wat if yu just keep killing yourself until born in billionaire family? also you would be in the future and shit.
Wat if yu just keep killing yourself until born in billionaire family? also you would be in the future and shit
if you kill youself you go to hell tho
OP dont do it
who sustains the hell, and what is the purpose of it? You would get used to suffering. It is fucking bullshit to keep people from going berzerk, because a bunch of people want to control peoples actions for their wealth. Fucking scam, bro. If there is God, then it is me, you and everyone else on this planet and in the universe who ever is able to be aware of its awareness.
If you kill yourself, you are most likely to experience the same thing you experience now, or something similar, because it is happening to you right now, and it is all the proof one needs, if you unlearn a lot of bullshit you have been taught during your lifetime as a child and teen - when you were naive as fuck and thought that you should trust authorities, when in fact the only authority should be you and that is fucking it. Nobody knows better than you yourself, and it all that matter.
Op, why do you want to be born in a billionaire family?
How would you remember to keep killing yourself? What if you are already reincarnated and your previous self had completely different plans which you don't remember?
yeah but the chances I will come back as a 6'3" white male with a big willy and decent face and born in a 1st world country are pretty small
I'd probably come back as a stinky manlet brown person with a tiny willy
I've already won
> wat if yu just keep killing yourself until born in billionaire family? also you would be in the future and shit.
using this logic
are you able to access your past lives now?
then why would you in the next life.
at least in this one you have internet in this life.
Go study cool shit.
you dont win unless your face is good
I like it, women seem to like it, works for me
You can't kill yourself as a worm
post pic, we judge
>If there is God, then it is me, you and everyone else on this planet and in the universe who ever is able to be aware of its awareness.
fedora logic in a nutshell
It does not matter, it is pointless to rush with living, we are in this existence thing forever and ever. It is a curse and it is a blessing. You cant escape it, yet it is fucking awesome, because you can do whatever the fuck you want to do, and to do it most successfully, you have to learn the game we human beings play. Rush is pointless, what good does it make when you rush in a loop? nonsense
But, op, you already had your turn as a rich person, you're done. Don't you remember your life as jd Rockefeller?
What if you were already a billionaire a billion times already and got bored with it, so now you're just playing around with your current life
there is no such thing as reincarnation or an immortal soul, once you die that's it just oblivion for eternity, thank you for playing.
he is right I saw it on LSD
Ya cuz u no, lol shut up nerd
Look, there's obviously a higher power. I feel it when I cast spells with my coven. Just don't call me religious lol religions are evil, I'm just very spiritual
A-user-kun. this is 4-chan.
I am a buddhist and this is not how reincarnation works. In fact, if you kill yourself it is believed that you will not be born as a human for the next 500 lifetime's.
It you believe in karma the main karmic cause of wealth is generosity towards others. So good luck accumulating the causes and conditions for a better rebirth.
Don't do it.
There is still this bug that disables respawn.
Players just get kicked out of the game once they die. Also first person view is locked and can't be changed.
Then like 80% of of all players experience this bug where the players can't see their skin and it has some sort of black overlay.
Game economics also suck since you are fucked if you spawn in certain areas on the map and players that spawn in good areas just wall themselves in.
This God guy has a lot to fix.
all the spiritual literature you've ever read went way over your head, or you just never read any.
hell is not a lake of fire you go to when you die. your actions sustain hell and the purpose of it is to be the cosmic balance for heaven (not a mythical place you go to when you die either). this is very simply laid out in the bible.
you should at least try to understand what you're railing against if you're going to be so outspoken, unless you don't mind everyone knowing how ignorant you are in these matters.
What the fuck would a Buddhist be doing on a Business board?
The idea of a being that transcends literally everything needing to maintain a balance is pretty laughable.
Buddhism actually spread across the silk road because it was practiced by merchants. Unless you are a monk there is nothing wrong with making vast amounts of money if you are a buddhist as long as it ethical. In fact often the more money you have the more good you can do.
Literally all of Veeky Forums has considered the respawn theory once in their lives
best post
>he doesn't know about squirming on a sidewalk on a rainy day
It's like you want to eat dirt forever
you got scammed
why kill yourself when kneepads will make your dreams come true, in this life
I wish there was an extension that would automatically hide all frog cancer threads