Miss Fortune's delicious hip wiggling edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
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What happened?
Hashinshin dove and killed him twice.
Splash art WHEN
ah nice
MF taking selfies sold me to get that skin.
Most likely today, worst case next week. It will be cool to see the other two pool party skins, seeing other champions make cameos is nice.
>there are autists in this general that don't think garen is a tank
breast pool party skin
breast waifu
I'm just talking about the name man, not about the specific interaction with Leona.
Auto-Attacks are called that because they're literally automatically performed by a champion in the absence of player input.
Best rivalship
>pool party mf has a literal towel covering her huge ass
>go aram
>get mage
>build like adc
>get adc
>build like tank
>get tank
>build like mage
>m/ute all 50 seconds in after giving first blood
>watch people rage
>always deny surrender
Why the fuck is this so fun.
AQA is kinda deliberate though
it's also pretty clear by expressing it as AQA that the As are something besides an a.
Work/Helped on:
>Ghost Bride Morgana
>Pop Star Ahri
>Warrior K Katarina
>DJ Sona
>SG Lux
>OL Irelia
>Demon Vi
>DT Lulu Update
>Zyra VU
and finally make by her own PP MF
There is Hope
>there are people that think 'tanky dps' champions are tanks and not bruisers
How do I Poppy jungle? Max Q first?
>But tanks scale on resists and have hard CC, high base damage and a gap closer to be a threat while still having utility.
Wrong. And off topic. I was contesting that tanks are champions that were designed around sustaining through or absorbing a large amount of damage.
>So does swain's healing exist to help him along?
No. Swain's healing is actually central to his design. His other skills (aside from E, but including passive) were based around keeping the target around so that he can continue healing off of them.
His E is actually there to help him along via damage output.
He is a tank.
based desu
for now max E first for stun duration, simply better for single targets as well.
nigga have you ever been to a pool before
What happened /lolg/ why is league at its lowest searched since January of 2012?
(graph is for United States only)
>hash dumpsters qt so hard that his team calls him a retard dumpster baby and complains about how one bad player just ruins a game
>all those waifu skins
>finally makes a fanservice skin for breast waifu
>is also cute
based as fuck tbqh
Noted. And do I build Warrior or Cinderhulk? Do I even bother with that before Deadman's/Frozen Gauntlet?
10/10 history so far
Give more skins to her to work on and videogames are saved.
my opinion won't help you here because I just mass dirks on her to burst nerds for fun's sake
I assume cinderhulk for that ridiculous durability, though.
I know
But it feels fucking good to win against a team I thought was going to rape me
You take towel's to the pool.
Also be grateful the towel is transparent at this point.
literally seethrough lad
post more of whatever that thing is
>Be an ADC main watching that Jax
I could be 6 items at 20 minutes and I'd never reach this level of threat, tankyness, or damage. Fuck this role.
>tfw you're almost 30 and still can't draw for shit
>tfw you'll never be able to produce high quality lewd shit for yourself and your friends because you can't even draw a stick figure that doesn't look like a spastic paper clip
Why am I even alive anymore...
>be support
>take some cs
>adc tells me that support doesn't take cs
>try to get cs that adc isn't taking, she takes it from me anyway
>adc continues to take cs even though they are getting plenty of kills
>adc tells me that support gets gold from assists, but doesn't let me get assists
>take adc away from adc main
>complain when he feeds his ass off against an autistic top lane main
gotta love this game
Are we getting a new Pool Party event and free Taric skin again?
>people want a bikini instead of the sexy onepiece with titty/midriff windows and seethrough towel to add to the sex appeal
have you guys ever heard that less is more, and especially in these matters?
Autofill will be necessary for as long as people hate playing support which will be for as long as it exists.
I wish she didn't have a cleavage window on pool party, but it's still acceptable
Captain MF cleavage window is UNACCEPTABLE
come on
He has fill as his second role.
She has no cleavage window in Captain MF, she is wearing an overcoat and a corset under.
I still think Zeronis is better
Almost all high elo players do because you'll get fill as your second role regardless of what you choose in auto fill world.
>first waifu skins for PP line
>less is more memeapproach
Kill yourself. MF would never wear anything that isn't a small bikini
Because people know what league of legends is so they don't google it, your moron.
Is google dying because it's at the lowest interest over time since 2012?
>Sol Badguy figure
She is a good person. I like her.
Captain MF is also a better skin.
>People overspecialize instead of diversifying their skillset so that they'll be at least competent across the board
>Lose games when taken out of their comfort zone
Yeah fuck em.
Clearly that's not true and you're wrong.
well I feel dumb
it still looks pretty ugly in the splash though, she needs a better pose/face going on IMHO
in-game the feather is very nice but pool party has "fun" written all over it-- it is the "fun" skin. Arcade is as well, but it's more in the "annoying" vein.
Was the enemy team initially good and had a skill advantage?
If not, you only won because they were either not as skilled or not playing as seriously. People play normals to warm up. You also run into the those odd games where one team has smurfs or some really high leveled player while everyone else is silver/bronze. Or you play against teams where 1 or 2 people get put into a role/champ they aren't comfortable with. Victories in normals mean nothing unless the two teams were evenly matched.
We can't just rely on him to fix Riot, we need people like her and Lonewingy to help the effort
why would people search "google" on google you fucking moron
She looks really cute to me, I like that intimidating yet cute look she has going on in it (and FRECKLES).
more people use chrome now which means they don't have to type google at all they can just type what they want to search in the address bar. (You) literally have no argument.
>bot game means it's okay to be a jerk to your support
I think the user you're replying to just gave you a reason, as dictated in your own post :^)
>I have no idea how google works
I adore good clothes myself and that skin at her chest is just lame for that shot and feels very needless
I'm ignorant of the practical purposes of it, but visually it is displeasing to me.
Not him, but I guess facebook is dying too.
That's not true. You have to type league of legends into google to download the game. So less people are downloading it. Less people are searching for league related topics like builds and champion stats and streams and pro games, which means people are losing interest in the game in general.
League is dying
Well it sort of is, but that's because Zuckerburg or whatever his name is, is a hack anyways.
>that jinx
>"I have more cs so I should be winning lane!"
>"soraka is useless all she can do is heal!"
>"stop killing me 2v1!"
could hardly play i was laughing so much
How is it wrong? I'm telling you that your personal definition of tank is too abstract and can make a lot of champions that would never be considered tanks otherwise, tanks. Vlad was never a tank, but he was a tanky sustain mage, which is different from a tank. Since Renekton is then a tank, 'traditional' tanks have always been defined for their high base damage, utility such as hard CC, defensive steroids that can scale and a way to close a gap to be a threat. Bruisers were made in mind to be a threat, but also being able to take a beating. They don't possess the same skillset tanks have(Rammus, Leona, Old Shen, Nautilus, Malphite, Amumu).
>His E is actually there to help him along via damage output.
That only works on a single target when he's the AoE champion? You'll have to tell me what you consider part of a champion's design and what is there to help him.
I got blamed for "focusing blitz" because I killed him right after I killed Jhin by myself in a straight 1v2, because his support just happened to be standing in front of me
Guess who blamed for that
The 13k damage 32 minutes sterakk renekton of course
Pretty sure Facebook is declining as well, I remember reading about it sometime ago.
I don't dislike it that much, I really like admiral style coats.
Miss Fortune is never (and should never) cover up her tits because she's very much a person who's about using every weapon she can to her advantage, and that includes her sexuality. Her tits are supposed to be as dangerous as her guns.
I think violence is fun. Captain has better sound feedback and is more violent.
>Literally none of my high school friends still use facebook
makes sense
Everything that is popular enough that people just go directly to the official web or have it bookmarked aleready will start declining on google search, you guys can't be this retarded
she's missing an ornate chest piece :(
>"I dealt the most damage so I should have won!"
jesus just stop playing this game shitstrong
also get a trip so i can filter this shit, it's making me sad
True, people just look at kikebook once then they're done for the day
>>"I dealt the most damage so I should have won!"
I did not say that
What I imply is that my teammates are fucking shit
Hint: they actually are
>All that AD
>No Raduin's
Have you ever considered that you're just really bad at building situationally?
Are you implying the contrary?
Counter strike doesn't have this issue.
I personally have counter strike bookmarks but they are not on a downtrend.
>ONE fucking champion that has crit
>randuin over DMP on I direly need mobility: The champion
Have you considered your elo is lower than mine for a reason?
>MF will never assault me with her weapons
I also forgot to mention that Jhin's AS cannot be reduced which severely reduces the value of randuin
Why would anyone bookmark league? Searches for league aren't at all indicative of current player base, only of new players coming in. New players won't type in leagueoflegends.com (is that the right website?), they'll google it.
Nigga he probably doesn't even know what a support supposed to do
95% of the people I know that play bot games aren't even lvl 30
There's literally zero reason to pay attention to whatever someone says in a bot game because they're either new to the game or are just trying to fuck with you
>your elo is lower than mine
give it a few weeks, then you'll tilt down to my level :^)
CSGO is actually growing. It didn't became a thing like dota or lol until 2014.
>lowest point since 2015
it's dead jim
Lemme sum up MF skins for you
Duelling; think midlane.
Tryhard as hell even in the face of plausible defeat matchup wise
>Secret Agent
Bad luck, no hat, refund or remove if you got it
July, December
>Road Warrior
Mad Max vibes
sadly no desert map to make great use of it
speaks for itself
getting under people's skins, unique effects abound
Feather; haven't played MF too often lately but I'll take your word for it on it being juicier in that regard
>Pool Party
poking fun at one's self and having fun sound effects, literal summer skin.
Now all MF needs is battle bunny and a green skin and she can roll all year round (waterloo, road warrior, captain, cowgirl, secret agent can all work as halloween skins)
Vlad is a tank. Renekton is a tank. Swain is a tank. Who else do you want to ask about?
I'm throwing out "bruiser" and "Juggernaut" and other bullshit titles because Riot themselves have proven that they aren't certain as to what those titles mean.
"Tank", "Assassin", "Marksman", "Support", and "Mage" are the main, and only real, titles.
"Fighters" (and then onward with titles as they made them up) were only called that because Riot was trying to border the line between Assassins and Tanks by giving them factors of both. And these hybrid mixes is where all of these new, stupid titles come from and why the balancing is all over the place.
Central ideals for champions always existed in the five names I listed above, however.
Swain's E is to help him along via damage output. I never said anything about AOE because it's not.
It helps him along in lane in damage/poke and with killing single targets. It's not core to his kit.
Which is why I didn't use FB as an example.
Got any ideas for something besides google that's not likely to go away that we can plug into google trends to test the hypothesis that google trends != popularity?
>Passives reduce not only Jhin's DPS but Riven and Jarvan's as well
>Provides VITAL armor vs. an AD heavy team without making yourself too vulnerable to Leblanc
>Implying I was talking about DMP and not the fucking Titanic Hydra
Shit is shit m8
mafia can also work for halloween
MF is very halloween friendly
>Attack speed slows will both affect Jhin's attack speed and the bonus attack damage from his passive.
Fucking read up before you speak.
If Jhin is fed, get a Randuin's.
But they are indicative because google also includes searches like "League of legends streams", "lol builds", "lol zed builds", "league tsm scores".
These are all things current players will type in, and google trends is saying that less people are searching for all of this in general than they were last month and the months before that.
This, no one gave a flying fuck about CSGO until Valve added skins and lootboxes and whatnot.
>>Secret Agent
>Bad luck, no hat, refund or remove if you got it
I'm glad we agree, worst MF skin.
If google isn't accounting for searches like Champion.gg or Probuilds.net then it's not an accurate reflection of people's interest in the game