Iron Banner Edition
Destiny Maintenance period 6/28 8am-2pm PDT
/dg/ - Destiny General
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First for time for Imago Loop farm
So what is destiny down for 5 n half hours?
joff I think you need to Solo that.
This is what I get when I try to join.
>CoE Super bonus
Might be the wrong time of day to ask but does anyone wanna have an iron banner group say, ~3 EST
Yeah no it's not happening. Loaded into Strike and can join everyone else your fireteam kicks me from game.
Good luck.
destiny will still be down for maintenance during that time
So, ~5 then
>these modifiers
Good luck to all of the farmers out there
hows this one?
Spray and Play is pretty okay for PVE. I'd keep farming til I get an Outlaw/Firefly though
Anybody up for nightfall or CoE?
Just message me.
>play defender in rift for shits n gigs
>27 kills 3 deaths
>15 kill streak
>colovance's duty with weapons 2 shots everyone
Defender is underated as fuck, can't wait to use it for IB and carry /dg/ on my back. Maybe it's because players on xbox just aren't as good, but when I tried this on playstation I barely went over 1.0
>Void burn heroic strikes
>Taken Archon Priest
This is almost as bad as when we had regular chucklefuck with all burns.
>tfw I will never EVER see the lighthouse
I can't even practice properly because something about Trials sets my fucking blood to boiling. I get too mad and it makes my already mediocre skills degrade. I guess I better just kill myself.
Do you also run Glasshouse?
As a player of both consoles I can say that ps4 is way easier for everything pvp
I'm not saying ps4 players are bad, but there's alot more therefor more shitters
I just need practice. But fuck snipers with hidden hand. Fucking shitters that can't aim.
Hey man, if you get shot, you get shot.
is your account fairly recent? could be SBMM at work
If your acc is new you might experience the power of SBMM
I made a new acc on PS4 to see how bad it is and facerolled people with Khvosthov and a Fusion Rifle.
Love how Bungie refused to change the most annoying aspect about snipers because they know the majority of PvP sweaties would complain.
If the air around you gets shot, you also get shot.
Bullet magnetism doesn't work on snipers.
Yet the hitboxes are still far too forgiving anywhere around the head.
Thanks for the opinion m8.
>tfw after weeks of taking crucible seriously my k/d finally broke 1.3
What is considered a "good" K/D?
Anyone who thinks the hit boxes are fine has been leaning on their crutch too long
Enjoy your "headshot" kill to the chest. I know I will.
>kd is .77
>is unlikely to ever change at this point because i've had this character since day 1
oh well
with power weapons on spawn, one shot abilities, supers and yada yada I'd say anything above 1 is decent enough and everything above 1.5 is to be considered good (considering that if you're 1.5 you're in what, the 10% of the best players?)
take me for example, only 1.9 in destiny but 3+ in all halo games
Even if they were to 'fix' the hitboxes, good snipers would continue to hit heads.
Please show me evidence of this happening.
There have been several clips posted since the introduction of hidden hand, I'm not digging them out of the archives for you.
And the number of "good" snipers is tiny. Being a good sniper in destiny isn't saying much
>too lazy to even back it up
That's not how arguements work.
Show me a clip of a dude, who isn't lagging, standing straight up, shooting a guy in the chest and getting a headshot. Then I'll be inclined to agree.
just delete it like jiro
I wouldn't do that to my boy because of stats autism
Hardly my fault if you're too new to the threads to have seen the numerous webms posted. Why should I have to provide evidence you could find yourself when you're the one making the claim that hidden hand, shortgaze snipers don't make hitting headshots pitifully easy?
Your point? This is the destiny general.
>when you're the one making the claim that hidden hand, shortgaze snipers don't make hitting headshots pitifully easy?
Because you're making the claim that the hitboxes are insane.
IB when?
Which is accepted by anyone who doesn't lean on a crutch sniper, as opposed to "everything is fine I swear guys, it's just as easy to snipe in other games". There's a reason the better snipers stuck with efrideets archetype while the shitters ran to HB
Look man just stop arguing with him, hes and borderline autistic tripfag that thinks people like him while in reality we only deal with him because sometimes he draws. Literally his only redeeming quality
>the better ones stuck to spear
Spear was just as bad and everyone had final round on it
Snipers are fucking annoying but there's a reason Sidhe can join a trials game and get 9 sniper kills that game and someone with the same sniper only gets 3
>do really well with a gun and get nearly 30 kills
>next game someone on my team is using the gun with the exact same vendor roll
Is there a better feeling than convincing someone that a gun is worth using over their usual loadout?
I never said anything about comparing this to other games. I know sniping in destiny is miles easier than literally every other FPS.
It's just when you claim "I can shoot this guy in the chest and get a headshot becuz hiddun hund" that I get a little skeptic.
>Spear was just as bad
It was nowhere near, which is why beyond FR nobody complained about it, or hit shots that shouldn't have hit. The only thing that got people mad about spear was the FR abusers.
>Snipers are fucking annoying but there's a reason Sidhe can join a trials game and get 9 sniper kills that game and someone with the same sniper only gets 3
I'm not saying there's no skill involved, I'm saying if you put 2 shitters of equal skill in a match, and gave 1 an ambush efrideets and another a shortgaze HH 1KYS or Yasmin, the latter would have the advantage purely on the hitboxes.
This shit is really impressive if im being honest lads
I wasn't going to bother, but I'm going to go find those webms now. They're months old so it'll take me a long time. I know it's hard to believe it until you see it, but the fact is that rounds can be pulled to the head from a chest shot when using those perk combos.
It can;t even be attributed the latency in the webm, because latency can't bring a shot up when both players are on flat ground on the same height.
>the latter would have the advantage purely on the hitboxes.
But that's not true. Bullet magnetism does not work on snipers. Aim assist only slows down the drag over the head, and thus effectively increasing the window of your shot-- which only really applies to drag scopes.
I eagerly await. Thank you for taking the time.
>Bullet magnetism does not work on snipers
Cite a source, and if you're going to say that video where they "tested" it, but in fact half assed the entire thing using non ideal rolls, don't bother. If it's directly from Bungie's mouth without them providing a scrap of evidence, that's not viable either.
>Decide to do rush all the weekly crucible bounties in like the last two hours before the rest.
>Get this as the weekly bounty reward.
A little excessive on the range perks, but I too can now become cancer.
I don't have a dog in this fight, but you're basically asking him to prove something while prematurely invalidating a huge body of potential evidence while providing absolutely none of your own.
>Perfect perks for a shot gun
>shittiest shot gun
>I'm basing my facts on a few individual videos that could be misleading, lag etc
>you need to fill these and these requirements for your claim to be viable
Arguing like a true woman
Bullet magnetism and AA exists on 5 (Arguably 6) other weapon types in the game. If one is going to argue that it isn't present on snipers, which have dedicated perks and scopes with stat bonuses to AA), then they better be ready to provide proof, because as it stands the evidence suggests that it applies to snipers all the same.
Read my post about the clips numbnuts. Clips of two players on the same vertical level, it is physically impossible for lag to make a shot at someone's chest hit the head without one of the players moving vertically at one point, which they did not.
That shotgun can not be saved, even by a perfect roll. Its thrash m8
Why is it shitty? I've never actually seen it until it dropped for me so I wouldn't know.
One way or another I'm keeping it just for the aesthetic sake.
>stray posts suggesting aim assist doesn't apply to one weapon class
>provides no proof
>somehow user is in the wrong
Someone post the webm of stains headshotting two guys standing nearly side by side with a single shot to shut up this autism argument.
IB rep glitch doesn't work any more or does?
That planet destiny video where they tested AA? If that's not good enough for you, nothing will be.
The sniping part starts around 1:00 in.
Its the universal remote
so it ties for the best stats for a primary shotgun but is secondary and it doesnt have the universals hidden shot package
I'm trying to delve through the archives for all the webms.
>amplified geo
>when HH could very easily be a percentile perk
>and then demonstrates AA in action on a high base AA handcannon
Yep that's the one, absolutely half assed tests.
I'd test it myself but we can't load in a full team into rumble anymore.
Why are you using a tripcode?
Because he is a faggot
No, but you can load as two teams of three, that glitch still work.
Hell, you could do it in doubles when it rolls around, even easier.
If you don't know what it is, basically you and someone from the same region as you start two different teams, then go into matchmaking and click launch at the same time, more often than not the game will match you against each other because there's not enough people bothering about this shit any more.
So that you have something to ask. Isn't he considerate? Now you, an otherwise useless human being, also have a purpose.
>Go in to crucible1st time since restarting playing
>There's now a sniper at every corner
>Aim has gone to shit
>0.7 & 1.2k/d
If you can't aim, you're fucked. Like zippy, for example has become irredeemably shit at PvP for whatever reason, he relies on getting lucky dragscopes with his sniper and if that doesn't work, he prays for mercy and sprays wildly with MIDA or doctrine.
There's no coming back from that.
When the xboners are up, I'll see if I can arse them up load up into a sweat with me. Do you think the test would be enough with a spindle (39), a SG/HH rifled 1kys (60+ish), a tamar-d (65), and an ambush longbow (53-25=28)?
I'll go when I'm done helping my parents out of town, the maintenance will probably still be ongoing by then so probably just when servers roll back up
im up what is this nightmare discussion
Sid having an autism attack over AA and claiming bullet magnetism isn't real.
Stuff like this doesn't help much though
>Run round corner
>LMAO double hammers
>Cancer Danced
>Go from over 2k/d to 1.4 by match end
It doesn't rain, it pours
I'm sorry you aren't mentally stable enough to have a civil discussion with the rest of us.
Talking about AA and bullet magnetism on snipers. We reached a conclusion that we need more testing.
>ends at 2pm PDT
>currently 8am
it's gonna be a while
Sure thing.
Speaking of groups, once IB gets up after the maintenance later, would anyone like the suffer together instead of alone?
>would anyone like the suffer together instead of alone?
Your very existence is suffering :^)
But playing with you is suffering
my pants get too tight
8am pdt
Fuck sake I thought the updates were always 6 hours behind me, it's not easy being a swede
>IB starts 11pm
Anyone wanna make a group for IB btw?
>super deaths and shit respawns
See, this is why I never understood why people act like K/D matters. Sometimes, Destiny just decides you're going 3/20 in a game and there's fuck all you can do.
I tried getting back into this game after a six month break but I just can't. And it's not at all for the reasons you might expect.
The FOV is so horribly low that it actually gives me a headache. If it was adjustable I would be all over this game. But, unfortunately that will never happen. A shame too, because I really dig the aesthetics of this game.
Not so fast jiro
0.17= 4/23 not 3/20 don't try to brush off deaths
>Ends at 2pm PDT
Fucking worst coast can suck dicks, why can they not do this shit during dead hours instead of fucking over everyone who doesn't want to be anywhere near commiefornia?
beanbag is down for banner always. maint starts in an hour if anyone wants to do something let me know. might do some clash for my fwc quest
>The FOV is so horribly low that it actually gives me a headache.
Is your name Clitoris? Because that's some god damn delicacy.
post yfw the main will probably be extended
you can bet on it m8s
No it starts in 3 minutes
east coast here, it will be down noon to 6pm so, there goes comfy destiny afternoon
Just end me