 18, cut them off and kick them out
>GL Senpai

Well, I put "poor" in quotation marks because there were plenty of poor whites and Mexicans too, and while they also wasted money on drugs, they at least put more time towards finishing their education. Literally, all of the "sneakerheads" were black kids addicted to the new Jordans. It kind of reminded of this one Mexican chick that told me that she was gonna quite smoking cigarettes due to hoe much they cost her, but that same day I heard her talking to others about how they were going to go buy some weed. I don't understand how some people's brains work. "Oh poor me, the evil white man is ruining my life by being richer then me, but there's no way that 20$ weed and 200$ shoes are tearing a hole in my budget." I never learned about stocks in school, I learned about them from my dad, uncle, and books.

This is how White people stay ahead

Fucking kikes

>making that much
>being cheap
Shit son, ever heard 'spend money to make money"?
I make about 300k a year and donated at least 100k to charitable organizations last year. Tax man wanna give me all my money back ya feel?

>Donating $100k to reduce your tax liability by $40k

Sure thing pal.

>black kids always buying shoes and never the ones saving.
That's literally just your school user.
There are plentry of variants with each minority race out there.
Also, admit, you are still butt hurt that you fell for OP's bait. Just ignore and report if you want.
> I don't have alot of money but I have connections with other people in my family that provide be easy access to jobs or certain information. See I'm not much more privledges or anything!
lol I love how privledged groups(Asians or whites etc)like to pretend that they have no help or connections like most poor blacks or Hispanics when in fact, they got a job because the connection their aunt's friend or dad's friend had at a job. Or you happened to have a family member that provided you daily access to free guides/ and support to learn certain skills or concepts.
Keep in mind many poor blacks and mexicans in the hood do not have such connections or easy access to knowledge.

/pol/ everyone.
No but seriously most weren't. At most probably more genetic variation for some time but most people had brown or tan skin.
Anyway you're such an idiot, you missed the main point that Chinese actually invented quite alot of things. Egyptians were hardly just white, they were more mixed race than anyone. Most inventions and human innovations came about because of trade desu. No man's (or nation) an island right?

>go to college
>Be married to one person
>All whites do this.
Anyway this is a bait thread. The thing about people who say shit like this, is that they are usually ignorant themselves and making stereotypes of everyone. no point arguing with them.

>I learned about them from my dad, uncle
Most poor minorities don't have a good father figure, or any father figure.

> stay in school
> say 'yes' to drugs
> get steady jobs
> work their way up the corporate ladder
> read to their kids at bedtime
> be married to one person for 50 years
> invest in a diversified portfolio of high-quality stocks and bonds to pay for their kids to go to college
>Enjoy a joint to end the night and get a good nights rest

It's not just that. But even if they do well...they are poor/ uneducated so it's not like their fathers have access to that stuff either. This is even more true for immigrants.