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*** MAWA ***
What about Alaska
Maximum wage?
Ever take any psychology course? A maximum wage would end America overnight.
Now increasing the minimum wage needs to happen immediately.
a maximum wage would prevent philanthropists like bill gates from ever existing and would send all the money to the government to kill innocent children in pakistan with. a minimum wage would inhibit job growth. you're all statist sheep with 0 understanding of basic economics.
That's mine feck off
100% tax rate isn't a tax its straight up theft
poorfags btfo
>Commies don't understand Economics
>Nor Geography for that matter
There are plenty of issues with high taxes, but lolbertarians are really shooting themselves in the foot by saying "tax is theft". It's a pretty stupid statement. Nobody (especially not the rich) is forced to live in the US. They can go live in a really low-tax country if they want. Tax is simply part of the social contract between citizens and the sovereign.
It's like you guys have never even heard of Hobbes.
A uneducated, dumb, black man in rural Alabama has no way to compete with educated labor near cities. The only way he can is by selling his labor cheaper than the others.
The government took this away from him, now he will just be poor and reliant on social welfare.
As a taxbro I can think of a hundred ways to avoid such a cap.
What if the CEO gets stocks and dividends?
What if the CEO works for multiple companies and gets paid by multiple companies?
What if he gets it donated from a third party?
What if you dont pay the CEO at all but a company of the CEO?
What if a company loans it to the CEO and he effectively never pays it back?
What if the company allows him to buy undervalued goods for that money, so the CEO is actually the client if the business?
What if the CEO lives off a wealthy foundation?
What if the guy calling the shots isnt CEO but has three jobs: making coffee, advising the CEO and a third job firing people?
What if he gets the money after he lost his job?
What if he gets his money up front before being hired?
People are always more creative than the lawmakers and think of the silliest things.
I think the mentioned 30 mil max is quite reasonable. On the ridiculously high side even. But I dont think a 30 million dollar guy will be affected by it.
Ure retarded
The minimum wage shouldn't exist
If they want to pay my family everything above 30 mil thats fine too.
Its strange because that 1% area looks like about what the US Government owns.
Now I think of it. The company actually needs to pay 50 million dollar on royalties so they can use my name on their marketing ads.
i got dizzy watching him sway left and right
obviously rich people could get around this easily.
putin officially on paper has next to nothing in his pockets but we know he is among the wealthiest men on earth.
Yeah. There is no reason why you would have to own your money as long as you can spend it.
indeed and that is why maximum wage can result in no good.
it's better for everyone if the incomes and wealth are above the table and visible trackable as much as possible.
start fucking with the rich and this changes dramatically overnight.
They tried this, essentially, in the 40s and 50s. People just found non-monetary ways of compensating their employees, ever wonder why people get health insurance from their employers? Now you know how that started.
You can't legislate away the law of supply and demand. Many have tried though.
Herp derp, he just starts his own business where he can set his own wages.
>the minimum wage shouldn't exist
Are you stupid? Minimum wage means the minimum amount of money you can pay a worker. Abolishing minimum wage means employers could pay you 50 cents and hour.
Holy shit, and you wonder why you make minimum wage...
Dumb things libertarians say:
>taxes are theft
>the minimum wage is unfair to unskilled workers
>privatization would improve everything
Why would anyone work for 50c an hour?
Learn about supply and demand.
>Abolishing minimum wage means employers could pay you 50 cents and hour.
And why is that wrong if both a worker and an employer agree on this?
By establishing a minimum wage you're meddling in the choices a worker and an employer can make. You're violating their liberty.
What if I wished to work, but a given employer could not afford to pay me $10/hour? It would be illegal for him to employ me at $5/hour, but why if i agreed to this?
> It would be illegal for him to employ me at $5/hour, but why if i agreed to this?
Why would you agree to this? Why would ANYONE agree to this? Your living expenses have to be cardboard cheap to think that rate is fine.
>Employer needs low skilled labour
>Can only employ 3 people instead of 4 to meet minimum wage
>Takes longer to make product, cost of production increased
>extra cost pushed onto the cost to buy finished product.
>Everyone loses
It's an example. But for the sake of the argument, what is a better scenario, 50 people employed at $15/hr and 50 unemployed on benefits or 100 people employed at $7.5/hr, with the greater labour capacity lowering the cost of production and the cost of the goods.
>Why would you agree to this? Why would ANYONE agree to this?
Why is that any of your business?
Why do you feel you, or anyone else have the right to decide how much I should be able to sell my labor for? If I wish to work for a certain wage, for a certain employer I should have the full right to do so.
>Your living expenses have to be cardboard cheap to think that rate is fine
First off, don't you think living expenses might be a *little* bit cheaper if we removed the artificial minimum wage set by the government?
Secondly, the $5, $10 whatever was just an example, it wasn't meant to be taken literally. The point was that, any given wage, agreed on by a worker and employer should be allowed.
following the example, let's say a small store owner could not afford to make $10/hr minimum wage but needed a new employee. What if there was an unemployed person, who was willing to work for $5 hr, satisfying both the store owner and himself with the wage? Why should that be illegal?
I've met old ladies who really wanted a job doing something, but they're old and fraile, they cannot really work as efficiently as a young man/woman. Thus they cannot earn the business profit, the business would be losing money by keeping them employed.
so why, then, should the old lady not be able to be employed at whatever rate she and an employer can agree upon? If she wants to work for $3/hr, why can't she?
Other than the millions of Mexican day laborers "stealing" your jobs?
Meant for
That's another good point.
My dad is retired and I live in Australia, which has the highest minimum wage+mandatory employer superannuation (like a 401K) contributions at 9.5% of wage.
Money isn't an issue for him, but he wants a job part time just to keep him busy when he's not playing golf, but he had a hard time finding anything until he got one through a friend where he gets paid just under the minimum wage cash in hand with no super contribution, which is illegal but suits him fine because it's all he needs.
>Minimum wages increase
>Prices start going up to make up for the loss or avoid going into the red
>Implying this will actually get people off poverty
This is why I always vote either republican or third party.
The cruel joke is that people who want to raise the minimum wage do it with good intentions, they care about the poor.
But unfortunately, this isn't a solution and only harms the most vulnerable and poor.
the only way that would be able to make sense is if child labor was legal again or the age to work was slightly lowered. Perhaps a teen with time on their hands would work a job like that just to get skills and extra pocket money.I'm assuming(and hope) that's a low skill job you're using as as example.
What if it's an unemployed person who wishes to work but your minimum wage is preventing them?
would it even be worth it in many instances? I know that you siad abolishing the wage would allow prices to decrease ao cost of living is cheaper, but is $3/ hour better than,being on the employment line or heck even welfare? You basically get the same or less minus the stress of working a,shitty low skill job that usually requires more than moderate physical effort. So what'the point?And,how can you be,sure that cost of living would be able to go down,enough to make working at,such a rate useful? Yes, people normally transition in between jobs after a while but cmon.
>minimum wages abolished
>stupid, unskilled workers continue to undercut each other
>average wage for unskilled work now sits around $3 per hour.
>workers with 2 jobs now aren't making as much as before with one job
>corporate profit skyrockets
>implying this will actually get people off poverty.
You're very wrong but I'm too tired & lazy to explain why. Do a little more research senpai.
The difference between the two scenarios is that one of them has actually occurred and the other never has.
how about a maximum lifespan for communist scum. To the helicopter with ye
>show up in your house
>start shitting on the floor
>"uh can you leave"
>no, you leave, you're not forced to live here you know. me shitting on the floor is simply part of the social contract between me and you
contract implies consent from both sides cuck