Forever together edition.
Current patch notes:
Forever together edition.
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Is she though?
I prefer Tristy.
Draaaaaven! (is the best!)
>mfw I got a penta against that team
Jesus Christ ADC is so fun and unfun at the same time.
morgana a shit
>Building pure armor pen on MF
This is fucking disgusting holy shit.
I can't catch those axes so he SUCKS!!!!!!
He's not completely useless, he's just less bullshit now.
Im good and on oce but need people to play with!
>tfw can catch axes but have trouble csing while catching axes
lmao dw i got you
git gud
>Building Trinity Force on Sion
That poor bastard Zed had no idea what he was getting into.
"B-b-better than ever" - Riot
ecks DEE!!!!!
I can catch axes in lane and shit. It's just that catching them in team fights is hard as fuck.
>tfw I lost promo again and now I'm at 64 points
Think I'll make it out of bronze this week, /lolg/?
I dunno
Keep at it and one day you will friendo.
If you pay me $50 you will!
What's your winrate?
Best girl.
Best lover.
Best wife.
>>landing a kill-bounce Q after rushing Dirk
Is this just data from the Riot Games twitch channel or is it all of the streams combined?
ay y Y Y Y Y WHO GONNA PRESS R ON DAT P00L PARTY MF ? ?!? ?@!? ?!? ?!? ?! ?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Azir hotpocketman, can you PLEASE delete this garbage? It is 100% reposted inner circle trash.
All the streams except for the chinese ones.
he never misses a thread. not a single fucking one, its actually pathetic someone dedicates themselves to this, its been months now.
I'm starting to feel like there's a tangible advantage to playing low pick rate champions. People don't respect the W damage.
Where the Swain nerfs at tho Riot?
Who's the best streamer and why is it tyler1?
its the same guy that does the best gir/bestx/bestwife every thread and has for like 4 years
Can you do this in League?
I don't feel that a leddit post is a viable source.
I want something official.
yup it is called a team chat
can someone fucking explain to me why the fuck people dont que as your main role???
You can also get S ranks ezpz with low-pickrate champions.
>Expecting Riot to release official numbers of their game/e-sport declining.
Yeah, next patch.
we call it voice chat desu
I don't think he's ever missed a thread. I swear he invested money in being able to do this kind of shit.
Sometimes they're convinced their secondary comes up more often so they try that. Its obnoxious.
>voice chat
>in a fucking moba
It's not cs senpai, voice chat is pretty much useless here no matter how hard you'll try to defend it
any advice on playing Fiora and using the stupid quarter-circle mechanics?
I am convinced that it is impossible to get an S on Poppy
I absolutely despise playing midlane but queue mid secondary anyway to guarantee what primary role I want to play most of the time.
You need to stop drinking the kool-aid. There is no excuse for League to not have voice chat whatsoever. It's not "useless", the less time you spend typing the more time you spend fucking playing. Use your words, communicate with your team.
Hit the vitals
>won promos into Silver IV
Post butts
how should I plan myself?
If you think you can't communicate enough with pings and text chat that means you are below plat and/or try to backseat your whole team
Literally next patch.
Try to get behind them before you start the ult so you can get the back proc easier then slow them and hit the rest. Alternatively if they are really pushed up its pretty easy to just chase them down and hit them.
Hi. Who are you?
>tfw you struggle to win a 4v5
I came on ranked to troll but now I just feel sad.
Also this new Taric is pretty weird.
>I am convinced that it is impossible to get an S on Poppy
Really? I'm on the other side of the coin, for me it's impossible to get something less than an s-.
is OP.GG down for anyone else? Anything I search I just get the "an error occurred" page.
>Text chat
Why should I have to type when I can speak? That's just the thing, I would rather speak, and voice chat is INDUSTRY GODDAMN STANDARD FOR YEARS NOW. There's no excuse or justification for it not being there. Furthermore if you'd rather type then that's fine, but the real offense isn't even the fact that there is no voice chat, it's the complete denial of the option in the first place. Riot, especially under Lyte, has deprived players of their ability to choose and think for themselves in the name of fighting toxicity and it's fucking stupid, nor does it actually help at all. And it's not about "backseating your team", it's about convenience.
That's what I meant, I worded it incorrectly.
Fair enough, this anti-toxicity retardation is the worst thing that ever happened to lol and yes indeed talking takes less time and should have been in the game by default. What I tried to say is that text chat provides everything you need as in short sentences are enought to make calls or roast the shit out of that manchild who keeps being passive aggressive over anything. Voice chat would be great add, but aint obligatory
>AP Sona
>Walk up to enemy ADCuck
>90% of his HP gone
It should be there. Honestly I try to talk as little as possible in games anyway, there's no real need, but sometimes you need to tell people important things and League's ping system is garbage and I just hate typing in-game, it's very cumbersome. It'd be easier for me to just say "Hey I can do this" or "Hey I'm about to ult" on the fly rather than typing it. When I played DotA I used voice chat pretty liberally and to great results, and I had positive experiences for the most part as well. It's not like I'm interested in small talk.
>Playing a character that needs Position 1 income to do a Position 5's job.
Want to play on OCE?
Yeah well I can explain that, she's a 450 ip champ that is easy to pick up and hard to master and requires quite a bit of skill, so having in mind that she's cheap, many new players are going to pick her up and do poorly with her on top of the already experienced players that do poorly with her.
So the bar for ranking you is set pretty low and doing well with her is often going to net you an S.
>ad cuck
>walk up to ap sona
>100% of her HP gone
>Finally saved up enough shekels for name change
Next stop: Gold.
That's lame, coulda been something like Screaming Chinaman.
This game is dying real fast
do I go to dota or smite senpaitachi
That makes sense. Still Poppy is really fun, second favorite top laner and I'm looking forward to the buffs.
I dunno I think Riot would ban me within a week for being racist.
the games dying because everyone good gets banned for sperging out
It's dying cause of riot
>viewbots sued, LoL viewership gets cut into a third of what it was
>talent is not allowed to be entertaining
>content creators all quitting
>everyone better than anyone is toxic and banned
o shit this is going to be a spooky ass game
also what the fuck ascension is still here its tuesday wtf
>previous seasons
>EU LCS and NA LCS viewership was always at least 200k, sometimes upwards of 400K during hyped matches
>now, two streams
>viewership between them for NA barely breaks 100k
>viewership for EU even less than that
I don't know whether viewership has changed in either chinkland or gookland, but interest in the game is dying in the west.
They'll just ask you to change your name and give you a free namechange.
They won't ban you for innappropriate names unless you do it often.
Literally post 'em, faggots.
wasted-on-lol com
>Vel'koz is shoving his many tentacles up my ass
>Is perma pushing and blowing all ability cooldowns constantly
>Ask Hecarim to gank if he continues to push
>He ganks, vel blows both sums and we kill him
>Ask Heca to come again if Vel pushes again with no flash
>Vel'koz starts raging in all chat about stomping mid lane and that his team is bad etc
He's not wrong about stomping mid but why do people think each lane is a 1v1?
Well, plus "Screaming Chinaman" is perpetuating a very untrue and misleading stereotype. Xin Zhao's W costs a shitload of mana and should only be used if your balls are touching, so he really doesn't scream a whole lot.
Same here, she's my best champ and it feels like my time is back now that she's getting buffed.
>I am conviced that is impossible to get an S on Poppy
Says who?
He does scream a lot on his other skills too though.
We already covered this Tomo keep up
xth for love
why aren't you using your tripcode
i could keep track easier if you were
how can I know if she loves me back?
> Pool Party skins
> Deep Sea Nami skin
> Swain nerfs
> Vlad nerfs
> Irelia nerfs
> Kindred nerfs
> Kench buffs
Next patch when?
Don't want kench buffs fuck that guy.
>half shield duration
theyre killing his solo lane
Child, there is an easy solution to your problems.
You just have to let me in
>Tahm buffs
>they brought back lewd pool party skins
So, is League gitting gud?
>wake up
>queue for ranked
>check match history while waiting
>7 game losing streak
remember to follow, like and subscribe
So I pretty much only play toplane but lately I've playing a lot against teemos going Frozen mallet, what champion can I use to blow the fuck out of him? I just can't farm.
Catfish you dumb shit
>So, is League gitting gud?
>that horrible downgrade in quality
>that absolute laziness in the sound effects
>them mediocre visual effects
Its only begun to get bad.
just play mages top if you can't rape him with normal damage tops. if you're melee you can surrender the first one or two levels but after that you shouldn't be afraid to go in because you're supposed to outdamage him in trades