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POLL FOR YOUR CURRENT MMR - strawpoll.me/10620568

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How to balance Overwatch

Slightly increase air time
Ammo count increased to 8 before reloading

Can cancel wraith mode early by pressing shift again

Max damage per round reduced from 6 to 4, drop off starts at 6 meters instead of 11

Icicle damage reduced from 75 to 50.
Cryo-freeze no longer heals Mei and can no longer contest while frozen.

Increase ult charge time by 10%
Turret now has small delay when turning at an angle over 180 degrees
Turret range reduced from 40 to 25 meters

Damage drop off range extended to 10 meters.
Critbox size reduced by 50%
Current ultimate removed and replaced with temporary altfire mode that doubles DPS and enables pinpoint accuracy for its duration with no damage drop off.

Add 100 armor.
Barrier health increased to 1500
Damage increased from 45 to 60.

Shields can be triggered when stunned and remove debuffs.
Shields no longer prevent debuffs if already active (Can cancel Reinhardt's stun if used after being hit, but will still be stunned if barrier is active when he ults)

Wallride now has a 4 second cooldown
Line of sight healing reduced to proximity healing within a 10 meter AOE
HPS increased to 20 to compensate

Ultimate charge time increased by 20%

All Symmetra turrets now require two hits to kill from any weapon.

50HP replaced with 50 armor since robots can't be healthy
Orb of Discord now deals 5 damage per second to its target as long as it remains on them

Wanna kiss, /owg/?

>almost every match is a stomp either way

Is it a mental thing or what?

What changes would you make to the character design in this game, if any?

>Can cancel wraith mode early by pressing shift again
Dont care about the rest but this would be nice

So I just played my placement matches played very well, got 7/10 wins and only 52 rating. While a friend won 6 or 5 and got 53 rating, we played the same amount of times supports and tanks with very similar stats.

How does that work?

how do I use zenyatta at all?

Who smurfing for easy gold gun points? Rank 29 here.

This list is stupid, you're stupid.

Give junkrat good skins

You're still a fucking retard, I see.

So what's the penalty for repeatedly leaving quick plays?

>Why did i get rank X even though i had X wins?
>I had the same amount of wins as you and i placed X
>It's random

Are you people really this retarded?
How you rank is determined by a number of factors, not just W/L, and why is that?
So that bad players can't just get carried into high rank.
If you play with a team of 4 other players, and they're fucking great, while you're fucking shit and just getting carried, they will most likely place somewhere around 60, while you will place at 40, even if you played all your placement matches together.
It's a mix of Hero performance, objective time, objective kills, kills (counts less than objective kills), deaths, accuracy, what ranks the players on the other team are, if you win or lose, etc.

It's a fairly complex system that noones going to figure out. Jeff Kaplan even explained how it works, yet you fucking mouthbreathers somehow think it's determined by W/L only

>you will never have a gf like zarya
just end my fucking life right now


So what are the ranked rewards and what rank do you need to be to get them?

XP reduced by 75% for a while

If you consistently leave competitive, you'll get banned for a season.

I told you not to ever post this again. That's strike two, bud.

I hate ranked already.

>play my first ranked game post-placement matches
>win a 30 minute long KOTD map
>get this tiny sliver of progress for my troubles


But if I play Lucio or Mercy, and get 2, maybe 3 gold medals per game, what then?

at least it's not a yellow one

Is there an Overwatch hero that wears a mask?


KOTH matches are bugged atm, dont give as much progress

And how often do you have to do it to get it?

>not preemptively hating it since ptr
it's like this is your first pvp game or something

Have meis ice beam slow it instead of freezing the enemy entirely

Those Pharah buffs a shit. She doesn't need more damage, she needs more mobility.

Those Mei nerfs would literally make her completely useless and she would never be picked, ever.

That new D.Va ult is litearlly gamebreaking.

Unnecessary Winston buffs, he's fine.

Very unnecessary Zarya buff.

Unnecessary Symmetra buff.

Orb of Discorb buff is stupid.

Good list other than those.


hes a big guy

Starter pack of EXCUSES for why your rank isn't that good:

>my teammates suck
>my teammates disconnected
>the other team was a stack
>people with good ranks aren't good, they were "carried"
>my team instapicked [whoever]
>I play tank/support so I don't get that many rank points
>20 tick
>sudden death is a coin flip
>other team is no-life level 200+ losers
>had to play on shit maps

Now you don't have to take personal responsibility!

>Jeff Kaplan even explained how it works
Please link.

this round went exactly as you'd expect from this


do you lose a level on loss?

>win twice
>rank up twice
>lose once
>derank once

>Gold elims
>Gold damage

What exactly more do I have to do as a non-support/tank?

For support its obviously calculated differently.
Also, medals don't mean much, they only show you how well you did in comparison to the rest of the team, and of course a fucking healer will most likely get at least the healing gold medal.

If your entire team is shit, and you're just slightly better than shit and you get 4 Gold Medals, that doesn't mean you will place high in ranks

They work for the mercenary
The masketta strayan

'...HOG?! Gettemonboard, I'll call ittin'

>Add 100 armor.
>Barrier health increased to 1500
>Damage increased from 45 to 60.

how hilariously OP

There's like fucking 4 of them.

>Oh boy, time to try solo ranked
>lose 7/10 placement matches
>sub level 30 teammates, people who DC, clueless stacks, Mercy players who hold on to their rez as if it is their firstborn child, people who pick Mei unironically
>rank 49

I hope the MMR at least becomes a bit more stable now so I can start farming it.



Learn how to play and realize that medals don't mean jack fucking shit

>I did 1 damage to dying heroes the most times

HOW does it calculate it then? Is there some average healing/ejaculation stats it compares to?

>nerfing Mei
>buffing Winston
you fucking people lol

So /owg/, do you think Junkrat's real name (Jamison Fawkes) has anything to do with Guy Fawkes?

obejctive time and objective kills are more important than either of those especially when damage gets inflated from shooting barriers

>first comp game as mercy
>pairs me with a dogshit pharah who shoots long range rockets from the ground

>Heres my opinion on balance

Really just dont

>lost my 3 fist placement matches
>in each single one of em someone from my team left the game
>get at least 3 golds each fucking game
>even managed to get a gold in healing as s76 when we had lucio
What the fuck do I do. Like seriously, what the fuck am I supposed to do in such situations. Should I even bother with the rest of my games, cuz I can already feel it that I'm going to go 0/10.

It's a very complex system, noone knows how exactly it's calculated but you can be damn fucking sure that it's not just fucking W/L

>not hitting the rock

its literally why they put it there

go for the objective more you twitchy hooligan

>enemy Reinhardt ults
>land on the cracky shit the moment he firestrikes
No, this is not okay.

>implying anyone really knows how this clown fiesta of an "mmr" system works

It definitely just works off your hidden MMR from unranked games

But for anything past that who fucking knows. Every time I lose I lose very little but win a huge amount.. So maybe something to do with how "well" you do, but then that rewards people who go for KDA and not for objectives or tanking


clown fiesta piece of shit i guess

>not switching to lucio and let her suffer in the ground

oh god rank?

I need you to link to Blizzard saying that, or I think you're just a lunatic/trolling.

get better

also learn how to play roadhog, it's becoming the best pubstomp hero in the game.

>getting massive llevel inconsistencies even in the calibration matches.

And Blizzard expects me to give a fuck and complete them.

someone help me.

i haven't won a game in the last dozen. my placements were 1-9. i don't know what i'm doing wrong or if it really is my team but it's killing any fun that this game was before last night

>tfw not going to play competitive until i'm actually good at aiming


Or you could do fucking math.

I won 6, lost 4 in my placements. Got a 56 ranking when a w/l based ranking would be 60. My friend won 9, lost 1. Got a 53 ranking.

Mercy and Lucio have at least one guaranteed gold medal though

honestly the ranking score should be defined by your deeds not by victory so just throttle on, eventually you will be matched with people as active as you

but what about your gold weapons bro?

>how much MMR you lose is dictated by performance

if you don't want to lose much MMR when playing comp just play something that can deal damage and heal to rack up arbitrary stats. Zenyatta/roadhog are amazing for climbing MMR.

Wow it's almost like time spent =/= skill

As long as they're over level 20 they can be as good as a level 100+

>buffing pharah
>nerfing mei

So I got this idea for a new hero.
He's an Omnic and a serial killer. He's got a manic grin and eyes crudely drawn on his face and uses a hand axe.

Did you make a team yet for competitive mode /owg?

I joined a group of people after a really good win. Started out as four, now we got a great thing going. We are good to each other, work as a team, and although we had a few losses, we learn from them. Feels good man.



is he blue with spikes and yells
gotta go fast?

>you playing mercy without a lucio on the team

yeah i'd expect you to lose

Jeff Kaplan literally talked about it in the competitive mode update/let's talk about competitive videos

>Turret now has small delay when turning at an angle over 180 degrees
Why would that ever happen? If turning around the left takes more than 180° turning around the right takes less.

cute doggo


Very informative.

Right, the world where it's strictly based off of enemy team's MMR impacting your MMR when you win or lose still exists with your examples. I think that's much more likely than the insane stats-compared-to-average system you've invented.

Unless you can provide a source, and show me without a doubt that I'm a jackass that knows nothing. You can't.

Here's some info about it.

jesus fucking christ

I gained like 1/15th of a rank for this game

Nerf this!

>play through an entire match with a replacement never being found for the guy who quit in the first 10 seconds of the match

simply epic, Blizzard

No, i solo queued all my matches and got to 59.

>tfw my rank is already plateauing at 53

Console me with the fantasy that the median will be somewhere around 40 by the time the season is over, /owg/, please

>As long as they're over level 20 they can be as good as a level 100+

So you're seriously trying to say the people who main Widowmaker and Hanzo can actually be considered good, despite the other 4 players also picking Hanzo or no tanking heroes/healers.

Sit in the back, switch Harmony from target to target quickly depending on who's taking damage/has the most health/is the most useful (fuck you Symmetra Roadhog is getting shot at by three people stop calling for health and find a medkit you selfish cunt)

Learn to lead the shots, especially at longer ranges because it's where he has to play most often

Expect to die a lot, both when you first start out and when you learn to play him because as fun as he is and as much damage as he does he has no movement abilities and the lowest health in the game besides Tracer so if Winston comes up to him and shoots him there's nothing he can do besides hope he gets enough headshots to win and somehow Blizzard has seen this as acceptable

Anyone else's not working fullscreen since the patch?

Doesn't mention anything like that in here.

>using Zen
>any year
He's absolute ass and even after Widow nerfs he's slow as fuck and he gets headshotted easily.

> did 1 dmg to 80 targets

>playing as a group
>that glorious teamwork
>people making necessary calls, pointing out enemy positions
>banter everywhere

wow, this is the power... of teamwork huh?

>day 1 of competitive
>already full of tryhard armchair strategists and people tell each other to kill themselves

>55 mmr

wow it's fucking nothing

Hey, I had silver damage alright
With like 25,000
Long goddamn game

That's so cute, what is it?

>All Symmetra turrets now require two hits to kill from any weapon.

>would need to rockets from phara but also only two hits from soneone like 76