Hi Veeky Forums, redpill me on SEO pls.
I think onpage should be pretty easy, but what about offpage? Is it worth to learn yourself or should I just hire someone? Should I do onpage myself but hire someone for offpage?
Help a newfriend out
Hi Veeky Forums, redpill me on SEO pls.
I think onpage should be pretty easy, but what about offpage? Is it worth to learn yourself or should I just hire someone? Should I do onpage myself but hire someone for offpage?
Help a newfriend out
Shameless self-bump
Off page SEO is just about hitting keywords and having easily readable links. It's not really difficult, I wouldn't hire someone for it unless they're going to be managing your social media too, but it doesn't sound like that's really where you're at.
SEO is a career for pajeet. I've made fuck all as a SEO slave. Might be a good career if you are a SEO middleman and have an army of pajeets to work for you for pennies a day
Project management is definitely where it's at with anything website related, people will gladly pay upwards of $100 per month for adwords campaign management.
Well, thanks, although you seem do have different opinions.
Nah, I'm just interested in SEO for my own page(s), not doing it for others. So you basically say it's not worth it for myself alone?
Is it actually that easy? Why is there a market for it then?
its worth for your page.. i thought you wanted to be a SEO dude
Hire pajeets, or Flips.. Most of them will work for $3 a day. Thats what i did when i decided to get lazy and hire poorfags
>Why is there a market for it then?
Because no one knows what the fuck Google wants out of you so you can pay a "professional" to do it.
That's what I thought, lot of people shilling their shitty services.
No, but thanks. How do I know they're not fucking me over if I have no clue of how it works though? Are there proper networks?
Sorry, not like I'm too lazy to google, it's just that most the stuff I find seems like people are just trying to fuck me over.
I used to tell them to make as many articles on blog sites and shit, relating to my webpage. If i dont see those articles, then they're not getting payed. I give them a target of around 20 articles per day, depending on the quality i want
simple as that
Well, fair point, thanks.
be sure you own the SEO sites, your pajeets will be working on, since some idiot pajits will fuck around with it if they feel like it.. It rarely happens. but just to be on the safe side
If you want to put your income in the hands of a company that activley wants to wipe you off the internet, then sure get into SEO.
If you want a secure income, start using PPC and other paid promotion
Have been doing SEO since 2006. It's cancer, has ruined years of my life. Have gone from thousands a day (I am serious) to almost nothing to thousands and nothing again.
I have been doing paid ads for a good years now and never been happier.
What happened? You got screwed by Google updates?
yes, a lot. I had my sites ddosed, had CP backlinks spammed on my sites and have been reported a gazillion times.
Whatever you do, treat SEO as EXTRA cash, do not base your business on it. You'll be checking SERPS first thing in the morning and 250 times a day, never knowing wether you can really spend any of your money for nice things because you constatnly have to worry of it all going away.
I currently spend ~75k a month on Ads and I am a small fish in the business, but hey, I can finally plan ahead.
SEO is "free" money, but do yourself a favor and do not become dependant on the SERPs.
If it's okay to ask.. what kind of platforms do you use for paid ads?
I use adwords and exoclick but I have quite a few inidivual deals directly with other website owners. Those are usually cheaper because no third party network takes a cut but on the other hand you need to have some trust because monitoring those can be a bit tricky.
It's just basic shit just get a plugin like yoast and follow what it says so simple
It's part of a marketing campaign at this point.
I would use it but only when your company is ready for such a thing.
online marketer/seo-er reporting in:
unless ur business is so large the amount of time youd burn doing it yourself isnt worth the amount saved outsourcing it, it's best to learn and handle all things marketing related (online and off) for yourself.
Why? Because marketing - SEO specifically in this case - is something that never ends. Your competition will never stop coming and thus you will -always- require more.
This is a constant money pit if you are outsourcing it, and most online businesses are not large/intensive enough that your time is better spent elsewhere.
Could you, please, give an example of an easily readable and a difficult to read link?
alright, thanks. I suppose the search engine prefers the second link.
The first link is essentialy useless because it has no keywords
I'm not sure if I got that correctly (not native) - are you saying I need to own the sites which are backlinked or the ones to backlink on? If you mean the latter - why even book them then?
Shiet, is it really that bad? Have you been scammed by SEO pajeets or is this the general risk?
Not talking about making a pure online biz more profitable - I'm rather, as stupid as this might sound, looking to optimize the traffic for the pages of general business projects I'm working on.
I have not been scammed by anyone, I have done all the SEO myself/have trained employees in house.
Flawless onpage SEO is a given and not that hard. Offpage is where the money is and this is where it gets nasty.
There are only 10 spots on the first SERP. If you try to position your website there, you are in fact trying to oust one of your competitors.
Naturally, they don't want that. In competitive markets they pull all registers to fuck your ranking up. On the other side you have google, constantly working on their algos to prevent the very manipulation you are doing to earn money,
So even if you manage to outmatch your competition, big old google could simply change its calculations one day and wipe you off your precious money spot forever.
You can't even trust Veeky Forums not to destroy your website. Let alone 1 billion chinks, 1 billion pajeets, 1 billion niggers and 100 million slavs.