Lets make it to 500 replies edition
>Is it ded?
>How the loadout system works:
>Loadout/weapon/augment charts
>How do I get this game?
>Join our steam group and play with us:
>Wanna play competitive?
>Tweaks and HUD customization
>Singleplayer map practice and testing commands
>Aim/reflex training:
/dbg/ Dirty Bomb
Other urls found in this thread:
hullo o
Hi :3
>2011 pre-order Brink
>It's shit, buggy and gets ditched by Splash Damage
>2013, hear about Dirty Bomb
>2013, sign up for the beta
>Never get accepted for beta access
>Have to play in 2015 during open beta with the unwashed masses
>Miss out on cool Founder and Obsidian skins
Yeah, nah. Fuck you Splash Damaged. You expect me to put money into a game that's 'thing' is about showing off your cool and rare cards? when I can't even get the rare cards?!?!?! If I had gotten the chance to play the game way back in 2013 then I would have easily given you $120 for the 5 merc founder skin pack. Instead you decided to lock people out of epic skins just "because lol"
I'm not even angry, in fact I'm smiling knowing that you cucks (Splash Damaged) will be out of business soon thanks in part to the Brexit. You lot will be unemployed, begging in the streets crying while I'll be eating Haagen-Dazs Strawberries And Cream Ice Cream. If by chance you lot survive as a company then you can expect me and many others to go on a massive campaign telling people to stay away from your inevitable next title after Dirty Bomb(This is what Splash Damaged does best) Maybe then you guys will change your Kike-like ways.
You made your bed Splash Damaged. Now lie in it.
Signed. Someone who actually Pre-Ordered Brink back in the day.
>he pre-ordered Brink
Friendly reminder to type setclantag /dbg/ in console! :3
Remember, he did it for free
Who was this guy? Some mod who was a cunt to people on the forums? I don't browse the forums so idk
he was a cunty mod there and on reddit, he also did those pointless dev stream roundups which no one ever read because the devs never said anything worthwhile
Actually most of the 'stream roundups' consisted of his shitty ass personal opinions disguised as 'facts by devs'. If SD said 'we'll think about it' and Fagal3th liked the idea, he would just write 'confirmed to be coming 100%'. Then the faggotforum community would get all mad at SD for not doing what they 'promised' according to fagal3th. Shit, half of those braindead idiots even thought fagal3th worked for SD or Nexon whatever. He was the biggest aids to exist in the DB community.
>focusing on shit crafting system
>not focusing on fixing stuff and adding turtle
what the fuck is wrong with Ass Damage?
so anyone know how the special taunts number 6 and 7 unlock? it seems random and im curious to see if anyone knows if theres a set pattern or something that needs to be done to activate them
>pretending that people want turkle
>Implying the front end interface guy knows jack shit about programming the actual game itself.
What next? You want the concept art guys to start coding too?
>focusing on shit crafting system
It´s an excuse to do nothing, like the events of cheaper cases or cases, this kind of "focusing" need almost no work and competent programers can do it in a fairly short time.
>not focusing on fixing stuff and adding turtle
They aren't working in this kind of stuff because it's real work, I don't even think that the team left for DB could add Jakal. You should know that turtle (wich is really almost finished month ago but we do not know how to banlace with the shitty shield of the design) and the map without textures are the only two things left before devs left the game itself.
You could have bought Founder's packs without being in the alpha or closed beta, you know.
How many times have we been over this?
>re-release founder packs
>break a promise given to all the old founders
>massive shitstorm
>people will never spend money on the game again because nobody trusts sd any more
>bad reputation will spread all over the internet and nobody will ever try out the game again
Yeah, go fuck yourself. You are like a 4 year old kid in a store when mom refuses to buy him candy.
>make skins with actual difference in models and not reskin
>charge $10 or more
>satisfying the newfags and not upsetting the founders
You know what would happen if they did that?
This: would happen. In 1000 times stronger force.
>hurrdurr muh devs only focusing on making skins hurr
>mfw founder packs are coming back
Thank you based SD
This game is pretty fun
Yeah, it is :D
What's the easiest, comfiest merc to play when you're tired?
rhino, sit on health station, jerk off and press m1 occasionally
This guy! :3
B-bump ;_;
I would bump my meat into her, if you know what I mean
I want to do pic related with raziel, if you know what i mean
>buy stoker/sparks pack because gud deal
>realize i have no desire to play either of them
Would you sniff her lewd armpits?
I would lick them, but only if she shaves
They are user
>buy Brink at full price when it first releases
>it's a huge piece of shit
>check back 2 years later to see what has become of it
>serverlist stopped working for some reason and nobody ever fixed it so players now have to use a custom server 3rd party software list to play on servers
>check servers up
>not even 1
>literally 0 people playing muliplayer Brink 2 years after release, literally 0
Deader than Battleborn.
I want to lick them
>Brinks is dead
People are still playing it
2,391 players in last 2 weeks
Holy shit, that's quite a lot more than I expected. Autism is strong in those players!
i don't know why they'd play it. Brink was pretty awful once everyone figured out medic was an unkillable god
I'm the only person here who is going to get it, but I commend you for your effort.
Can we stop with this?
The crafting system will fix like six or seven issues with the game. It makes the newbie experience less confusing, so they can get bronse cards faster and whine less, makes iron cards have SOME worth, it will funnel more cash towards buying mercs, and it fixes quite possibly the most annoying and broken system in the game.
This is a core function that is 100% broken and loathsome to use. This kind of shit needs to get fixed. Not every update can be new mercs and maps. They are working with a skeleton crew who they manage to keep on board by the little bit the game gets and working on other games. These guys aren't Tripwire, they care about the game from what I have seen and it's not like they have stopped.
Oh, didn't know they ported Tracer into DB.
Cute Apron~
You're even more autistic than this guy pretending to be an anime"girl"
What merc do you think is genuinely overpowered, and why?
They're all overpowered in their own way.
Excuse me, but that's anime girl(boy) to you
So like femboy?
And that is why the game is fun.
I just feel like Kira's beam is impossible to dodge for most newbies who don't know how to long jump yet.
There's animegirl69 and animegirl99. They are different, although they post basically the same images.
One has posted themselves in women's clothing. We don't know about the other one, but they seem to post more and are nicer.
>like femboy?
Like "I can't get girls or attention IRL so I'll switch gender and act cutesy to be worshipped by all the lonely betas on Veeky Forums".
>they seem to post more and are nicer
>I can't get girls or attention IRL so I'll switch gender and act cutesy to be worshipped by all the lonely betas on Veeky Forums
>One has posted themselves in women's clothing
Is she hot?
That's 69 and that's the butt pic you have seen posted around here every once and a while.
I... guess the butt isn't bad.
If they posted more I would probably engage with them more. Typical long haired femboy.
>the butt isn't bad
You're too nice, it's disgusting. The butt, not you.
Okay yeah, you've got me there.
Why didn't you save it?
It was doomed from the start
Why don't you go ask the MOBA players? This is a FPS thread.
I really don't get what they were thinking with that game, there is absolutely nothing appealing about it.
they really fuck up with the character design. they all look like league of legends rejects.
Reminder. FPS With abilities =/= shooter MOBA.
>vote shuffle passed
Lucky you! :D
A ritobasu. bring me a ritobasu.
this the bad thing following this up is I could see them putting very little in it. but what they did have so far is alright. well I don't like the fragger skin but as long its not like cat ears etc I can deal with it
Fragger with cat ears sounds good though.
What about Kira with cat ears?
Kira a shit
Are there still people playing this game? Thought it would be long fucking gone by now.
Because fun and there's nothing like it done this well.
W-w-what did you say?!
As someone who spends too much time playing kira I would not like that.
>open first normal loadout case
>silver Thunder
>open second one
>bronze Kira
>open third one
>silver Sparks
What the fuck, what are the odds? And the Sparks one looks useful too.
Both are shit
>phantom week
>that lip of brick at the entrace to the building overlooking the last part of trainyard
>proxy mines can trigger and hurt you when you cant even see them from the other side
im loving this skill-based gameplay.
>lanes and jungle
>minion farming
>towers and 'nexus'
>in match levelling up
>kill monsters for buffs
Yeah, right, totally not a moba.
no unlike other games battleborn was literally trying to be an fps moba.