Probably dying over night edition
MEG's updated updated
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>Tevos best waifu
>foaming everything
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Probably dying over night edition
MEG's updated updated
Andromeda info:
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>Tevos best waifu
>foaming everything
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gigi-chan best waifu
well she's better than femshep I guess
what a shitty collage, do you even try anymore?
What sort of alt playthroughs did you do /meg/?
fuck off you autist, it's old, haven't done a collage in months
paragon femshep
banged liara through ME1, 2, 3 + dlc
marrage, old age, lots of little blue children
no choices mattered in the shitty ending of third game
no more femshep + liara
>not installing JAM to have them live happily ever after
>not playing renegade femshep
step up your game foam
where's sheploo?
It's canon that if you picked destroy with high enough EMS Shepard lives.
That picture makes me physically ill. More so than the inflation and vore pics
good night meg
night WG
so dead
What is the most fun playthrough?
Full paragon, saving all squadmates, only ever picking renegade when Admiral douchebag tries to kill you on the dreadnought and punching him to get the hell off my ship for endangering me and my waifu.
paragon is full cuck mode tbqh and punshing the general only shows that you cant control yourself, a weak action. war is war, deal with it and tali has every reason to die, I usually kill her off on the suicide mission
picking whatever renegade/paragon option seems appropriate, but mostly renegade. just for the bantz
>paragon is full cuck mode tbqh
Kek Renegade is literal retard mode except for the few times it gives you like 2 less enemies to fight. Like Miranda's or Mordin's loyalty missions. Not entirely sure how saving people is cuck but okay.
>punching the general only shows that you cant control yourself, a weak action. war is war, deal with it
He put me, my waifu, and the fleet in danger. The Geth don't want a war. A weak action would be not telling him to get the fuck off my ship when I'm not only generous enough to help him but then he pulls that dumb shit while I'm out trying to save the whole galaxy.
> Tali has every reason to die
>not getting tired of choosing the same options every single time
Mostly they were the same but with different waifus.
>Only a Russian laggy lobby currently open
>I can't snipe with that lag
>mfw England
Pretty fun MP wish there was a pvp game mode tho. Like small 3-4man search and destroy type mode. No faggoty TDM though
Ruthless Spacer full militaristic sociopath
Since they're using Frostbite for ME:A, does that mean everything will look shiny/monochrome/wet?
So she does have a working vagina, right? Not talking about a uterus just a working vagina.
How else would you get those top-secret documents?
I mean, why the fuck not. Just look at that stupid character and tell me that they wouldn't give it a scifi robot pussy.
f-huck off
She's an amazing work of engineering. Elastic titanium silicon polymers. Ultra-light harmonic phased power cells.
EDI should have stayed a ship
if they wanted a sexbot they could have just made a new character
Why would they add another character? How else is my nigga Joker supposed to find love? The only bad thing they did was not my EDI look more like her VA.
Joker's attachment to the ship - and thus EDI - was always supposed to be an extension of his desire to keep his comrades safe by doing his job to the best of his ability. Their relationship as it was in ME2 was enough, it was more than serviceable, and characterized both of them well.
In 3 they just had Joker fuck a robot, because 3 was written by a teenager.
>In 3 they just had Joker fuck a robot, because 3 was written by a teenager.
Im glad then. Because I would have done the same thing as Joker.
Joker's whole character became a joke after 2, though. Mostly because of EDI.
But thank god we got something new to jerk off to! God, I would have hoped "sexbot" was the one few scifi tropes Bioware could have stayed away from, but of course I was mistaken and disappointed.
>Joker's whole character became a joke after 2, though.
He's supposed to be a comic relief, the guy quickly utters "take pictures" when Jack and Miranda have their loyalty argument.
> I would have hoped "sexbot" was the one few scifi tropes Bioware could have stayed away from
Why would they? They got to hit the "are AI synthetics worth the same as organics" trope with her new body as well. Having conversations with her and bringing Joker and her together, she learns what it means to be organic.
I think they flesh out that trope well with the geth missions and the numerous Engineer Adams debates on the ship. It's supposed to make you actually think about the choices at the end instead of just saying "Destroy all synths so Shepard lives"
I miss that brief period before I had finished ME3. That bit right before we got back to Earth, and I was still riding the highs.
I also miss old MEG. But still love you guys.
I,uh... I love you too, man.
Kheeelah, muh dick.
Please post in here so mods know this is the rightful /feg/. The other one is full of faggots who refuse ot accept #FE as a fire emblem game.
How us mass effecters.
I wonder if Ariabro 1 and 2, Shellshock, Regina Primata, Makani or any of them will come back after Andromeda cones out
Perhaps they will. How about Cosanon
I dear hope so.
>people who go full cuckagon or full on commander evil
any good player knows that the best path is one with a myriad of different choices, showing that shepard can have a personality outside of 'Nicest person you'll ever meet' or 'twisted fucking psychopath'.
On my main playthrough I chose what I personally would choone, and it turned out 80/20 or so
holy shit those are huge
mod to make edi bustier when
normandy is a dumb name
I think Tempest is a dumb name
it is.
picking morally 'right' choices for the important shit that even has a 'right' choice, and otherwise picking renegade options when it's just you being a minor dick
or as many have so called it, 'commander asshat'.
it was aksed what the most fun playthough is you dense faggot
this lad gets it
>full paragon
that's the most boring and the most unrealistic
35-40%paragon and 65-60% renegade is the only correct way
Oh baby.
what did she crush with hear utters ?
The Field generator that kept them compressed into tiny little B cups. Now that it's destroyed she'll finally have the chance of letting her pendulous double D tits be free.
strange it didn't tear her suit
She'll remove the suit, without the compressed tits the suit will be very uncomfortable. She'll have to find a suit more suited to her generous proportions.
talicancers are the worst
Femshep fags are worse.
Why would you waifu the character that you play as? You can't be in love with yourself. Unless you're imagining that your Femshep would fall for the real world you, which is too delusional even for waifufaggotry. And if you choose a romance option you're just watching your waifu get fucked by someone else. So it either makes you a massive cuck or a closet faggot that wishes they were a girl.
I like to start Shepard as a majority Paragon (with a bit of edge to him, being a military man and all) and have him slowly shift towards majority Renegade as the series progresses and the needs of the galaxy pile on.
I like you
What part of Alliance space are you from, lads?
Everyone here's from Earth.
Planet Trump here
Why is it unrealistic? I want to be a hero of justice. And only kill people when I absolutely have to.
you'd have to build a wall around the relay for it to make sense. or even better, a dyson sphere around the system.
I can only wonder how many real-world average Joe cops have said the same thing, and they aren't facing down entire armies and brokering treaties between entire races. And usually they break that "one rule" within the first year of their job. I don't think anyone - even Shepard - has the restraint for full Paragon.
Well, it can't be helped that entire armies want a piece of me. I gotta defend myself. But I (Shepard) already see so much death around me I don't want to be the cause of more if I have the choice.
what "one rule" are you speaking of?
No killing
That's just unrealistic, especially in a universe as dark as Mass Effect.
You play as a veteran soldier in that game. You really don't think that, over the course of his entire military career, he hasn't killed anyone?
yeah that "rule" gets fucked during the first mission and has already happened beforehand depending on his background. you are pushing that into the argument. you can kill hundreds of people during the game without ever choosing anything but paragon. hell, you are passively killing kelly if you choose paragon.
I wish there was an option in Garrus' loyalty mission to just let Sidonis walk away without alerting Garrus or allowing him to apologize. I think letting him slip through his fingers, but still repentant, makes for a better scene. It would force Garrus to let go but it still wouldn't be the storybook ending.
He's a Colonist/Survivor, he doesn't want people to experience the same type of loss he did and that pain drives him to be a force of good instead of the easier "look at me something bad happened to me so now im edgy killer" like Jack. Not that I'm saying she doesn't deserve some edge for what happened to her.
>You really don't think that, over the course of his entire military career, he hasn't killed anyone?
You don't get it. I never said he didn't kill anyone. I'm saying my Shepard only kills when necessary.
but what I am a girl and identify with Femshep and Liara is my waifu?
>being this much of a soft cuck
whats with all the hugging and cocksucking lately
>it's cuck to not want to kill everyone for no reason
That word has lost all meaning. I'll snap a guy's neck if I know there's no way around the fight like in me2 but I don't think it's soft to show mercy.
"He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster."
Goddamn, Miranda getting thoroughly plugged with her back against the wall.
Hey does anyone have any recommended fanfics? Anything actually good out there?
I don't really read fics unless they pornographic, sorry.
From the previews it doesn't look as bad as DA:I, but definitely not Battlefront levels of good. The prototype facial animations they gave femRyder and Shreksari are a step up from previous ME games and their faces do look wet/shiny to a degree.
What bothers me the most is that it all looks so bland. Was there a setpiece that wowed you in some way in anything we've seen so far? In spite of all the technology behind it, Andromeda does not look very appealing.
Depends what you consider "old" meg. I've been part of these generals since the pre-ME2 days.
Which reminds me; Studio FOW's animation with Harley and a dog is out today. Fucking furies, man.
Is the expansion adding 100 pounds to each one of them? Disgusting fetish.
ME2 and 3 already are badly written fanfics of ME1
>it's never not rape or beastiality
Oh, snap!
>Studio FOW's animation with Harley
thanks for reminding me off to nyaase
absolute madman
dead meg
Dead generals for dead games
The artist undershot the eyeshadow.
what is she thinkeng about ?
"We made it"
DIcks. Can't stop a woman from thinking of dicks. The opposite is also true.