>Character Planner
>Character Planner
1st for Bloodborne is the most overrated game of the generation.
Whoever tried helping me in new londo
I suck
If you still wanna help place the sign right before the boss
It is, but that's only because no good games come out anymore.
how do you get ears legit ? i allways have the dorkmoon covenant equiped at anor londo, but only get summoned in the archives/lake each 10 min or so
Post Pickle-Pees.
First for clever trickery
Sorry about that man, I forgot where the boss was.
FC when
have this
You still there? I'm waiting at the gate
Not while Uncharted exists.
seems legit, go for it
I don't have the water down. I'll try doing it right now, so just try soloing it for now. Protip: the slow projectile is hard to dodge, so if you can't, just block it and eat the reduced damage.
someone asked for a fk build
I managed to make it not fatroll under 120
What is this vile meme
wtf i beat the 4kings at sl4 no spells as a warrior git gud
I tried to keep it under 120 and I didn't know what else to put points in
I'll elaborate:
I'm at 1.5m SM (was at the previous tier yesterday, 1.4+). I often see red signs in King's pass (so I'm in the range of the people who lay them). But no matter how much I wait on the boss, I'm not getting squires of thorns - I only got 3 (or should I say 2, because 2 of those 3 were back-to-back by the same person) during 12+ hours of waiting.
However, when I'm laying my sign, I never have to wait more than 5 minutes to invade someone's fight. The thing is, I can't understand why am I not getting squires in MY fights - I really enjoyed those 3 times and want more.
also note the sword is supposed to be refined but it somehow turned simple
No point in going sub 120 while remaining in 120 range. Put the extra points into Endurance. For an UGS build it has almost no stamina.
Please post in here so mods know this is the rightful /feg/. The other one is full of faggots who refuse ot accept #FE as a fire emblem game.
Please help us Chosen Undeads!
When the first DLC drops, most likely.
Haha, loser.
doesnt matter what souls game i play ill always get hit by a weapon triple the distance it visually shows fuck my worthless life
You know what, I'll go into /feg/ and /#feg/ and falseflag about /feg/ being the right one and then turn around and say /#feg/ is the right one
And I've never played any fire emblem game at all
the gauntlets are rarely noticed. you can use something lighter to shave points of vit. you need more end
frigg off, hun
>you'll never pvp in dark souls with perfect latency
>you can never back step out of a weapon's hitbox range
>fallen knight is gud for minmaxing
>the pants at least
>check full set
>check pants
>lol take no fire damage
>lol take less lightning damage despite being metal
>lol lightweight but high as fuck physical resistance on all pieces
What the fuck, why
The salt is real.
I tried to invade you but got depressed existing sucks
at least it looks like trash
I just threw it together for some vague idea of how to make one
this is what I'm actually using for it though
Interesting twist with that 72 luck.
Really loving the build here, flawless in all regards.
shit makes good insulation apparently
If you still need help, I placed the sign down outside the fog gate.
I did it, was really fucking close
Sorry if I wasted your time friend
Your help was much appreciated though
No problem. I needed the ember anyway.
I have seen a couple of red signs during the past 10 minutes, still not getting any invasions. ;_;
When I was trying to get my CBEOs to work, I noticed that when I spam them long enough, not only do they start to work, I also start getting more ring summons and invasions too; like, using invasions items seems to 'knock' on other clients and add them to your current pool. Maybe that's the case? Maybe before coming to Mirror knight I should, for example, spend half an hour on any of the two arenas?..
ded game
I am really bad at these games but they look neat. I want to watch a let's play of it and have seen epicnamebro mentioned but half of the time he spends talking about nonsense shit that he made up about the game and his accent is offensive. Who should I watch instead?
Just play the game yourself senpai.
It's cheap as dirt anyway.
that happened to me before dscm too. i'd have maybe 2 nodes at max but when i tried to invade it would force more nodes to appear
which game? let's plague is ok. or you could try gitting gud
dark souls 3
Yes but if you back step out of range while already out of range you dodge the ghost blade
Never played a Souls game before and just picked up DS3.
Rolled Barbarian and just beat that first boss and made it to that hub. Really liking it thus far.
Any tips anons?
Can someone help me farm vertebra shackles?
On the XBONE.
Will give password if someone is interested
Sorry, I meant "warrior" not "barbarian"
Why don't people host more fight clubs where we held the cosplay event?
enjoy the game
>Any tips anons?
play the other games first
The pus of men are weak to fire. Sling firebombs.
Backstabbing makes all the "tough" enemies of the high wall easier and they are all easily back stabbed including the big blue fucker with the halberd
If you think there are too many enemies draw them out 1 at a time.
Watch out for chests that are breathing
Have fun killer
Continuing with my Mirror Knight shenanigans and 'whatifs', another question: is it 100% certain that Steam DL regions aren't important at all in DS2? Not in any way or form? For example, you can play Dota 2 on any Steam DL Region, and will be matched with players from other DL Regions; however, when you watch live streams, your DL region does matter, and if you have a laggy in-game stream, switching to a different DL region often helps.
So, people say that DL regions don't mean shit in DS2, but on my path to King's Passage and 1.5m soul memory I noticed that I have way more luck with blue summons/invasions on Germany DL regions, while having an almost dead game on any other region.
Unfortunately, not getting any Mirror knight action (aside from being summoned myself) even on Germany...
>Walking down the path to Firelink Shrine
>Andre comes up and slaps the firekeeper right on her butt
What do you do?
>the curtains on the walls can get in front of the camera and completely obscure your vision
it's the little things
yesterday someone here said that clone in phase 2 makes the fight easier because it telegraphs real Pontiff's moves - i disagree with that
sometimes the clone can attacks from behind the real Pontiff, and it's hard to dodge the attack if you can barely see the telegraph
sometimes they desynchronize - it can happen after staggers and long recovery attacks, but on rare occasions it happens after any attack or even after the clone jumps around - when the clone strafes into swipe and the real one prepares to do the crazy cheerleader 6 hit combo, it feels like you can do very little about it
i don't know, maybe i'm doing something wrong, maybe i'm too bad at this, but these things happen to me very often and it's very hard for me to deal with them
"Damn, you've got balls."
>walk away and go down to buy an estoc from Greirat
>bad at using/managing his stand
Dude, even if he's fucking inside the Pontiff it's real obvious when the Stand telegraphs an attack, and when they desynchronize just spam B to the right of either.
Don't even need firebombs. Torch is practically infinite stunlock.
except they have like a 3 second delay between stuns.
So /dsg/ as far as armor is concerned
do you mix and match sets, or do you wear the full set?
We talking about the same enemy? The ones that are giant maggot dog type deals in the cathedral. I practically infinitely stunlocked those with a torch because they overreact every time. I don't know what delay you're talking about.
Please post in here so mods know this is the rightful /feg/. The other one is full of faggots who refuse ot accept #FE as a fire emblem game.
Help us chosen undeads
Some sets are irredeemable without being full
Some sets (or at least some pieces of some sets) only ever feel 'right' when worn in the full set
For the most part though I match the mix and mix the match
gj user
Fuck off, we don't care about your threads
We didn't care in /lozg/ either
Why is there so much hype over DS3 firekeeper? She's literally the most bland levelup girl in the series.
>Bland clothing
>Bland dollish (in a bad way, unlike BB) face
>Bland hairstyle and hair color
>Literally zero dialogue
>Repeats the same shit over and over
I can't grasp what exactly do you faggots find in her. Even fucking Anastacia is more of a waifu material than this shit
Huh didn't think about that but is completely right about delay in between fire stuns
>The weight of Flynn's Ring alone is almost half the maximum weight you can possess for the maximum damage boost
No it's the giant black man serpent morphs. The grubs are I think actually called man grubs while pus of man are the same shit you see controlling ludex gundyr
Oh, my bad then, sorry.
People who thought it'd be funny to reference DaS2 but not actually make the item useful in anyway shape or form.
>Aim crossbow at somebody
>They panicroll
>Exhausts all of their stamina
Every fucking time.
Why don't they just roll towards you and attack?
Grant her eyes, user.
I usually wear full sets because I like to roleplay a bit.
I can't bring myself to not use the Elite Knight set
I don't know.
It's better than rolling back and forth and leave yourself open for even more punishment than taking the bolts.
Seriously, they always choose the worst possible strategy for it.
Same dude.
Easily my favorite armor set across the whole series.
fight club
What is the best covenant and why is it mound makers
>Nameless King at 5% health
>he charges up the impale poke
>roll safely out of the way
>get teleported 3 metres to the side onto his spear
the clone in phase 2 makes the fight easier because he is completely vulnerable while he summons it, and if your weapon is upgraded to +6 you can easily kill it and do damage to him, sending him into a loop where you just avoid his moves and wait for him to summon it again for more free dmg.
works just like False King Allant from DeS
>Lost Izalith
Can Dancer's Swords work with a pyro build? It scales D for everything
I just want to do a Dancer run
has poise been fixed?
It is currently working perfectly fine for the completely negligible effect that it gives.
False King Allant vs Nameless King
Who would win?
The two fights play similar enough to make me certain Pontypool is a direct callback to that fight. They also both have those spirit wings.
All that's missing is a move that drains soul levels, which I wish existed in DS3.