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>where do i look up tanks
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>muh poorly drawn jap cartoon
hang all weebs
Is there a Veeky Forums channel up yet? I've searched Veeky Forums and have found nothing.
May that picture remind everyone of what could have been
make one then, it's summer and everything is extra ded
On NA probably not right now. Even when i get on later it is usually just me, sam, and sometimes snpai user
The WG goys are getting pretty desperate with this one.
No worries I've got it
Do they actually think they're fooling anyone with that 'last chance' shit? It'll be back in 2-3 months as with every other Rare premium.
I've seen a lot of these come-and-go premiums, back when I had left the game they didn't even do that. Still, they aren't as vile as fucking Gaijin is.
Instead of just putting it into the game goldshop they do this annoying shit where they sell """"""""""rare"""""""" and """"""""""""unique""""""""""" premiums literally every 2 months thinking they'll get more money of it. WGs marketing team is braindead to say the least
>aren't as vile as fucking Gaijin
I've never seen a company so aggressively try to kill it's own fanbase.
Still, it's like WG thinks they're still spooking everyone with the Type 59 boogeyman. Leaving the shop! Might never see it again! Buy it now goys!
>costs more than tier VIII premium mediums
what a bargain
Someday there'll be a Benis Caliphate on the CW map
I think it actually backfires on them to an extent. These cash only premiums reduce the value of buying gold and aren't eligible for discounts. A lot of people who might have gotten gold for the VK at 30% off some day now have to consider and likely won't.
Gaijin is exactly why I'm back in WoT, really.
And yeah, I don't know who they think they are fooling really. I think maybe they got a big panic-buy out of the playerbase when they got rid of the Type 59 (glad I already had mine), and so they think they can get it again and again, although they are maybe generating 5% more sales because of it (I'm completely uninformed, just making a guess here.), but the thing is that it doesn't cost them a thing to yank things in and out of sale.
What is the price compared to other Tier 7 premium HTs? Then again, isn't there only one other?
It's a complete waste of time even with the possibility of tournaments being cut off.
At least type 59 is good™, meanwhile WG is selling sub-par tanks like Scorpion, KonanPanzer and Fatton-59 in overpriced as fuck bundles as if they were OP or something
People, specifically wehrboos will eat up anything look at nippon tiger and panther 88, both tanks are arguably shit but they sell like hot cakes, WG would make twice the money if they simply made this VK a regular premium available in both website and ingame shop.
>What is the price compared to other Tier 7 premium HTs
probably the cheapest one since others (berlin IS-2, A45) are always sold in fiddy buck bundles
God I hate this bundling bullshit F2P games do.
I honestly think on average they would get more money if they just allowed people to buy the tanks. I feel a lot of people would buy if that were the case.
>I feel a lot of people would buy if that were the case
They would, even shit tanks sell well when sold in ingame shop/website. Good tanks on the other hand like Berlin trio or IS-3A would end recession in Belarus within a week. Of course then these tanks would lose their "rare and unique" status and that means WG would have to produce more tanks which translates to labor and nobody likes that shi, now come on, let's just rotate same tanks for another year and make money in the long run :^)
what did he mean by this?
>4100 dmg
>2nd class
Are they amazonians wtf
>people still blur their names
People literally never cared who you are, nor will they in the future.
>arty """"""players"""""
pick one
He's trying to tell you to stop playing shit games
I mean in the same sense people play Cookie Clicker, yeah
lmao, funny part he has it completely wrong way around.
Ah, you mean paraplegics, k
Speaking of arty, is the American tier IX Arty still better than the tier X?
what did he mean by this?
looks like I'm better than all of you
>Pressing the left mouse button is hard when its in a Russian med
>recent stats are only updated intermittently and may be a few months out of date
do you even play anymore?
>Top 10 movie tank scenes
>sub 2k wn8
4/10, made me reply
>no GuP
I wouldn't be posting if I didn't
are you going to applly
Yes, I just left NTR today so I can't until the 30th it says.
>At least type 59 is good™
Not really, every time I drive it I get cancer. If it just had better gun handling so it didn't feel like you were aiming with an E100 cannon the Typu would be so much better
What the shit are they feeding these whores.
lotsa pasta
God forbid a tier lower T-54 with premium MM has downsides to it
>having to aim your shots
oh the horrors
>3 aim time
>.4 accuracy
You'll never understand true suffering. The tank has been powercreeped to shit, yes you can still bully lower tiers which has always been its strong point, 7 degrees of gun depression is the only thing that saves it from being a useless pile of shit
>have to re-install the game
The problem is all the generic -10dp 6.75 mediums that are being added, it's a relic of a better time
>with 2 perk crew and equipment
>Type 59 owners trying to downplay their pref MM tank
every time
2.7 is absolutely disgusting though, the aim time is incorrigible
try sniping with your 181 pen and see the shell either veer out of the aiming circle or do nothing
if normal tier 8s could only see tier 9 then it would be fine :^)
>literally T-54 with 20mm less penetration and not-broken gold round
>fantasy gun depression combined with slavshit turret
>try sniping with your 181 pen
T-44 and T-34-2 called, said something about you being a shitter
they don't have E100 gun handling
e100 has good gun handling dude stop saying that
e100 isn't a tier 8 med though, the stats are going to be worse for the type since it is pref but wargaming devoted their hateboner to the gun handling and nothing else
also I want the pre-HD model back at least it didn't drive like a heavy tank and had acceleration
it's a bad comparison, stb-1 is more apt
I see we made the full circle and its "muh aimtime" all over again
STB has APCR and it's in the same penetration category as the other tier 10 meds which both help massively
i'm talking about gun handling, nothing else
sandbox owns
yes because that is the main issue with the tank
APCR standard I mean
But the STB gets crutches which make the gun overall better, there's no point ignoring those since it doesn't have AP standard and ~240 pen or whatever. The only reason it has such shit gun handling is because there's a huge disparity in reload time between it and the other 390 guns, and the Type also reloads over half a second later then the 6.75 240 mediums ostensibly because it has 10 extra damage per shot
Will this tank make me want to kill myself?
>main issue
More like the only issue, next thing you know IS-6 players will be whining about low shell penetration
+5 gold
Typu is slightly more agile than an IS3 these days, thanks HD model
>HD model
What happened, you were baiting so well and then drop this shit ? Fucking weak
>tfw not a WG shill
I'd do it all day for some gold tBh
How about you kill yourself? HD almost always changes the stats of any tank, the 59 used to be very quick and turned better as well as having a more lithe armor profile and better p/w, now it's bulky as fuck.
>Type 59 is bad
>not even 1.5k average damage
I kind of agree with the points raised on gun handling here, firing the gun is like lobbing potatoes. But at the same time making it a laser pointer wouldn't be good for balance, there's definitely a less shit inbetween
I'm not even replying to that, that's some flat-earth levels of retardation if it ain't bait
Glad to see after all this time the Type-59 debate still rages.
Previously posted HD model conspiracy, I'm certain it's just some retard farming (you)s
it's just baddies trying to rationalize why they aren't doing well in a good pref MM tank
Are you actually saying tank models and their statistics don't change? Just look at the IS6 you stupid fuck
If I ever get one I'm going to abruptly join the "call it a terrible tank on internet forums and argue over it to the death" club. Just have to.
Its crazy really, I've had mine forever and its always done well by me. Er, I uh, er, the aim time is teeeerrible though!
the is-6 has always been overpowered
>even with all this 3rd party software to look up tank characteristics people still believe WG is stealth nerfing/buffing tanks
>never the less WG is using HD models to cover it up
Do you have any solid proof of that other than """""feels"""" or at least some kind of document from your doctor proving your disability ?
Also while we're on mental issues, do you also happen to believe in "impulse" ?
>earth isn't flat
come on man, wake up. There are dozens of videos that prove it and all the ones that have supposedly "debunked it" have been debunked themselves
That's not what I'm saying, the model change for the IS6 wasn't just aesthetic when it was made HD
What the fuck are you even talking about you delusional retard?
yeah it changed the armor model, nothing about the mobility though
tanks don't get heavier or lose engine power, the changes are in soft stats and the armor profile
>delusional retard
says the person that believes HD models affect mobility
Whoa whoa, don't let people know that, I don't want them nerfing my baby
But it changed something, WG has always used the HD remodels as a way to fix/tweak the tanks, besides just making them look better
It's a shame we don't have preHD information for the Type
It does, at least in regards to things like terrain resistances
>It does
Surely there's some kinda of way to prove it right ?
it "feels" doesn't count
>at least in regards to things like terrain resistances
terrain resistance is a documented stat, it's not affected by the model at all and if they do change it it shows up in the patch notes or on one of the many wot blogs
with hd the ground resistances were reduced by 20%