I want to suck Riot's art department's dick edition
I want to suck Riot's art department's dick edition
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Healthy Enough.
first for vxv
I can't believe only one person wants his ghost to remain as a kit element.
I want to fuck pool party fiora!
Did you commission this with the change you got from bottle returns?
Xth for the league's biggest and best bust
>and we didn't want allies to have to remember several different ranges of the spell in order to participate in using the spell effectively, so the 3rd rank was just cut out, and its range was put onto rank 2.
the epitome of casul pandering
Damn those splashes get better and better.
xth for sluts > pure girls
xth for pool party shaco
That ryze ult it's global ? then it's cancer.
5 man gank fuck you rito.
xth for ryze acts way too niggerish
nah someone did it because they like the characters and ship
there's no way everyone who ships this ship is me, right?
I mean for one i can't be these two cosplayers at the same time
It's not even long enough to go from mid to Baron.
did you even look at it before jumping to conclusions?
it's got way less range than stuff like tahm kench
Why does no one here read shit or watch videos? There is no shortage of sources for League information and you people still manage to not find them.
>earth mage tumblerina
>that voice
who the fuck made this garbage?
people who consistently play Mordekaiser play him for the parts of his kit that he gets to use for the major part of every game instead of 2 or 3 times in games only when the enemy does something retarded and feeds you a lead.
If you want to play a pet champion then you can play Annie who gets a Tibbers EVERY R or Orianna who is constantly controlling her orb, and eventually maybe Yorick if his next rework doesn't suck.
If you want to play a big fucking metal man of murder, you play Mordekaiser, and while the ghost thing is fun, a lot of players recognize that it means he is completely unbalance-able.
Same guy who made Azir and is a cuck.
Karu help
How do you carry as based monkey man
I just went 28/6/17 as him in a silver game and we STILL lost because my ADC just didn't do anything whilst theirs went ham
I want to fuck Taliyah
>People not recognizing Sean Schemmel as Ryze
Underage pls go
>the GHOST is what makes Morde unbalanceable
Morde is unbalanceable because of his passive though dumdum. It's like 75% of his power budget.
someone who thinks a teenager can be wise
>check scarra stream
>twitch decides to buffer even at low quality
Same jackass that made Lucian, Azir, and Tahm Kench. Tahm is actually cool character though, Azir is one of the biggest mistakes to come out of this game and Lucian is just whatever.
>nice pp skins
>ok patch
>cool ryze rework
Now how about they get their shit together about lore
How does Warwick's ultimate work with Fervor of Battle?
Gets five stacks because FoB is on hit
bad spellvamp is balance-able
6v4's are not.
>Azir is one of the biggest mistakes to come out of this game
>posts Jinx
He made lucian?
So he's the guy who preserved MF's immobile playstyle then, wonderful.
If you imagine her E being ditched for a mobility spell, R being made single target/adjustable in terms of positioning, W being replaced by passive and that cross thing... I think that's his W anyway not his E, and her Q being made into a lineshot whip for "counterplay" then you'll see damn well how MF came to be. MF almost had a whip dash bullshit kit
fun game
All day and night.
build this shit
impossible to lose if you properly initiate every teamfight by diving the enemy backline
It should deal a lot of damage.
how lucian came to be* whoops this heat is getting to my head
if I don't get this air conditioner fixed by the evening I'm gonna be deprived of sleep
>aatrox has a higher res model than new ryze
Aatrox rework when ? I mean he suck balls, almost 0 utlity in team fight, 1 cc, 0 tank, no dmg.
Also Taliyah is a pretty fun champ and her skin is actually really cute. You don't have to agree with the Tumblr stuff to enjoy her.
>deathfire grasp
rip in piss
Xth for Sona needs a bra!
Xth for cucking spiderbro.
They're not hanging, they're that big.
Azir is a continuous balance headache, is terribly designed in general, and his arrival lead to about a dozen other characters having their backstories completely overhauled for no good reason other than to drive home the point that HE'S SUPER FUCKING IMPORTANT. He's not interesting in any way, he's just bullshit and a headache in general.
Miss Fortune is a lot more fun than Lucian is, but yes Lucian is basically the bastard lovechild of MF and Ezreal.
I think she's fun to play and her in-game model looks fine, but her artwork, backstory, and Freljord skin are all garbage. I hate her Q as well, that's the least enjoyable part of her kit. Even if I had gotten my kicks playing Taliyah she still makes me upset because she is not at all what I wanted out of a geomancer character.
I don't think a big breasted pirate hunter with high heels would be able to dash, user
it looks
so bad
>spellvamp gone
>cant kill tanks
>shit voice
fuck you riot.
atleast u can teleport huge waves of minions with your ult, thats pretty cool right?
Taliyah isn't cute. She's a proboscis monkey troglodyte.
Post some best and worst feelings/events you experienced
-The enemy team awed in confusion when my team agreed to remake the game
-The moment the loading screen pops up, I feel like taking a shit.
>ryze's yearly rework
oh boy
>manage to make shit look worse
>another fucking nigger rework
this is why this game is dieing
I'm assuming she had a tentative VU to incorporate the whip
I swear Lucian is a repurposed MF rework that had a whip and was deemed "uncharacteristic" of her or something, or as a change that would "alienate the MF playerbase."
Given, Lucian came out a long while before morde/fiora got reworked.
That's it, I'm fucking done with this game everything I find fun gets gutted or removed. I'm not playing a league where I can't play Ryze. I fucking loved this game for the past 5 years but I think it's over now.
>cucking spiderbro
>instead of cucking ahricuck
ahricuck is so pathetic he'd probably pay you to do it.
let's get this out of the way
S+ game with you're waifu
feeding with you're waifu
>-The moment the loading screen pops up, I feel like taking a shit.
Just realized the Q cd change is actually kind of a buff to jungle leona. Don't think she'll get 3:29 clear to level four again any time soon but still.
>Yorick's rework will coincide with Harrowing
>awesome Yorick themed rotating game mode like BMB
Wew who hyped?
Why did they fuck with his lore. And those new voice lines. I only like two of them. Let's go, let's go and THATS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN U PISSSSS OF A LURK MAGE
It'd be more fun destroying spiderbro though since Elise is more refined in taste than Ahri.
>I can't play my DDR champion
There's more then one champ that you ddr your keyboard.
>When my entire team praises my Orianna ults, calling them 7k elo ults
>everyone loads in
>dog scratching to go out
One more S and I can get my mastery six!
Here ya go anons, with the highest AP i could get!
when enemy team does not bother to shit on me early removing the only weakness wukong has effectively losing them the game
enemy team has frozen fist ezreal, fuck this nigger and everyone who plays him
5 chooses my new accounts main
Ur mom is proboscis monkey troglodyte.
The lower CD might help in top as well. If you can bait your laner in far enough, when your jungler ganks you might be able to get two stuns off before they can get to their tower.
I CANNOt wait until this game dies for good
For some reason I keep coming back to play a game or two, then some faggot starts feeding and raging "gg" two minutes into the game, at plat elo.
I hope everyone who still plays this garbage also dies
What's with that nigger stance? He looks like he's about to rob a liquor store.
-A successful gank on a jungle champ who's CC isn't that strong.
-Watching your team crumble into a toxic mess when it's fucking 50minutes in and it's anybody's game.
drop ludens for morello for more ap
It's like you're not even trying.
4 ROA, Seraphs, and Fedora. Highest AP on any champion with mana.
oh god don't remind me
why do I have to be such a shitter sometimes ;_;
new ryze does pretty good damage
Why Triforce over Hydra or DD? Isn't the cost/overlapping Rage passive kinda bad?
Eat shit, ya illiterate mongoloid cunt. Oh, and you're welcome for the ( you )
wow that's shit and no spellvamp?
Cost is irrelevant if you're racking up sick kills
Hey faggot.
What's your IGN now?
Are his mana ratios that shitty
if that's at full build it's fucking nothing
>blitz hook nerf
>-7 base armor and no heal on kindred
>swain ulti nerf
>trundle had 9.4 base regen what the fuck
>walls no longer fuck pathing
>tp nerfs
>that attackmove fix that lost me a game yesterday
years ago when Ranged AD solo mid was still a thing I had a mirror as MF vs MF
She cried she couldn't believe she lost to a manamune MF in post-game chat
I was a real stickler for bullying people out of lane and I damn well knew how all I had to do was max and spam E
Morde was remade when he was my ticket to stomping lower end plat players like no one's business
malz was remade too and I was looking forward to stomping low plat with him top/mid this year "once solo queue came out" turns out solo queue never came out.
She's straight buffed outside combos that don't involve her ultimate solo, it's pretty nice outside her passive being even easier to overwrite itself more than two times.
>E has 1,3s CD
>Q does 1k damage at fullbuild
If that's fucking nothing for you then I don't know lad.
>Shitru is back
>People are replying to him
Nuking the Villain at the exact threshold of health needed to finish them off.
Using any execute ultimate and seeing them survive with a sliver of health, minus when they walk away and die to bleed stacks when you're Darius. That's actually a pretty good feel.
Who /aram/ here?
I'm pretty new to lolg, what's the story?
Cutest Mid
DD is situational, hydra is trash
TF gage gives you the most burst while also adding in survivability and a ton of useful stats
>giving a fuck about some irrelevant passive overlaping
Don't reply to anime
That's all you need to know