What is the EASIEST way to get $1,000,000, taking into account
>amount of effort required
>reliability of methods/how dependent upon luck
Assuming you're a male of non-savant intelligence living in the U.S.
Start at $0
What is the EASIEST way to get $1,000,000, taking into account
>amount of effort required
>reliability of methods/how dependent upon luck
Assuming you're a male of non-savant intelligence living in the U.S.
Start at $0
Other urls found in this thread:
Take a small loan from your father.
Never gets old.
Sell kidney, put that money in stocks.
>buy a ticket
>0.0000...(alot of 0s)...001/very
Improve your odds(not verified):
pray/law of attraction/magic/time travel
>What is the EASIEST way
Follow your passion. You will never succeed unless you love what you do. Start a business doing your passion.
This is your answer OP. All you need is right here. If you look any farther you're just being a dumby.
How about starting from 10k
Failproof method: Write books on "finding your passion"
Working for money in something you are passionate about is good method to turn it into hatred though if it doesn't meet with demand
Suck dick.
Alternatively, do a degree in a rapidly expanding industry and research, start a business in your speciality if there's demand if not - well wage cucking is still an option.
Hit the lottery on one ticket purchased
It depends on your interests, how old you are, education level, etc.
We need more details.
Do one shit job for $80 then invest into kneepads. I guarantee you $500,000.
But you'd have to suck like 10,000 dicks.
travel back to 2009 and buy 10cent bitcoin from your lunch money. Travel to 2013 to sell them at $1200 each. Travel to 2014 to buy dips. Travel to mid 2016 to sell at $780.
You are now a millionaire
Into the trash it goes
>starting a business
Does not compute
>do a degree
Requires 4-8 years of study, thats a lot of work.
>reliability of methods/dependence upon luck
>I want to get rich without doing anything
Get a good trade like a welder, live like a monk for the majority of your life and save 90% of income.
Requires a LOT of effort but not depends on luck and is 100% reliable.
~ 1250 monthly into an index fund for 24 years.
Also suck dick and offer ass in the evenings to maximize earnings if respect for self is no issue.
>have baby boomer grandparents
>collect inheritance
all you have to do is wait
Not nothing, as little as possible. I know its a tough question but i know Veeky Forums has the collective knowledge to find an answer.
not the way I suck em
get a job
just make sure its not a million of em kek
Ability to get 1M bucks is a function of your entrepreneurship and networking, so it varies by person. There is no template that fits everyone, faggot.
Decades of 9-5 so little work wow
lol it's true though
>>reliability of methods/how dependent upon luck
just use the word "risk" from now on.
Go into sales and trading, fucking get good at it and then make bank.
That's the kind of advice you really want, obscure bullshit that sounds 'ok' while giving you a slight, slight chance at success whilst coasting like the failure you are.
Either suck it up and fucking work or give up on $1,000,000.
Y u so salty
He doesn't want to put in the necessary effort to earn $1m, why the fuck bother asking other than to mentally masturbate?
lotteries have reached levels where there was enough to play every possible combination (or half, 1/4, etc) and still have profits
over the years public and anonymous people have done exactly this: Wait until the lotto reaches that level and then go big.
groups have also come and gone that take advantage of this situation as well.
the hardest part winds up being "how to scan all the tickets in time" because the sheer volume is hard to get done in a half a weeks time*
*or however long between drawings it is
on most accounts someone in the group owns a corner store and shuts down for the entire week and they work to scan it in non stop, other times people offer the store owner incentive to work exclusively with them as necessary
this is completely legal, in some cases can be 100% success rate if the funds get high enoug.
The downsides: if you play it 50/50 or 25/75 style then you risk a massive loss. OR if someone else manages to win with you, you've just lost an entire even split of the profits which can ruin the entire operation.
But its a great way to play out a go big or go home scenario
That's the mindset of a true winner.
Better question.
marry money
>8% annual interest earned
What the fuck kind of bank gives you 8% a year? Index funds don't make that much either
In the first year of bitcoin they were literally worthless, people were sending thousands of coins to one another for shits n giggles
You're gonna go far, kid.
>I'm to stupid to make money off stocks
Learn how to count cards
>ywn have your very own rainman to make you rich and attract bimbos
Brb killing myself.
I'd give you Veeky Forums gold if that was a thing.
I accept Bitcoin.
Step 1:
>sell data on your phone
Step 2:
>Sign up for Swagbucks, Earnhoney, instagc (use others referrals. No reason not to) instagc doesnt do paypal iirc. Just use Amazon giftcards to get yourself shit you want/need or flip them
Step 3:
>after two months, buy another cheap phone or two, and sell data on those. Also sign up for Perktv
>proceed to make ~500/month
>throw $200/month in an RRSP, and the rest in a TFSA
>retire at 50 as millionnaire
Honestly, if I was in the US this is what I would be doing. Living in Canada I can't sell data on my phone, and only get half the ads on earnhoney, and next to no surveys on swagbucks. I still get ~250 a month, but shit man.
>only becoming millionaire at 50
What a life
less if you invest in TrumpCoin :^)
Explain this as if you were trying to teach an 85 year old woman how to do it
Literally impossible, but I'll try. It'll be 2 posts.
If you're using iOS, google and download Panelapp, Screenwise trends, NeilsonMobileRewards, and SmartphoneMate. These all let you sell your phone's data (basically where you are, what you do, etc. Google already collects this info for free, might as well let others have it too and make money off it.) Again, these are all only available in the US.
Sign up for Swagbucks. I'm gunna shill my referral, use it if you want. there's no incentive to do so.
swagbucks link here / refer / Swaglemousse
My daily routine on Swagbucks is fairly simple. I use a set playlist daily on the watch section, earning ~20 SB. I use the mobile apps (SBTV, EntertaiNow.tv, Moviecli.ps, Sprtly.TV, LifeStylez.TV, and IndyMusic.TV) to get 50SB per day, in addition to any bonus they decide to give. You'll know they're giving a bonus because it will say "You've qualified for a bonus!"
Here's my EarnHoney refferal code. again, use it if you want. No incentive too, but you'll be helping me out. 11E7922980
Go into Earnhoney. Choose the Matchedcars.com, or the Medical one from the BuzzTV offers. you'll find the links for them on the left hand side. Don't use the TVminutes, shit never plays. Open the links, let video's play, and just leave that shit running all night. You'll earn ~40 cents per hour from whatever tab is playing videos that's open, and ~10 cents per hour from any tabs unfocused.
With Perk TV you literally do the same thing as EarnHoney, except on your phone. You let your phone run videos, it plays ads, you get points, trade the points for money. You can run PerkTV on up to 5 phones (although people have stated to do it with 4 phones, because @ 5 a few have been banned.) Some people have claimed to get $200/month from this alone. These people are fucking crazy and watch their phone mines all day, cause after an hour or so the app crashes. Download the PerkWallet app, because the conversion rate to Paypal $$$ is less for whatever reason @ 25, 50, and 100 payouts. Again, no incentive to do it, but my referral code for Perk is 29052d0
As for the last part, All of these sites allow you to get PayPal cashouts. From there you simply have PayPal send the money to your bank account, and from there invest it properly. if you're retarded, the easiest way to do this is with High intrest savings accounts. RRSP's let you claim them on your income tax, and so you'll pay less to the government every year, technically saving you money (taking out from RRSP's is taxed though, so be careful)
TFSA's are exactly as they're called. Tax Free Savings Accounts. They have a limit to how much you can put in a year (here in Canada it's 5500) and ussually don't have the best interest rates. (mines .5% compound bi-monthly) but the interest is 100% tax free. if you earn 100k in interest, then you literally get 100k. Most banks will help you set these up VERY easily. If you're willing to go through a slight (and I mean slight) hassle, sign up for them through external companies. I have an RRSP through Investors Group, and they're great about it. They let me take out right away, no questions (I had a big scare in life, and need 20k to pay it off), and have a higher interest rate than my bank.
With 500 a month being saved, assuming you're only having a .5% interest rate compound bi-monthly like me, you'll be fine for your early retirement.
Also, if Bandwidth is an issue (lol) then download FRQc. you can lower the default quality of ads that play to save on bandwidth.
Informative. Thanks for taking the time. No issues using android?
With the Swagbucks apps, None. been using them for 3 months. There's certain videos that are only 15 seconds tops. you just need to look around for them. Once you Favorite a video in this app, it will stay there forever. you CAN just watch one video Over and Over again. it will credit you. it's what I do.
With the Perk apps? fucking awful. Lot's of X out ads, and ussually crashes after an hour or two. can't really passively earn with them.
I tried using AppTrailers, and it kept fucking up playing ads. a shame, because the payout rate was fairly good on that one. if you can get it to work, don't, don't DON'T convert to perkpoints. the payout rate is lower for whatever reason. Apptrailers also has a free daily scratchcard. I've yet to not win with it(5 days) but don't buy the larger ones. I've yet to win with those (about 10 purchases.)
There's lots of money to be made with phones and websites. quick google searches can help you. If you're willing to put some effort in, Mturking is apparently good, as long as it's not from Amazon.
Starting a business is easier than some 9-5s.
Some people just lack the ability to learn, adapt, and stay commited.
>tfw about to getting a degree on a massively expanding endustry
in finland i'd say
>be 19
>graduate from high school
>apply to med school
>get in
>graduate after 6 years
>live in flat 500e rent
>eat food
>invest everything else
Cba to do any math but that's the easiest way in Finland I'd say
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
learn a trade
live very frugal and spend free time budgeting
make investing a hobby
save save save, invest invest invest
its exponential, if you do it right you could have $1,000,000+ net worth by 40 years old working as a tech in some trade
Upload 10.000 youtube video's.
Get 100$ a day ad money.
Put this aside for 25 years.
Enjoy your 1 million.
buy monero
gimme bitcoin
Gtfo Reddit tard