League of lolg of legends

Blitzcrank x Ori is the cutest OTP in league of legends edition.


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xth for cutest support

>stun that last up to 2s
>works when on same HP %
>Free sustain
>Tri-Force buffs
>Q buffs
>Q is free rest on killing minions so you can travel insane distances
Her ult isn't the problem.

Post em lads

>zyra nerfs
>kindred nerfs
>vlad nerfs
>trundle nerfs
>irelia nerfs
>swain nerfs

bretty good patch. now we just need cait and malzahar nerfs, maybe even fix up mf a bit so her kit doesn't benefit from ad caster items

xth for discovering the joys of Akali

full image?

You forgot
>Soraka buffs

this is a current hit list i have.

i have a plan to carry out these murders all in less than a year. the list is as followed

every lulu poster ever

to be continued

Xth for Destruction, the Universal Language

> fix up mf a bit so her kit doesn't benefit from ad caster items
That's one thing that shouldn't change. ADCs all building the same shit was a problem in the past and messing with this just reinforces that problem.

I look forward to her rework. I like her but mostly for dick related reasons.

Where are karu, v stands for waifu and tomoka

i meant uncensored

god im a retard

Me and a friend ran Ryze support with Sivir bot that last time he got a rework and turned out to be completely busted.
Shit was cash because we just charged down everything and 3 shot them the moment we hit 6.

xth for love

Tomoka should be on the top of your list tbqh.

I honestly prefer Soraka over Zyra at this point, she was (is?) too good at what she does. Besides, it's always a good patch when you see more nerfs than buffs imo.

>Biggest Overwatch streamer sitting at 37k viewers while the highest League streamer is sitting at 11k viewers
>O-Overwatch is just hype! It'll die in a month!!

I don't think his ult is good enough to be used in the bot lane unless you use it as a way to sneak in your jungler. But even then the range is in warding range and can be easily spotted.

Congrats you won 4 games in a row. One of the playing at a bronze level.

Wow that's a pretty shitty range.

It's near instant though.

Yeah but it can transfer everyone in your team. It's good for tower diving plays and flanking dragon baron etc.

>no imthem
>no tomoka
>no swedish fish
are you even trying ?

what's the average number of streamers for lol compared to overwatch?

This shit's going to be busted when paired with Taric's ult.

It's not enough range to join a fight from the other side of the map, but it's definitely enough for an extremely hard engage or a ruinous flank.

That's kindof the weird thing about the ult for me: Ryze historically has pretty weak engage where he just runs at you and hopefully you run slow enough that he'll get his snare off, this basically removes that weakness.

it's almost sad how many total streamers league has. you can scroll down for 10 mins and you'll find streams of people playing league with 2 - 5 viewers. scroll even lower and you'll find a fuckton of 0 views streams

>tfw it all comes tumbling down
what a wild ride

>Neighbors dogs barking at eachother for 20 fucking minutes straight
I hate dogs and dog owners so much what the fuck is wrong with you people

Like 160k
Overwatch was like 60-80k after the release hype wore off

I just have a chihuahua, so it isn't annoying.

League of legends

I love Lissandra!
She's a soft and pure QT who lactates ice cream!

>not always having your headphones on when you're on the computer

>being an old lady

>chihuahua, so it isn't annoying.
>it isn't annoying.
>isn't annoying

nigger u on drugs or what get a grip

>I want to go swimming in Lulu poster still hasn't posted


So, as support Lulu -- should I max W or E first?

Her ult might not be the problem, but it's one of them, it's basically always up and always good.


I have a shitty refurbished HDD for media and games, and it only locks up on league and nothing else, why is that

Eh, League usually get 120k or so when the popular streamers are on.
OW is usually 50k or so, even with popular people on.

Why does Morde scale with AP?


windspeaker => q,e,w
thundermeme => q,w,e

Anyone knows how does Ryze's ult interact with channeled abilities?

because he's obviously an assassin mage
don't you know?

"We disabled ranked 5s at the start of the season because we were unsure how match quality would be affected by the addition of dynamic queue. When we limited the highest MMR players (Diamond V+) to solo, duo, or trio queues, those players had no option to play ranked as a group of five. Even among players below Diamond V, we've heard that people miss the ranked 5v5 queue so we’re bringing it back while hopefully avoiding the low population/high queue time problems the old version had by restricting it to certain time periods. Otherwise, this queue works exactly like the old Ranked 5s did."

"Even among players below Diamond V, we've heard that people miss the ranked 5v5 queue so we’re bringing it back "

He's also a tank assassin.

W max does buttfuck nothing until your adc has items.
Every skill max feels so bad now to be honest.

Ryze TP does not stop channeled abilities so you can teleport a ulting nunu fiddle MF etc

>Consistently get most damage, most kills, most damage taken, most gold and least deaths as Tahm Kench jungle.
>Lose every game anyways

Tastes sour.


Haha ayy ya fuck those guys my man you doin good work

Just leave out me n japan ty

>fiddle nunu into ryze ult
oh shit now I wanna see this

how do i get good at gangplank?

The better question is why does Morde scale with AD?

>you can teleport a ulting nunu
oh my god

>play a shit champ that can't carry
>muh kills, muh damage, muh gold, muh damge, muh damage
Fuck you Armstrong.

Damn this general is so dead now.

You can also tp minion waves. That might be broken.

The internet is dead.

this is legitimately an informative video:

You farm safely early game because you have 0 kill potential, and you constantly look at the map at level 6. At level 11 switch to a more aggressive playstyle as your barrels decay at a faster rate. Always rush TF, and learn his barrel mechanics. youtube.com/watch?v=c2k8Q2WrE0Y

Good luck.

not only that it'll teleport people who are in stasis, so if you ult right before Bard ult lands, your whole team will get out while in stasis.

I know I could just spam amumu and slowly get to a decent elo but the kench is the only champ that I have fun with even when I'm losing.

his ult only has two ranks though.

1500 at rank one and 3000 at rank two his Q can rank up six times though.

passive on lvl 6 Q gives him a 50% MS buff + Shield for 2 seconds,

Lee Sin is pretty fun
even when I fuck up

That was fucking disgusting.

Is Graves still a top tier jungler?

Leona will never Chase you, catch you, beat you up, bludgeon you, and stab you, while you cry in agony, pain, and fear and when, try to run for your life, she uses her solari powers to stun you, burn you, and catch you, then as you beg in desperation infront of her, she jabs at your heart, grabs your heart as hard as she can, then rips it out of your body, all while she laughs hysterically at you, savors your screams, and turns you into a weeping livid corpse
why live?

vlad """""nerfs"""""

best guy anyway, can get p4 again since people stopped banning him

xth for VxV


>team bans Blitz, Teemo, and Darius

Been away a year, Bronze never changes


Man I don't know. I'll agree with the mana regen since you'll run dry fast if you're farming with your q but I don't think GP needs the scaling HP since you usually farm safely and try to avoid trading anyway.

you don't take scaling anything for laning user.

>decide to jungle because it can't be that bad right?
>teammate randomly goes ''wtf'' and threatens me to report me because I went AP and not tanky
>it wasn't even 15 minutes in and I played Gragas, bought Runic Echoes as all fucking Gragases do
>leave and uninstall the game

wtf is wrong with the mentally ill community?

>uninstalling a game because a single guy said something retarded

I really wish I could git gud at Thresh. I can play every support but he's still the only one I can't play properly.
Such is life as a shitter.

>random nigger tilts you so hard that you uninstall the game

Wew lad.
How long do you last playing through online games, usually? 5 minutes?

>I don't think GP needs the scaling HP since you usually farm safely and try to avoid trading anyway.
that's the reason you take scaling, you don't need the hp in lane phase because you punish aggression so hard that the enemy has to just let you farm, and later on when things are so chaotic that you're certain to take some damage, you're scrappy enough to handle at least one punch.

Although I'm not sure if the mana regen runes are necessary, I don't feel like I have mana issues with him when I have the DRing start.

yeah fuck off faggot, nobody wants your bitch ass in their games

>get so butthurt you uninstall the game
First day on the internet?

You must be 18 or older to post here.

scaling > flat

always. they even out by like level 7

>mfw Gp wants to trade with me at lvl 1 as Fizz
>Autos me with true damage and Q
>I Press W
>Gets low
>dies to my W % damage.

Wew, platinum is nice

Draaaaven! (is the best!)
what will happen to the other thread?

I like farming with my q so I always run out of mana fast, and the usage of your W really depends on the match up you have.

I also don't understand the purpose of taking cdr blues when mid-late game you'll have 40% cdr. Hell you have 30% just by finishing TF and boots so I feel like the blues could go somewhere else.

>tfw stopped playing on autopilot
>tfw start winning games


i made a thread at 720 moron

based key

Could you imagine a champion with Morde's passive, Tahm's E, and Vlad's Q?


Mid lane - boring as fuck

bot lane - boring as fuck

jungle - being team's bitch, not worth the effort

top lane is where it's at

>farming with Q
Pick the gold mastery and instead harass with Q while farming with autos. You get more gold and you're harassing the enemy.
>mid-late game you'll have 40% cdr. Hell you have 30% just by finishing TF and boots.
30% is not 40% and I don't know where you'd get that last 10% from. IE, Statikk, PD, Last Whisper, you want to maximize barrel crit damage and that's the best way to do it and it has zero cdr on it. And cdr makes more cdr more valuable so if you get 30% then you really really really want to get the other 10% from somewhere and you aren't really the best user of blue buff a lot of the time.

holy fuck they blew so many resources just to kill him

but then again it's faker so I guess it's worth it

>how to end up on a fbi watch list

Have fun bro.

>not finding equal joy in both mid and top

>relevant in 2016

Dude gets hard carried in 75% of his games and people still suck his dick