Hello fellow Veeky Forumsnessmen Im thinking of opening an online shop for accessories. The first thing is a page on Facebook because i have not looked into creating a site. What should i label it so it gets more views, also is there a way to remove reviews for my page alltogether?
Online jewelery store
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You're not going to get much views if you don't advertise. Label it as you would a storefront. There's no way to remove reviews either.
Thanks for the advice, about the removing reviews part Im not sure if you get what i meant. There are some pages I see that dont even have the option to be rated how does that even work?
I understand now. I'm not sure, maybe a specific account type (didn't Google because I'm about to sleep). But seriously, take my advice on advertising or you will be severely disappointed when no one goes to your store.
After you told me about advertising I looked on fb and it seems they have a very nice advertising model, however I dont know how much i should invest and for what duration.
Help would be great.
my suggestion, is add custom things.. take a look at ifandco, benballer they make some siiick shit
i want a custom piece made, but ifandco is charging $4000 for a custom piece that i want and it's kind of ridiculous
if you want a site created, you could hire an Indian from upwork.com to make it for you to how you want, tell the indian that you want reviews removed etc and they will do it.. if you are short on cash most of the times the indians won't want payment till after (not saying you should scam them but it's possible)
it's not hard to throw an ecommerce site together in wordpress
Wow thanks a lot guys, will look into those and Im also thinking of browsing some women`s forums to see what accessories are popular, what do you think?
I'll make you a site for 300$.
I'll make a site for $299
Who would pay that much for a site when you can create a wordpress one basically for free?
I'll do it for $1200.
Remember you get what you pay for.
show me a site crafted by you that would make me spend $1200.
1 more in case you're not convinced of the quality
I'm not convinced about jewellery, seems like a bad way to go. It's a stay at home mom business
Oh god, you are not serious, are you?
wordpress theme for $65 is 20x better than this shit
also why the fuck do I see pixels on your screenshot?
are you making this off a Compaq?
Pajeet plz
I gues it's a free template from 2007.
I turned reviews off on my page after I got a few five stars. It shows in search (Google and facebook) as a five star business, even though nobody has been able to rate me in two years.
I aim for five stars anyways, but I'm not letting any miserable faggot kikes play secret shopper critic with my livelihood.