Well lads, my Robinhood account is finally approved, what stocks should I jump on for big gainz?

Well lads, my Robinhood account is finally approved, what stocks should I jump on for big gainz?

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JNUG. That's what I'm in because Monday I think it'll rise. Why do I think that? Not even I know.

Dafuk. ESI went down 65% on Friday, why is it a good idea to buy? Enlighten me senpai


Dude hell no. OP don't listen to these guys. NVGN only trades 70,000$ a day. You'll never get out.

What's your average ROI?

That's exactly why you should buy it. FDA will accept IND application sometime in the next two weeks and there will be a huge volume spike which will equate to a huge price spike.

But hey, miss out if you want. I won't be.

I just looked into it. ESI is ITT Technical Institute. The Department of Education just REKT the living fuck out of them by saying ITT Tech students can no longer qualify for Federal Student Loans to go there.

ITT Technical Institute is DEAD. There is no recovering. If students can't get loans to go there, they won't go there!

279% this year. But that means I went from 200$ to 558$ so...I'm no pro