any bernie sanders anti free market/ socialists type people here?
Any bernie sanders anti free market/ socialists type people here?
No one here is that stupid
those people are retarded communists
Veeky Forums is the home of the 1%
Putting money in the hands of poor people is the best way to boost the economy. So yes, I support Bernie and increased government spending and programs.
That doesn't make me anti-free market or anti-capitalist. It makes me a liberal. I believe that everyone should get an honest chance at competing in the free market, so everyone needs to have a safety net that will help them back onto their feet and back to competition if they fall.
And really if you are paying any attention to the economy you would know that giving private enterprise and rich people more money isn't going to solve our growth crisis.
and who gonna pay f0 dat shied, foo?
The people who are least impacted by loss of funds.
reality check: no one gonna pay f0 dat shied.. the 1% will offshore their wealth.
Uh no, that makes you a classical liberal. Modern libs are only concerned with liking their own pockets and importing boatloads of minorities who are easy to con during election time.
Then we replace the 1% with a new 1% that will pay their taxes. Problem solved.
instead of giving poor people a free handout, why not just invest in factories and infrastructure for all dem jobs and shied
In America disagreeing with hard right facism makes you a liberal/socialist/communist/nazi devilspawn who wants to destroy the world.
Disregarding that around the world Liberalism is a centralist and moderate idea.
Boost the black market economy maybe, drug cartels create lots of jobs
Uh no, classical liberal means libertarian and the person your replying to is a modern lib socialist so the opposite
Investing in factories is state ownership of capital, government owning the means of production. That's socialism my friend.
Also most Liberals do want more infrastructure spending. It's a good temporary stimulus package, creates return on investment and provides workers with valuable job experience and puts money in their pockets. Not to mention repairing old infrastructure reduces the money spent keeping it from falling apart, so you have less operating cost.
When it comes to social infrastructure, we already spend so much on giving people handouts, unfortunately we spend just as much time and money trying to take it away from them, then give them a worse product. Ultimately if we just gave people the cash via a negative income tax or universal income plan there would be less government overhead which everyone can get behind.
Being a democratic socialist is not being anti free market. It just means that maybe after the government had to bail out the auto industry we should have just nationalized them.
It means maybe we should create a strong social safetynet that allows more risk taking in buisness because your not a slave to your 9-5.
Maybe we should stop paying for the cheapest version of every government program and then complaining that its shit.
Maybe we should be concerned about the fact that 50% of the country pays no federal income tax, but that same 50% recieves all the services.
The best explanation is this:
The free market is a horse. Society is the carriage. If we rely on the invisible hand the horse is going to follow the invisible path to where the horse wants to go. If we break all the horses legs so it doesnt take us there we have to get out and pull. The clear solution is to guide the horse using reins and whip so that we arrive where we want without having to walk.
>falling for the "everyone who is poor is a dumb heroin addict" meme
What are you gonna do, shoot them in the head because they're poor?
The only way to fix this people is if you give them a helping hand. Letting them suffer for the rest of their lives is just gonna leave them on shitty benefit programs forever. Or maybe we will have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for them to rot in a cell.
They wouldn't be buying drugs with welfare money if there were mandatory drug tests and we wouldn't spend a dime jailing them if we ended the war on drugs
Bernie isn't campaigning to legalize meth hes echoing the typical far left race baiting that "jailing black criminals is racist"
>ITT, underage posters who never studied political systems
Why are you against free stuff?
As long as Bernie pursues policies that help poor people, he should be able to screw anyone more fortunate however he wants.
>Free stuff
Like what? The shit we already pay taxes for but instead go to corporate welfare? Which is 1.5x what we spend on domestic, traditional welfare programs like food stamps?
Americans are so used to getting garbage, that they can't even fathom something as so tame and non-controversial as cost-free community college tuition. It's boiled down to a retarded meme, so you don't think about it.
>Putting money in the hands of poor people is the best way to boost the economy.
>retards spending money badly and giving it right back to the 1% "boosts" the economy
i would agree with you if you didnt have shit shitty reasoning.
Who wants to take this one? I started writing out a post about the marginal propensity to consume, but I fear I may not be taking my audience into consideration. Anyone have a good way of explaining this to someone who clearly is operating on another level.
Socialism doesn't have free markets.
>20% of the federal budget just goes to servicing (paying interest) on the national debt, this is with a suppressed interest rate
>last 2 presidents each doubled the national debt, a trend that doesn't seem to be stopping
Yea, let's spend more money. The size of the federal government needs to be cut by more than 75% if sustainability is anything we want.
>something as so tame and non-controversial as cost-free
Wow, talk about memes. Nothing is free, shitlord.
Read a fucking book.
doesn't matter to the economy how you spend your money as long as you spend it. Taking stupidity aside, if you give piss poor people a dollar, they're going to spend it all on shit. So a producer will be able to produce more thanks to $$$ profit and will have to employ more faggots, who in turn will spend more on shiny things.
everyone profits, with the exception of the government. And that's where debt comes in, but can't be arsed to type that shit out, but it's bad.
>something as so tame and non-controversial as cost-free
>The shit we already pay taxes for but instead go to corporate welfare?
free as in already paid for, dumbass
He was talking about cost-free community college, which isn't already paid for, dumbfuck.
Don't you have some genders studies class you need to get to?
Amazing, the first response is a perfect example of what I was saying.
Can anyone explain to me how Basic income would be kept fair for all involved?
I see it working just fine until landlords/service providers scale fees to exploit it.
So you want more government waste and hoops to jump through? Every condition you create for people to get their benefits costs money. Money that could be in the hands of someone who needs it.
Liberals also agree with ending the war on drugs. It's very wasteful.
>Giving every eligible American a free college education: $63 billion a year
>F-35, an aircraft that is a decade behind schedule, 200% over budget, can't fly in the rain, and is outfought by a 27 year old design (the F-16 block 48) it's supposed to replace: $70b a year in ongoing development costs
>Cost to forgive every bit of student loan debt: $1.2 trillion
>Cost to fully implement the F-35 (if the goddamned thing stays on its current budgetary track, it's been 'restarted' twice now:) $2.1 trillion
Shifting money from one pile to the other would make it effectively "cost free." But happy and debt free students (while good for the economy,) doesn't make the shareholders of Lockheed happy, so instead we continue to shove good money down a bad hole, while there is an F-16 variant (the block 60) that can do everything the F-35 can do, and better, for a price of $150 million each.
War on drugs is shit.
Government should SELL drugs and just make it illegal for other people to sell them.
Go move to the Cayman Islands or something and take your money with you.
Velocity of money matters much more than owning assets. And that's where you get taxed, or should get taxed.
Comparing the cost of tuition to that of a specific aircraft is pointless when that wasn't Bernie's plan.
Unless "F-35" is code for "tax on losing stock trades".
I can prove all the things I want are "cost-free", too. I'll just finance them by taking money from programs that I don't like. It's win-win!
no, this is a business and finance board. unless they are here to b8