If they really want to get rich, this is obviously a terrible way to try to do it (not just because the odds of winning a jackpot are extremely small; but because the jackpots themselves are actually quite small most of the time and in most non-national lotteries).
Is it purely a form of entertainment; paying a nominal fee for a few hours of fantasising about the 'what if?' possibilities - with no expectation of it actually happening?
Or are people really just dumb enough to think that this is the best ('easiest', 'fastest' etc) - or the only - way to get rich?
Jordan Campbell
gotta pay the stupid tax
Kevin Perez
It's fun
Juan Campbell
I sometimes drop a dollar or two on those $1 tickets with the 5 grand jackpot. I do this maybe once a week, no more than twice.
How bad is that?
Logan Young
it's as bad as throwing a 1$ bill on the street every week.
Not really that big of a deal, but still retarded
Carter Gutierrez
'Bad' is too vague and subjective a term to really say anything about.
Justin Davis
I've never bought a lottery ticket but I have bought scratch cards so I'll speak from that experience. It's a fun tiny piece of time wasting similar to buying a soda or candy. Plus I actually made 50 dollars out of 5 once which was enough to pay for the rest of my convenience store expenses that night!
Nolan Ross
If hate your job but it pays well you can afford to throw a few £ at the lottery in the hope (however unlikely) of escaping from the daily grind.
Angel Ward
The dumb ones use it as a retirement plan. The others play it not intending to win. They drop a few dollars because they enjoy the thrill. It's gambling - it's fun.
Logan Lewis
I only play one type of lottery which has a guaranteed jackpot of at least 10 million. It was 86 million. I analyzed the previous winning numbers and picked out the most profitable combinations. It's pretty fun.