Previous Thread : INGAME MEETUP (Before Maintenance):
Klaipeda (Group chat will be remade)
>Entrance of Kateen Forest Ch1, North of Tenet Garden
>Woods of the Linked Bridge Ch4, 11PM EST, Map after Orsha
>Can I play the game now?
YES YOU CAN (Get it on steam!)
TOS Info:
This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links.
>What is Tree of Savior?
Tree of Savior is an action MMORPG with a lot of classes, cute hats and autism grinding.
>Cards List:
>English patch for kTOS
- kTOS - Server : Vakarine (Upside down "A" in gookspeak)
- iTOS: Klaipeda (NA), Fedimian (EU), Telsiai (SEA)
>Official Translation Project -
Helping in the translation will speed up international server updates and remove unwanted machine-translated text. There are also rewards for contributors, further explained on the github page.
>/tosg/ Guilds info
There is no /tosg/ guild in Varena/Silute, if you want one, either wait for someone to make one or roll a templar.
If Guild is recruiting, please post in the thread.
Futureproof (Lolipan)
FOE (Jinsae)
Clover (Karga)
Cake (DeliciousCake)
CuteNotLewd (Plasmagica)
Empire (Louvain)
TakeItEasy (Moonie_)
Kotatsu (Colyo)
CoffeeHouse (Capyba)
Comfy (Katzenberg)
Cookie Cutter Guide :
>Wizard and Archer still unedited, Discuss in thread before using
Remember to REPORT and IGNORE shitposters instead of giving them the attention they want and helping them shit up the thread.