/dangeru/ - VA-11 HALL-A General

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Jill's Thighs Edition

Previous thread: >What's VA11 HALL-A?

A cyberpunk visual novel game where you are a bartender, slinging drinks to waifus.

OST: garoad.bandcamp.com/album/va-11-hall-a-second-round

Official site: waifubartending.com/
Official Devblog: blog.waifubartending.com/
Official Discord: discord.gg/AjMvbyS
Demo: kiririn51.itch.io/valhalla-bar
Steam: store.steampowered.com/app/447530/
Support Streaming-Chan: shining-fingered.moe

Other urls found in this thread:


first for why hasn't anybody said anything about my new gif?

>jills thighs edition
>posts dorothy

oh well

But the guide though, bro. steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=710047564

Hello fellow youngsters.

dorothy a shit

Let's say it's Dorothy dreams of Jill's Thighs edition, then.

Nice, very cute.

I saved it if that counts.

Dorothy can't have dreams because she's not a real people

I liked it enough to save it, ya happy?

But she's real! Jill even said so!

Who's best girl and why is it glass?

send help pls
So far I've got the Tetsuwan Birdy OSTs, the Snatcher OST, and maybe some Cowboy Bebop? Also possibly some of the songs from that Protomen cover album?

I want to marry Stella!

Why the fuck isn't ROM on sale?

I saved it, and I meant to ask if she actually gets red like that if you booze her up good.

But their AI is already advanced!

Everything on the hotline miami 1 + 2 soundtrack, especially the second one

what program familia

Lemme repost it
I find some of kavinsky stuff pretty comfy and had almost same style with va-11 hall-a music, probably some drive soundtracks too

Good luck with your apps user

Bebop is more jazz than what you might be looking for

Jillis best girl, stella is an acceptable answer as well

I used gimp and a sprite sheet that's ripped from the game.

That blush is 100% not canon


Where'd you get the sprite sheet?

I like jazzy stuff even though I'm too much of a pleb to actually tell people I like jazz, so that's cool. Shit's comfy man.

Some of this shit then man


also the streets of rage soundtracks

but user its 40% off

No problem dudes


Reposting if anyone wants the prologue with the bandcamp ost

Also asking does any of you have that full picture of when jill takes a break? Asking the dev in the steam community still bears no result, have betty and deal pic

Oh thought you just wanna Va-11 Hall-A like music

There's a file in the game directory called "data.win"

I used a tool called QuickBMS to rip all the resources from that data file. The game is made in GameMaker, and the win.dat file is packaged in a custom archive.

Good taste my friend.


post more

what picture are you referring too?

This thing?


This Yeah, is there any full picture of it? I thought the picture after we save is kinda the continuation, like a long vertical pic

Have this pic too

It took me a long time to realize Gaby was standing back there.

kinda going for the cyberpunk/noir vibe, but 80s and jazz are personal faves

thanks for all the suggestions people


01010100 01001000 01000101 00100000 01010010 01000101 01010100 01010010 01001001 01000010 01010101 01010100 01001001 01001111 01001110 00100000 01001001 01010011 00100000 01000011 01001111

They should make this one of the steam backgrounds when they release steam cards in 40 years.

Armitage, please.

Shut up archimedes.

you know the cards will be over a dollar a piece right?

ill still buy them

made a dorothy, enjoy

Silly user, in 40 years we can go drinking in Valhalla.

looks good

There you are, goddamnit. Fuck twitter, I still can't figure out how to save gifs.

Thanks, it's cute as hell.

That's really cute user.

If you want cyberpunk, listen to the Hackers soundtrack:




>pic not related


Release the model, I want to use it for illicit purposes! Like Shining Fingered animations!

>"visual novel" in search as I was looking for /vn/
>this new general appears
>read the op post
>mfw pic related



>not helping Venezuelans escape

>Not using the mega instead

So anyway.

No thanks Jeff. I'd rather use the money to pay taxes for Trump's wall

Nice memes, user. I really liked it when you put the smiling feels frog on there.


haha I'm slowly making the rounds. I think twitter converts gifs into webm or something and compresses the hell out of it.

Nope, just a regular 3D model.

but thats lewd

>cyberpunk/noir vibe
When I still had friends to play tabletop games with, Sisters of Mercy were always a standby for cyberpunk campaigns.

>torrenting the prologue offered for free as a demo from the official site

>tfw decade-old memes have basically become modern clipart for lazy trolls
So this is the future.

just like the game

So Anons
What are some good cyberpunk movies?

Johnny Mnemonic and Hackers.

Neither are very good.

Just read Gibson and get high, I guess.

Gayniggers from Outer Space

Is there a more specific ETA on the vita version other than LATE 2016?

Every time someone pirates it, I send 15 bucks to the devs.

I'm in worse debt than trhey are by now

VERY late 2016

What are the best cyberpunk books, then? I just started on Snowcrash, it's pretty great so far.

Never ever.

Oh, throw in Freejack, too:

Snow Crash is post-punk. It's the book that killed cyberpunk.

Snow Crash is a parody, you know.

Look up a little anthology called "Mirrorshades."


I enjoyed Holy Fire by Bruce Sterling.

Wait, what? I've always read it was the one that kick-started it into modern culture. Guess that can be an easy mistake for a newbie to it to make, though.

>Jill says playing violin is like riding a bike and it's easy to pick back up if you haven't played in a long time

It's not like riding a bike at all. Guitar is. Piano, maybe. But picking up violin for the first time in years feels like starting all over again. Hell, it's easier to pick up a mandolin for the first time and instantly know how to play violin songs you used to know on it than it is to actually start playing violin again.

I still want to fucking know where this is from.

guys help which drink is "pure"

unused assets


Art of Jill jilling off with her "shoulder" """"massager"""" when?

you're sweet user but really I just want to serve this delusional faggot his drink so I can get on with the game

A big mug of frothy semen

>jilling off


when do you get this scene? I beat the game but I didn't see it

I'd massage Jill's shoulders.

Fringe weaver

Some people say rum works

Pretty neat, thanks. I wish Anna had had more screen time.


How do you pronounce VA-11 HALL-A? Do you just say "Valhalla" or actually pronounce out all the letters and numbers like that?

The sign outside the bar says "valhalla". Jill says "Welcome to Valhalla"

Please post in here so mods know this is the rightful /feg/. The other one is full of faggots who refuse ot accept #FE as a fire emblem game.

HELP US DANGERU'S. Please don't let our general die!

I enjoy playing this game
but every time I play I end up drinking way too much without even noticing
this may be a problem

You just say Valhalla.
The whole pun with the name would be moot if people just said "Hey man you want to go to V A ELEVEN A - HALL A?".

Is there any people who can put a Trump's hat on the Dorothy?


what hat

Make Glitch City Great Again

Which Dorothy is, just by being Dorothy.