Heroes of the Storm - /hotsg/

Succubus edition

>What's new
new patch is live, ranked season 1 and unranked play + medivh are alive, next hero confirmed to be gul'dan


>where do I find you panda-loving faggots?
/join Veeky Forums

>Do you have a discord?

>What hero should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation and see what types you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked, it's not worth it.

>Links nobody visits anyway
Official Site: us.battle.net/heroes/en/
General News: heroesnexus.com/
Tips & Tricks: heroesofthestorm.github.io/tips
Hero Rankings and Statistics: hotslogs.com/Default
Talent Calculator: heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator/
All of the hero voice lines: rpboyer15.github.io/sounds-of-the-storm

old thread: ded

Why the fuck didn't anyone make a new thread for 40 fucking minutes?



So dead even the thread died

Gul'Dan when?

Mid 2016, we have a gnome-dragon, worgen, ogre, two pandas, three night elves with a third orc coming, even a fucking murloc, and still no Trolls

Who would the troll be? Name one memorable troll NPC

Someone DDosing the server(s) at the moment? Just faced a team that was seemingly uneffected by lag spikes but our team was paralyzed for half the match.

Guy said it was some people from a twitter page he checked doing it on purpose. I'll grab names in a second.

Where the FUCK is Maiev????

Alrighty, guy in chat said it was Lizard Squad doing it, whoever that is.

Are people having huge lag spikes in hots? Was in a spider queen where 3 people kept disconnecting, and before that 2 people kept disconnecting. Is blizzard being ddos'd again?

1200 ping the whole match. we won because we had autoattacks, but you literally can't play the game. the entire battle.net just went down

yea bro,

I was up 20-17, then people kept disconnecting only on my team, the other team was unaffected somewhat.

Lost all my dogepoints.

Zul'Jin, Vol'Jin, any boss from ZG, Drakuru,.

literally the worst troll

I have been. fairly regularly.

Yeah basically, but he'd probably be the first troll Blizzard puts in anyway.

I wan't Rag in the game but I dont want firelands Rag. maybe we could have and Molten Core based map.

Onyxia when

After Hemet Nessingwary, Harrison Jones, Brann Bronzebeard, Lilian Voss, Vindicator Maraad, and Varimathras


>Hemet Nessingwary

8 games today, 5-3 wins

What are the chances the next 2 games are both losses?

>implying Maraad would sell anywhere near as well as Yrel with a Velhari skin

Come on.



Stop playing now and you can tell yourself you're free from forced 50

free until tomorrow

Fem draenei are the only reason anyone even knows draenei exist. They really need to add yrel or something.

I've like Maraad ever since I saw this for the first time like 10 years ago. didn't even know who he was at that time though.

11,000g. I currently have Li-Ming, Valla, Zagara, Muradin.

I was looking to get a support, and maybe something else. I was thinking about Brightwing + Illidan. If not Brightwing for support, then Lt. Morales.

yay/nay? Does /hotsg/ hate these kinds of questions from casuals?

rehgar is best support and also best orc

He didn't exist during BC, they said during blizzcon like 2014 that the name of the draenei from the cinematic was maraad. He wasn't put into the game until Wotlk and gave out 2 quests in Icecrown, then he was mentioned as being one of the people to lead the invasion in WoD.

They were going to give him a story in WoD, but they cut his story along with most of the draenei story including yrel's to talk about orcs.

there was a time when my Quick Match numbers were higher than my Hero League numbers

but now they've flipped
QM is insufferable by default
HL over the weekend is rank suicide

ah, that explains why i didnt know his name until a year or two ago then.

I played Rehgar for a few games and it didn't really click with me (because I'm new and bad). Maybe I'll get him and just git gud.

>not wanting Yrel and Velhari as separate characters
Aura of Oppression would be fucking insane against pubs


Holy fucking shit this game is so rigged

It would be great, but I think they will only put one female draenei in the game. Like I doubt we will ever see another female gnome. One is really all we can hope for.

I want some proper forsaken, not Sylvanas the zombie high elf. Maybe Putress.


If the echo Chromie drops with her 20 talent already knows where she's going to aim her next sand blast, is it from the future or is it the "real" Chromie and you're just controlling the echo?


Gonna play Stiches QM if anyone wants to join, gonna get in one last game before the night is over.

Was a good run. Tracer shat all over the Cho'gall.

I took a pretty long break from the game, I can't believe how much better the game is with the option to playunranked draft. Why wasn't this in from the get-go?

If you like illidan and wanna support, Kharazim is p good, just don't fuck up those palms

being the cunning genius she is chromie obviously knew in advance where she'd end up aiming

>Nice gun. Compensatin' for somethin'?
>Heh. Nope.




Is this the Dreadnought that is the caster or is it someone else?

Where the FUCK is Dezco????

I actually do want him in the game, I love this fucking guy. Obviously keep the babies off of him if he were to be added.

How would we know it's dezco without his baby armor?

He won't shut up about his babies in every piece of dialogue he has, problem solved.

>in masters
>our anub went beetle build
>he never initiates, forcing xul to lead
>everyone calls him out to make him frontline instead of frontline, ignores us
>this obviously leads to disaster
>as we get wiped for the last time, everyone rages at anub and his shitty build
>"Whats wonrg with build??"

Rehgar is best support but brightwing's playstyle is a little more original and can be more fun to play

But also brightwing doing well is contingent on having teammates with some game knowledge. People still dont understand that brightwing is like the one healer in the game who doesnt have a point and click heal and sometimes if they need healing they need to run toward you. But yeah brightwing can be a fucking blast.

>tauren "paladins"

Someone else

tychus is shit

i repeat: tychus is shit


Where did Blizzard go wrong?

Releasing the beta version of the game and expecting people to test it for a year.

theres 1 on nazeeob

no u

what a horrible hero

literally trash tier

>people think anything but top 200 grandmaster is good

I'm not bragging about my shitter GM rank but it should still put me comfortably ahead of most /hotsg/ fags :^)

Also i found that after I reached GM my will to actually play the game evaporated somewhat

I just discovered the joy of being the kinky bug of the infinite stuns

Did you just pick Tychus every game?

Good hero if you have a tank. Terrible hero if your team thinks you're the/a tank.

How to spec Illidan and Thrall?

Yes, unless I had to fill or were firstpick on a map where falstad is really good.

>people think rank means shit in this dogshit system

>try thrall for the first time in over 6 months
>someone disconnects as soon as the game starts and never comes back

Unranked, who cares nigga. Not expecting competency there are you?

Was expecting 4 human players on my side

You've come to the wrong type/genre of vidya. Actually, most multiplayer vidya is full of sub-humans.

So the free weekend did nothing for the game?

it gave me a 15 death zeratul

To be fair, that's not rare in low ranks

diamond. granted, its not GM but still

Is he hard to play or something? I used to run Nova when she was still good and that was a blast. Got her master skin and then she got nerfed on. Poor girl.

Requires more of a brain than the average hero but he isn't hard. He also isn't that rewarding and flexible. Reason why he isn't usually picked, there's just better choices. Much like Nova. She can do all right, but usually, no.

I've also bought a skin for her and then she got gutted :^) She wasn't even OP and the winrate was a consistent ~50%

Not hard, people are just idiots.
>I'll pick zera to hunt chromie/morales/random squishy
>Gets blown up every single time

haven't played in a few months, that dude was always banned and rekt face when I did. I'd honestly like another cloak hero. They add a certain dread on the maps.

Your soul shall be mine!

My magic will tear my team apart!

>I'm here to feed!

>that dude was always banned
why lie on the internet

>My death count will tilt everyone on the team!


Didn't think I was lying? But whatever man, you know better than me. Here's your internet victory.

>play with another vgee
>he's playing memedivh
>places a portal in the middle of a teamfight
>somehow do a pretty nice play that involved a misclick in the portal
>"wow finally a team who uses my portals efficiently!"
laughed a little tbqh

>tfw we got pre teramore jaina when she didn't still reveal her true colors
>hs got best jaina

>try out heroes in QM that I haven't played before
>get literal retards in teams
>always get highest damage and lowest deaths
>still lose
I don't even know if I'm playing these heroes correctly because I lose every game despite feeling like I'm doing good

You're not. You're the only constant.

If you and 3 team members are all on-point, coordinated and doing well but have one feeder that ignores the entire team the whole match, YOU'RE the only constant. btw it's always your fault. Masochism is the #1 seller in multiplayer video games, user. Don't forget; only constant.

>"I main X hero"

>X stands for jaina