grind is content edition
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1st for dying game, finally.
Post spookframe
5.641% my ass
>be newb
>having fun
>lots of cool things to grind for
>visit /wfg/
>full of cynical anons shouting death and doom
>tfw can't relate to them at all
How do I get parts for the seer blueprints that drop from vor
you'll understand soon
enjoy it while it lasts
>that blissful time period before you hit MR4
Warframe is a nice game in concept. The idea of space ninjas sounds really cool and the novelty actually sticks around for awhile as you're running through the DEAC for the first time.
But as you go deeper, you realize that it's all just a ruse to pull you into playing it forever. This is the curse of /wfg/.
what's that
i'm no stranger to games turning to shit. i've been playing path of exile for four years and that game has gone from bad to worse. poe and warframe are similar in many ways. they both layer on grinds on top of grinds, have no depth and require enormous amounts of time to achieve anything. but the key difference is warframe is higher quality and actually runs well and looks good while poe is a heaping pile of stinky shit with some shit frosting and shit sprinkles. DE also don't charge huge amounts of cash for their cash shop like GGG does, and path of exile is also blatantly p2w.
anyway, i'm sure you're right. i'll get sick of warframe soon and wish things would go back to how they were, but i'm gonna try to enjoy it while it lasts
nth for reminder that stealth in warframe is doomed to never be fun and viable, simply forgotten or at best occasionally given a bandaid then a nerf like every other system in the game, and that we are not in fact ninjas
I'm convinced the drop rates listed, based on rarity pools, are further attenuated by some unseen modifier to make sure shit like the Lcore doesn't actually show up as often as x50 r5... but there's no proof for that and the tables posted by voidglitch seem likely to be accurate
You'll get there eventually blessed user.
>and that we are not in fact ninjas
did the massive fancy golden carnival costumes tip you off?
or was it all the explosive weapons, assault rifles and battle axes?
but I was explicitly told that ninjas play free
and we aren't the ninjas
How do I Mag
How do I Ember
Is melee viable?
press 2
press 4
>How do I Ember
stack efficiency
get firequake
hit 4
run around laughing
Should have sold it when I had a chance
what will your rabbi say
sell it now. maybe'll find some retard who isn't currently aware of the current situation
What do I build after that? Power then range?
sustaining your world on fire is priority. you really don't have room for much else.
It takes like 3 mods for that though.
Where can I buy this
Sixty bucks soon goyim :^]
I'll probably craft her. I'm kinda tired of this game and I'd do the stupidest shits to have a reason to quit the game.
Nah, just kidding.
>quitting Warframe
in our shop, once it goes live
Build range and then strength, since you're gonna be using her for starchart and lower void tier DEAC anyway. The strength she gets after you put overextended on is sufficient. Duration is your dump stat.
Guys my game glitched out.. I am now DE_Steve
>but I was explicitly told that ninjas play free
we are not that kind of ninjas grandpa, pffffff
Quick, while you still have the name, tell everyone in region chat what a drunken out-of-control mess you are.
>Duration is your dump stat.
well, if you want to keep your cost at minimum, dur needs to stay over 40% (assuming 190% eff)
pic related works for me with the 224% strength build for higher level stuff or situations when I can keep my energy up (fast void runs usually)
he is logging into your account to have a look at your favorite builds
exact same thing happened to me yesterday. I got creeped out when I saw fat fuck's name in place of mine, but good to know I'm not the only one who DE is doing their experiments on.
How fun is it to build wukong for maximum defy and primal fury?
I've played probably just as long as these guys if not longer, and I can't relate to them.
I see how things can be better and instead of letting myself get bitter and jaded, I hold on to hope and this world that I love
Focus on having Fun and trying new things, make your Warframe pretty, socialize, grind and have fun while doing it.
Warframe is what you make it, and it always has something to look forward to with new updates always coming out.
>wacky naruto ninjas instead of real ninja shit
>Warframe is what you make it it really isn't. Is this what gamers submit to when mainly playing f2p?
You're literally fucking lying to yourself to hide from facts.
Seek freedom user, damn this is pathetic.
steve when is spectres of the rail coming out
are there any strategies for the kela fight?
mainly things to avoid the roller stagger and a way to cheese the shooting game
Rhino. Not even kidding. Iron skin's proc/stagger resist is best.
Something that you don't have to aim much, and is hitscan like ignis/shotguns/brakk are good for the shooting wheel thing.
>stop liking what i dont like!
>I refuse for you to not be jaded and angry like me!
I admit the game's shit but if I'm not having fun i'm gonna make sure to change that.
I like lore, I like customization, I like collecting, i like interacting with other people. Where DE fails in gameplay, I try and make it up with other aspects. If you don't like any aspect of the game that isn't gameplay, then I'm sorry for you.
>finally see that ash's bladestorm really is LoS
>checks radially from centerpoint of camera like rj peacemaker etc
>nobody believed user posting about this nerf months ago
please BPNPC, everybody here hates you for a reason.
DE (guys who made the game) Approved Content, aka everything you encounter in regular missions if you dont go past a single rotation.
For DE's testing purposes nobody goes over 20 waves in defense and 20 mins in survival, so after that balance of most frames gets out of whack, most guns become useless and things start to get at least a wee bit intense
>be in market
>get vauban parts for below 250
>random junk for 3-4p below their market worth
people really go low, if you just tell them that you got a different deal ready
not giga shekeling yet, but I can slowly feel how it works
leave my bf alone
Threadly reminder that Teshin Dax doesn't want you to lose your edge.
I hope whoever decided the normal machete needed to come back gets shot in the stomach soon.
>staying to watch the game burn and die with every new nerf and piece of "content"
how do i into sorties
make sure to never equip corrosive or good weapons because those are crutches
I have no idea what focus to use
I'm thinking about running Naramon + Electromagnetic Shielding on a crit build ack and brunt, that way I can stay invisible AND tank, is this currently viable?
you really didn't think this through did you
Whats the flaw?
what exactly are you going to tank when you are invisible
threadly reminder that frost is the bestframe in every situation
>not playing tree
seriously how do i turn off my potato and odris commentary? it's so annoying
>fixing the loss of momentum when rolling while aiming also lets you aim while rolling and glide while air meleeing
Wow, did DE actually do something good for once?
I play Tree
In the goddamn options menu you dingus.
That's not a bug, it's a gameplay limitation that is useful to keep people from moving around too fast.
i looked and can't find it
i think you're rusing me
do you have any build suggestions? I love my tree but his viability is low
Infinite loading screen coming back from a void mission with parts I want to keep. What do?
hallowed ground + ice wave impedance is my secret tech :^)
>i like interacting with other people
I always forget warframe is a co-op game until I need to jew for some more weapon/frame slots
how can you hijack by going solo
im tired of losing
ID loki, nyx, firequake ember, mirage, frost...
If both the lv60 Rathuum arena node and the 85 are a race to 25 kills that gives you 25 points, is there any incentive to do the latter?
oh fuck I can finally farm kela, no bullshit fucking rathuum points
bruh, get liki and use your disarm, or literally any other CC
I'm not on my computer to suggest some things.
wait, did they remove the need for arena points?
fuck my life
are you aware that nothing attacks you when you are stealthed and that you need to keep attacking to keep up the stealth
clearly nobody knows about this mod but you, thanks for posting it
I think only for the sortie
>tfw built the Mag Prime just because
I don't even know how to play her. What the fuck am I doing
>nothing attacks you when you are stealthed, less damage from enemies, more damage i can mitigate from my team
being able to keep up mitigating damage and attacking isn't hard to do, especially with high crit chance, its 10 seconds of stealth, falling out of stealth for a moment shouldn't kill you because you're playing a tank frame to mitigate damage
How do I submit a question for DE to answer during a devstream?
>not just building all frames/weapons and letting them sit in your oven for eternity
1. Buy plat goyim
2. Be a asslicker to DE for years
3. Has to be a question that barely matters, EX: "Lol When can we expect cosmetics for ur kavats :3??! THANKS DE :D
>he thinks DE will actually answer legitimate/critical questions
you are literally retarded
are you drunk or something
I just built Mag Prime because I had 2 parts BP and her main BP, and I liked how she looks enough to buy the last part BP
I want to use her though, but I don't know how
you're just being passive aggressive and instead of explaining why i'm wrong you're just being an asshole, obviously there's no need to take your point seriously if you're not gonna provide and constructive feedback.
good luck, make sure to ask for a healer and a dps when you get into dungeons- i mean missions
there's forum thread before every stream but you have to:
1-post it on first page
2-ask for something irrelevant or idiotic, more cosmetics or chat font size, add huge flashy GIF with anime cats
3-get lots of upvotes, Lesbecca only pays attention to these
>spam 5 t2 MDs
>no nyx helm
How long until we get Tenno Cart or Flappy Bird?
I am amazed that DE has reverted to its trend chasing ways. Desperately trying to remain relevant as player retention dwindles.
Uninstalled about 3 months ago
Was dicking around sorties and doing overextended builds. Last frame I remember being new was Nezha or Ivara.
what frames are new? any fun?
there's flappy Zephyr
and Wyrmius
DE are masters at wasting time and resources
>h t4 defense
>get a good frost and ev
>spam recruitment chat for "BIG DAMAGE"
>rank4 rhino whispers me
noobtards make me lose my shit
>"big damage"
Well your problem is being a shitter that relies on other people.