How to make money of Donald Trump, the Alt Right, Racialist Renaissance, EU collapsing and nationalist parties in Europe taking hold and deporting millions of refugees and immigrant criminals in the coming years?
How to make money of Donald Trump, the Alt Right, Racialist Renaissance...
Become an immigration lawyer?
Invest in concrete companies for when the wall gets built. Or get a job as a deportation officer
trump isnt going to get elected and there will be no wall
clinton is winning
why would deportation officers suddenly get paid more? if anything that's the last thing you'd pick since there would be no more dicking around all day and you'd actually have to start doing shit.
Buy trumpcoin
Invest in companies that make police equipment
thank you for correcting the record
This wall does not need to be so physical,if our countrys business owners and CEO's were not focused on get rich schemes and greed,and stop hiring illegals ,this will starve them back to there family's in there home land
>This wall does not need to be so physical,if our countrys business owners and CEO's were not focused on get rich schemes and greed
So you hate capitalism and the free market?
How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history
what does that even mean
When the system cuts the throat's of people around them,there greed for power and money out weighs being human overlooking the damage it makes to our daily life struggle,
You're a racist bigot who hates freedom
>racist Renaissance
Wew I'm not even on Pol and I'm getting shilled this hard
Fight for our independence
Pro anarchy
Out with our governed nation
Free trade w no tax for all,and with that the right to bare arms for when the wolves are prowling,they will for sure be in our sights
Thanks 1468023
I did not know who I was until now...
Why do libtards come to Veeky Forums? They must be so triggered while among the shitlords here.
>If you're not a white supremacist you must be a liberal
Love this memay
I know wtf, I go to /pol/ and make a non far right post and then everyone calls me a liberal
Pol is a board of peace. You must've identified yourselves as fanatical liberal terrorists.
it's a board of autistic shitposting, on par with /r9k/
Calm down Achmed