Overwatch General - /owg/ #50

50th thread and best grill edition

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Lucio coming at you edition

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how the fuck do i use scatter arrow

I'll keep posting this until I hit level 369.

change class

press "E"

shoot it at tank's feet to instant kill them


Nock, draw, loose.


take my heals harder

Use sonic arrow around the chokepoint then nock an arrow and E it and wait to shoot at their feet once they walk past the wall for free kill.

it's so weird that Reinhardt likes Hasselhoff
like, I as a German don't even know who that is
like, my parents maybe know but me?
mnaybve they should have gone for another singer like, I don't know, Farin Urlaub?

lucio is better

Fuck all these IDIOTS who complain about people who don't want to switch hero.

Listen kiddo Mei is my main and I'm not fucking swapping to appease your ass because you think team comp works in a pub game.

Fuck you leather man.

I don't want to have sex with any character from the video game Overwatch.

i think hasselhoff is american, but they just use him as a joke anyways


What if all of Overwatch was just a snowglobe plus Symmatra's imagination?

>pharah x mercy
this is my least favorite meme of them all

Hasselhoff was big in Germany in the late 80s, from what I know. Remember that Blizzard isn't too good at jokes.

why would someone draw a beached whale

I'm the guy from the other thread.

If Mercy had an interruptible ult, what that make you fags happy?

That's fine with me, as long as it works like every other interruptible ult, and she can recast it like Lucio or any other interruptible ult.

Is that really your only beef with Mercy is that it's instant? Because that changes almost nothing for me.

Protip: Soldier 76's biotic field heals allies as well.

>Mercy wields a long "staff"
>She fills you up
>She gives you what you need from behind
>As soon as you show yourself she's on your ass

>Yet people think she's the one taking it

what if your wife orbits my dick

He wasn't even that big, but the brits and Americans claimed we loved him, so it became a meme


Germany loved Hasselhoff, yes. He sang at the destruction of the Berlin Wall. Reinhardt also calls him a "classic", and is old, so him being less relevant is part of the joke.

>yfw Mercy locks patients in her basement to harvest their semen
>yfw semen is what keeps her looking young

Make it interruptible and nerf the charge rate.

i just played zenyatta for the first time. it was fun and i liked the damage that he did, but now i understand what people meant when they said he needed a health buff. he needs a huge one, holy shit, it's like he's made of paper.

Pro Protip: You can set ally health bars on when playing as Soldier 76 or Zarya

How is Lucio in any way, shape, or form balanced?

*spins revolver*
*presses E*
*Fans hammer*
*fans hammer again*
*checks watch*
*tells the time*
*gets POTG*

Also 3 people on the cart makes it go faster

jesus fucking christ mercyfags are all a bunch of retards

>Mercy made Reaper
>Mercy made Genji
>Mercy created the nanobiology which runs through each heroe's blood which makes her able to heal them and revive them
>Mercy shoves her middle ginger into death's face everyday
and people call her the healslut but you're the one begging for her staff

By how much?

Are you also going to Nerf Junkrat's charge rate?

The popular fix is that he gains extra shields temporarily when he has his orb on someone.

guys hear me out

what if a whole team went Hanzo

and played until they all had their ults

and then they all lined up side by side facing the objective and enemy spawn

and they all RYUU GA WAGA TEKI WO KURAU'd creating a massive wall of death?

would it be able to kill the enemy team twice?

>>Mercy made Reaper

Making it interruptible completely fucks newer players who can't manage positioning and their teammates' lives at thr same time.
That said, I think it would be a great thing, just people who are playing her as babby's first hero would cry.

Also word has it that originally it was possible to interrupt her, but this led to testers hating her because she would always get gunned down halfway into saying heroes.

>It's another "people holding w into open area and bitching about being sniped" rerun
>with "FREEZE. DONT MOVE" ads
Aahh my favorite. Lel everytime

>Lucio's speed boost works on the payload

Does Lucio's speed boost speed up the payload or not? I heard it did from a couple people and assumed they didn't know what they were talking about, but yesterday someone seemed really sure of himself in claiming it was true.

>dat widow and mcree
cuz your poor team doesn't have to deal with your bad aim

They're still not on the point so they lose.

Im not sure yet.
>Are you also going to Nerf Junkrat's charge rate?
No, because any hitscan class or basically anyone that can aim can kill a tire easy,


does rating the match do anything?

It doesn't, I think.
That's the illusion created since you don't realize your whole team is on payload due to the speed boost getting them there


>it's another player who's shit at genji but plays nothing else episode

Don't mind me, posting a webm for a friend.

What if everyone went Lucio and 5 of them alternated speed boost to shoot beats horizontally at the enemy like some kind of bullet hell?

A team tried this against my team during super shimada bros. we all just went upstairs and avoided it

Allegedly it's supposed to provide Blizzard with feedback related to matchmaking and shit, no idea if it really is anything beside a tiny vent for frustration and disappointment.

Symmetra has the highest winrate in the game.
She's OP, right?

>>Lucio's speed boost works on the payload

>we all just went upstairs and avoided it
Just as I used to do with my parents' fights

>Australian servers constantly down
>almost every hero is absolutely zero fucking fun with 200+ ping
>can only pick Junkrat and shoot at chokepoints
>nothing to do except spit banter when people call me out on being bad
Eat my shit Americucks, I'm here to fulfill my duty as an Australian and shitpost vigorously in your pubs.

I have yet to see physical evidence of this outside of anecdotes. When I do, I'll gladly shut up.

Until I do, I'm going to call you a knee jerk overreacting memelord.

>xDDDD only time I ever play healer is when I'm playing Lucio on Illios! hahaha!

Fuck you
This is my individual win rate though. Lucio is so easy to win with, much easier than Mercy.

>counting threads

I rated a match like twice
and both was because both teams were pretty much the same
>both 99% to 99% on KOTH-map
>overtime for like an eternity

I just had a really good idea for a game mode.

It would be payload, but dynamic about who is attacking and who is defending. And who the attacker/defender is would change throughout the match. This would be accomplished by having a Payload similar to normal, except instead of being pushed from one end to the other, it would start in the middle and teams would have to fight to push it into the enemy base. So the closer it gets to a teams base, the more defensive a role they take, and then if they manage to push it back, they could potentially become attackers.

Issues that I see with this is that it could have way too much variance between high and low skill levels, sometimes for the worse. I could imagine that at low skill levels every match could potentially be a one-sided stomp, while at high levels games could potentially last forever. I don't really have any way to playtest this, as I'm not a dev, but it has potential.

What do you think?

Not now, Reaper.

I want something like Hightower or sd_doomsday.

That sounds extremely boring.

Kindly point out in that post where that was ever said or even implied you fucking XD posting titwhale.
I hate to break it to you user, but your personal winrate doesn't really mean anything in the bigger picture.

Are you telling me I am just that good on Lucio?

I would like either that or 5cp.
The chances of getting either is unbelievably slim however.

They should just make a payload map where both players try to capture the thing, while it's always moving and doesn't stop.

Capture is the absolute worst game type with the worst maps.

payload > hybrid > koth > > > > > capture

>pretty much all lucios just play pussymode aurabot

he can do so much more you retards

I have a good idea too

Team deathmatch

Hey! Let's make a game mode worse than KOTH with hero stacking and overtime!

Great idea, luv.

edit: whoops forgot there was a new thread

there was a Zen whooping my ass all game once when I was McCree. at the end of the match he says in all chat: I made your guy's McCree my BITCH!! I actually praised the dude in my head every time he killed me, but that hurt my feelings. Zenyatta can kill McCree easily from far away. I only killed him a few times, but damn is Zenyatta good at melting anybody if his team is in front of him as a buffer.


What's with the leaver penalty being enacted between games?

I've never left a game in progress. I like to get up and walk around after two games or so and I leave after viewing the experience gained for the match, which is around 6 seconds left on the timer before the next game begins. Apparently this gave me the penalty. Has there been no official statement addressing this? Seems like an underhanded way to get you to buy loot boxes in addition to its intended function.


team nuzlocke challenge
no Mercy; no revive
one by one they fall
winner wins all


you're lying. Leaver penalty only counts after setup ends and prior to victory/defeat. Stop leaving games.

Yes leaving during attack setup counts as leaving. Yes disconnecting counts as leaving. Yes leaving to join someones group counts as leaving.

>Pushing up on Numbani
>Suddenly Reinhardt with a shield hurls himself around the corner
>Whole team stops shooting for some reason
>We get pushed back
>We loose
Is there something about big red rectangles that intimidate some people?

What? I always leave as soon as Victory/Defeat go across the screen and I've never gotten the penalty.

>you WILL learn to like black metal my dear

>level 27
What are you, a casual?

He likes Hasselhoff in its english dub, in other languages it's even funnier references

>untruths: the post
If you actually left at the end of games, you wouldn't be penalised.

You could argue that "Oh I clicked Leave Game last second but Blizzard still put me in a game" might've put you in a game or two which you'd notice 0.5 seconds later but not enough to put you into a leaver penalty.

Why is blizz taking so long to put balance changes into effect? We got the McCree and Widow nerf and that took like what, a month after launch?

I'd rather they tested things hard and fast so the game stayed fresh rather than testing things for a month and then putting it in, only for new issues to become apparent.

At least half the cast needs a buff and is too gimmicky/weak as it stands. And its normally the most fun heroes too


Sounds like king of the hill only with a payload.

It could work, but I don't know how much more fun it would be.

I think command points might be fun, like some Arathi Basin type shit, or maybe even environmental stuff, like there's an object you need to destroy in the enemy's base.

I've never ever left a game outside the intermission between games, cross my heart. Maybe it's a console version bug or something. I have had a number of queues fail mid load. Very annoying in any case.

>Instalocks tracer

fuck off league babbies

Mercy mains are fucking delusional.

I run around and spam m1 in the direction of the enemy team sometimes