/w*g/ Wildstar General - pay2getcarried Edition

>What is WildStar?
A Free-to-Play space-fantasy MMO with a focus on combat with aiming and dodging, an extensive player housing system, 20-man raids, platforming, warplots(>.>;) and more.

>Iso's in-depth Wildstar Review/Guide

>Official Links

>What server should I play on?
There are only two mega-servers depending on region. Entity for NA and Jabbit for EU.

>Server Status

>/w*g/ Steam Group

>Discord Server - Veeky Forums

>Discord servers (non-Veeky Forums affiliated)
General Server - discordapp.com/invite/0TrMr9NtcKuxgDn3
EU Server - discordapp.com/invite/0XxxgVSJaRtLDKkc

>News, Announcements, and Updates
Starfall event is currently active through June.

>Useful links
Trailers & WS Flicks: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4Yt7jkWoyvkoaU6imUUolBSP5ftqUA4E
Gameplay footage & DevSpeaks: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4Yt7jkWoyvmmnQIbaIEOR_AY-smwRt1l
WS Livestreams: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4Yt7jkWoyvlIWUCT2QRhyu76qOvf_R-C
Extended OST: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYI9EPUJIJn-hHtogLyY4ecvW80Xx-_7M (Vol. 1 now on sale)
Class builds : ws-base.com/ , forums.enigma-wildstar.com/viewforum.php?f=4

>Active /w*g/ Circles
Ask for invites in thread or in steam chat
Entity -
Dominion : DROPKIX (Whisper Ijio Nano, Kezan Nano)
Exiles : Space Dandys (whisper Bird Eye, Sly One, Rock Bro)



first for crimson badlands is pretty shit

>pvp quest in badlands, pick up intel and drop it off at a terminal
>dropping off a stack
>get killed by a stalker

it's okay sometimes

3rd for the Dominion are the rightful owners of Nexus and Exile furry hillbillies need to L E A V E

What should I spend my memebits on? Someone told me expert riding but I just want to buy furniture.

5th for the emperor's a chump

If you're committed enough, then I don't see why not.

How do I get Protobucks on the PTR? I dont have any...

c@tboi esper or r@tboi medic for healsluttery?

Depends on if you want to be railed by other Chua or other exile races.

honestly im not sure how populated either side is, and both races have some appeal to me.

Exiles have more but cross faction queuing is coming, do that doesn't matter much.

>crimson badlands is pretty shit

I stopped doing the coastal Dreg stuff and my opinion of it improved dramatically.

How much are those shitty Snarf mounts selling for on the Auctions these days?

>Someone told me expert riding

They're right. It's 80 plat, which is ~$80 using CREDD as the yardstick.

Meanwhile, it's only $8 on the in-game store using the exchange rate for Protobucks.

Zombie or robut Medic.

but im gay famalam

Male Aurins are the fuccboi class. Chua are for furries and degenerates.

it is perfect thank you

>implying fuccbois aren't degenerates

you can a make handsome mordesh

Ncsoft has a thing for fuccbois with animal ears

Why are the quest bosses such pushovers? I've grown used to it by now but it's still a disappointment when the guy is called EVISCERATOR but drops faster than the regular mobs

Or Barhun the giant bear that has axes and arrows from past fights lodged in his back, yet couldn't kill my Geist.

Was it different back in release?

Not really, solo content in the game was never where they tried to add difficulty.
Taking down an elite mob or a group quest boss solo is what's really hard. Unless you just cheese out a melee boss as a spellslinger.

dont we all?

honestly chua are cute in a generic goblin/gremlin fantasy meme kinda way.

Anyone know where all 5 key fragments are in Vault of the Archon?

>Was it different back in release?

The hardest part about leveling at release was the random elite mobs spread throughout the zone. And they weren't bad unless you accidentally kited something else into them.

I miss the elite glow; however, as it made the T2 contract a lot more annoying to complete.

Some quest mobs used to be elites in release as I remember, they were pretty fucking tough even for competent people, along with random elites like said, which were nearly impossible as anything but ranged.

Not to mention dungeons were much, much harder on release, now you can possibly survive some shit that would do more than three times your health in damage.

Okay so there are harder mobs with 2 interrupt armor in all the questing zones I've been in, are these the same thing?

Some also have spikes around their portrait which I think just means they're unique.

I can kill these fine, but then there are a few rare 5-man bosses that I couldn't even put a dent in.

Well back at launch the basic harder mobs were hard as fuck to solo, now you can by easily avoiding telegraphs.

Alright, I get it. I'm pretty sure I can't do the 5-man ones as melee esper since they just slap my shit and I can't lifesteal back enough yet. I should switch to ranged and try to kite it forever.

red numbers are key fragments

>are these the same thing?

They moved the non-named elites to the edge of the zones. They used to randomly spawn wherever.

Good morning, /w*g/

I hope you have a good day today

Thanks, now I can finally get into that omnicore-1 room I think

>still not using Perspective

I shiggity diggity shoodily doodily sure hope you folks don't diddily do this.

>using mods
>not asking people for help
>in an mmo

Whoa, I wouldn't have been able to find those questgivers without those lines.

There's literally nothing that line is pointing to you couldn't clearly see.

Kind of cool that they were connected like that

I think I found one of your elites!

Maybe they left it in because it's neutral

>295.5k hp
nice I like it


>leaving that many options on for perspective
I basically only use it for finding discoveries and keeping track of focus targets in raid.
The PvP flagged label option is nice, but I could live without it.

I want to see what this looks like while playing a settler

>not naming your scanbot discovery

esper or shitslinger or medic?

Do a post roll for it.
1-3 is esper
4-6 is shitslinger
7-9 is medic
0 is meme

Alt rolling, 0 is I resub to WoW

Esper is fun


exactly what i wanted thanks faggot

dangerously close

Robo limbs WHEN

who never played aurin here?

I made an aurin but never played as him
Mostly because I couldn't get the perfect name

I couldn't stop it

>decide to try the game again after some months
>can't login because I changed my phone and can't bypass the google authenticator shit

Fuck my life, now I have to wait for days.


How tight is his boipussy?

I have 2 aurin alts whom I never play. If I cared about engie then I would make an aurin engie cause I made one on the ptr and she looked fucking adorable with a heavy gun and armor

This is all I have of the aurin I made in beta.
rip... whatever your name was.

Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen is a good person who doesn't talk about that stuff

Only time I played aurin was back in beta during PvP.

No other time.

I've tried, but I was never able to either play Aurin or Chua.

Although, I have a Stalker Aurin. Level 10 that is, but I guess it counts for something.

I couldn't find one with my body type so I just went full robot instead

I succumbed just recently after staying full robutt

Is this the part where we all imply you're fat?

Nah. Tall and skinny with no tits and a big ass
The closest was Mordesh, but ew


fite me irl

>no tits
>big ass


So what's the community like for the Dominion US non-pvp server? I haven't played in months but I kind of want to get back into it.

Post hips


It's lacking in population compared to Exile, but there's only one server now

Join the Dominion
Reclaim Nexus

Did somebody say Mordesh?

Oh man I played one of those in Allods too

Less furry. Infused with the divine right to rule. The only choice.

No you don't. You can effortlessly pull the authenticator off your account via the ncsoft website.

>Less furry
Don't fucking lie to him, user

>At least 60% is chua porn

A god damn shame.

>So much potential
>nothin' but chua
A travesty

I said less, not none


how about those class/race unlocks?

I already play the perfect combo and I don't see myself wanting to do something else

good talk

I already play the class combo I wanted from the start. I don't need gnome warriors again.

I can't wait for chua warriors.

>comparing gnomes to filthy chua

Fuck furry races

Fuck all the MMOs recently where the midgets are goddamn furries

What's a good MMO race lineup?


I don't care for Chua and I think Aurin aren't really suited to be engis so it doesn't really affect me

I don't like either Chuas or Aurins, so I don't really care.

Might unlock Aurin Engi at some point, maybe.

I remember that.
Good times.

>doing quests
>afraid to click or attack anything in case it starts another challenge

The more the better I think, EQ/2 was OK

>I'm gonna beat up this one mob

Good part is that you can just stop at bronze level and it counts towards completion.

>kill mobs challenge
>use item on mobs challenge (bonus: different ones than the kill challenge)
>collect items challenge (guarded by mobs not included in the first two challenges)
>interact with object challenge (HELL MODE: SIMON SAYS GAME)

>all at the same time

Moodie abuse is fun