this is going to be a shitty thread, and I'm sure this has already been discussed plenty of times here, but....
is Trump a truly successful business man?
this is going to be a shitty thread, and I'm sure this has already been discussed plenty of times here, but....
is Trump a truly successful business man?
Other urls found in this thread:
I think he is.
He got a small loan of $1m and turned it into $10Bn
His net worth is approximately 43m.
That's down from the almost 70m his father left him.
This guy don't know shit, like the fact that the million was just to buy his first piece of real estate. His father then loaned him more money to renovate, and eventually stepped down from the business and handed everything to little trump. He's had more failed projects (all of them) than successful ones, his only successful business being the one his father gave him.
hello people
Yes. He's rich and flies around in his own jet.
You're all inflaming my autism.
You're obviously a newfag.
Otherwise you'd know failure is common in the business world.
You miss 100% of shots you never take.
Unless you're Trump, then you just miss 100% of the shots.
>trumps net worth is 43m
So wrong its laughable, a 1 sec search will say otherwise from every source thats not
Yeah, I know. Trump feels like it's higher than that, so why let math get in the way, yada yada.
According to Forbes he's worth 4.5 billion.
I believe that more than Gawker or where ever you get your liberal lies from.
Anyways it doesn't matter what his net worth is, Hillary has Parkinsons so she's unfit to be president and will be stepping down once her records are leaked.
Who cares?
>Hillary has Parkinsons
What? I never heard this rumor. I suspect bill may have poor health though. I noticed his hands shaking really bad when he gives speeches
>Parkinson's makes you unfit to be president
He has more money than his dad ever had. Explain that
Rising property values in New York City.
It makes you unfit to be a prison guard or police officer
But still kek
This faggot says trumps net worth is 43m so his jet and house are his only assets are they?
>his jet
These delusions.
Incorrect. Did you even google?
Despite his apparent weirdness and at times even stupidity - many people who come into a lot of money go bankrupt eg. Lottery winners. Trump has had to liquidate some of his businesses because, as others have stated, the fail rate is extremely high in business. He would have seen it better to remove them than to let them drain money from his successful franchises.
On a grand level and contrary to popular / liberal beliefs, he has never been bankrupt, and he has grown his familial wealth significantly. Given his actions you'd have a hard time calling him a genius but he is undeniably a better business man than 90% of people.
Just seeing him in his position makes you realize he is succesful. There are untold hundred cases of people inheriting major businesses only to ruin them. I dont know where you get you data from, but Trump is pretty succesful in the business world
He's grown absolutely nothing mang. Try to find one piece of evidence that Trump's actions have directly affected the growth of the company. There aren't any. His father built a reletively successful real estate business in New York, and the value of his property shot up with the rest of New York through no work of his own. Every other side project has failed, and that's with the recognition and capital behind the Trump name.
His jet alone is worth 100m you autistic nigger
>500+ trump businesses
>Less than 10 failures
Ya, that's as good as it gets in business. One of the best businessmen of all time desu.
>hur if I throw out numbers with no basis in reality will someone believe me
>Donald Trump controls more than 500 companies -- many of which could create conflicts of interest should he become president.
>You are a fool
His businesses pose less of a conflict of interest than Hillary's blatant please-bribe-me-with-donations foundation.
... I definitely agree. It was to prove a point. Pay attention.
So what is it now?Sucessfull or not?
I would call someone who has realized the management of 1 (one) large real estate project in his life reasonably successful. Think of the amount of insight, delegation, management, political shrewdness, network skills, etc. one needs.
This guy pumps them out by the dozens.
Just for that, he is the definition of a successful man.
While it does, I wouldn't be surprised if elected, his companies will suddenly start to profit more.
He has lost money since the "small loan" his father gave him.
Every single venture he has entered into has only been wrestled away from catastrophic failure by his lawyers.
Trump is a wealthy man of significantly less than mediocre intelligence.
He is, simply put, a terrible businessman.
He can be shrewd. He knows it is cheaper to pay lawyers than to pay people who work for him. He is doing an excellent job of funneling money from his campaign into his own pockets. Every service his campaign uses comes from a company he owns, usually at an inflated price.
In the short term, he can make money, but in the long term he can't keep it up. He can handle sprints, and short term hustles, but he can't focus on the marathon.
>is Trump a truly successful business man?
wew, lad, you almost killed me
>what if he had taken a massive risk with $40M instead of sticking to what he knows
what if the banking sector hadn't made a habit of authorizing loans which people had no chance of paying back and then sold that toxic debt?
hindsight is 20/20, but only 1 of the above scenarios has an entirely foreseeable outcome
>massive risk
>massive risk
>Warren Buffett
>massive risk
>value investing
>massive risk
>the Oracle of Omaha
Drumpfs will defend this.
>he only made 100x his initial capital what a chump!
Donald trump should of invested in bitcoins but he didn't which makes him an unsuccessful poor loser
Kek, the Drumpf apologists are out in full force. $0.50 has been deposited to your account.
Call me when the "great businessman" can beat a simple index fund.
Its not really a fair comparison - he outperformed the market, sure, not by as much as Warren but Warren is a once in a generation genius with a shit ton of luck on his side - but still overall better than the market, consistently, and has ran the majority of his numerous businesses very well and expanded his wealth from where he started. He is not the greatest businessman of all time but that isn't the threads purpose nor does anyone believe that - it asked if he is a good businessman and he is, regardless of who you compare him to. You cannot deny his success no matter how much you dislike the man. You're trying to tell everyone an orange isn't orange so you just come across completely retarded when you only need to open your eyes to see the truth. Hate the man all you want but you can't deny the truth, and you can't deny that he has been a better businessman and amassed more wealth than anyone in this thread is likely to.
>You're trying to tell everyone an orange isn't orange
Plus, as others have pointed out, hindsight is an amazing thing, it's like saying you'd be a millionaire if only you bought bitcoin when it first came out! Damn, if only I purchased Apple shares when they were worth nothing!
No one is a fucking fortune teller.
>Its not really a fair comparison - he outperformed the market
Actually, no. Nope. Nein. Nyet. WRONG. WRONGO!!!! SUPER DUPER WRONG!
The Donald didn't beat the market. The Donald can't beat a simple index fund. Donald is literally worse than Grandpa's Vanguard fund.
>$0.50 has been deposited to your account. Thank you for Manufacturing the Record.
>Thank you for Manufacturing the Record.
Thank you for Correcting the Record.
>getting cucked by your own memes
>spurging and getting triggered
>can't think of any reply
>just repeat what I said
$0.50 has been withdrawn from your account.
>>getting cucked by your own memes
>>spurging and getting triggered
>>can't think of any reply
>>just repeat what I said
>$0.50 has been withdrawn from your account.
$0.50 has been withdrawn from your account.
Typical Drumpf supporter tight here, folks. Take a good look. Marvel at the dull eyes, the large brow, the acne, and the protruding belly. Take in the the smell, practically visible from his lack of hygiene. Pity the lack of education, the autism, the poverty, and the retardation. Laugh at the delusions and bed sores festered by 18 hours-a-day of browsing /pol/ from his mother's basement.
And worse, while he's a tiny (and I do mean tiny) minority, there's still enough of them to make a self-sustaining echo chamber where they can thrive (if you can call it that). Fortunately, they quickly wither and die in the real world.
Not an argument.
Trumpers BTFO.
We #cuckforclinton.
>Not an argument.
I already won the argument.
Trump can't beat an index fund, therefore, by definition he is not a truly successful businessman. Only a moron like you didn't realize the thread was over the moment I posted that fact.
Since then, we've just been making fun of his retarded followers. Not that its difficult or challenging, but it does pass the time.
The graph you yourself posted shows him outperforming the S&P 500, are you now selectively choosing which points from your own graph are factual and which are not?
Not an argument.
You misunderstand victory if you think you won the argument, you played yourself when you posted your graph m8, either you believe the graph and he outperformed the S&P, or you don't believe the graph and therefore your entire attempt at a civil argument is wholly invalid.
>being so triggered you post multiple times
>notice me senpai
[Citation needed]
A cursory google search shows this not to be correct nor adusted for inflation. Further investigation also reveals that the 1988 figures for his wealth, and thus the 300% increase from his own actions, are again not accurate.
Though it is still not a true comparison regardless of factual correctness, maintaining a business is not an easy thing to do and many SMEs go bankrupt - the mere fact that he grew his wealth at all instead of losing it like most do makes him a better businessman than you or I. As I pointed out earlier, no one is marking him as a paragon of business wisdom, simply a successful business person and all evidence points towards that.
He's created 515 companies and only 11 of them went bankrupt. So if he were to create a new company the chances of it going bankrupt would be 2.2%.
>[Citation needed]
>[Citation was provided]
>[Citation was provided]
>[Citation was provided]
>[Citation was provided]
>[Citation was provided]
Why are Drumpfs so stupid?
Who is this drumpf person you keep referring to
So are you CTR or just a euroKEK?
>What's false: Donald Trump was once named Donald Drumpf
Oh ok
Who is this Drumpf person you keep referring to
Increasing his 1 million dollar loan by 10,000%
>Please do this with any amount of money since you're all so adept at business.
Donald Drumpf. Are you retarded? Or a shilling Drumpf supporter? Oh fuck, you're a Drumpfy!
>$0.50 has been deposited to your account. Thank you for Manufacturing the Record.
Ignoring the billions he inherited along the way.
>$0.50 has been deposited to your account. Thank you for Manufacturing the Record.
>not knowing what actually happened/what is happening with the "billions he inherited."
CNN FOX news advocate pls go.
At this stage you're either still here because you wrongly believe you are winning an argument on the internet or because you are just very autistic - what even is manfacturing the record and how is that a good comeback in any sense of the word. Your insistence on calling him by a name he never used and which his family hasn't used for centuries is also very unusual (autistic). How far are you on the spectrum exactly?
Excellent use of the "liberal media" meme. Why believe the news when its not good for your candidate, right?
>$0.50 has been deposited to your account. Thank you for Manufacturing the Record.
Sorry Drumpfy, you retards can't pull off the straight man. Go back to photoshopping news photos.
>$0.50 has been deposited to your account. Thank you for Manufacturing the Record.
>citing cnn
If you read the article in which is ghost writer for the Art of the Deal spills the bean he talks about how Trump received numerous "loans" from his father throughout his career and he was able to land his real estate projects largely due to the connections and influence of his father.
When the real estate market dried up on him he switched to branding as a way to make business.
The truth of the matter is, Trump is an immense success. Sure, he received loans to finance his endeavors, but so have hundreds of thousands (millions even) of others yet they haven't had a tenth of his success.
Sure he was born into good circumstances, so is nearly every American and other first worlders. First worlder conditions may not be as good as the ones Trump was born into, yet shouldn't those first worlders still have some level success comparable to Trump's? Yet, they don't.
Trump's a smart man and a fantastic businessman. But I wouldn't expect Veeky Forums to know anything about either.
>Sure he was born into good circumstances, so is nearly every American and other first worlders.
Drumfies actually believe this. No Pajeet, not all Americans inherit billions from their daddy.
Drumpf is not "one of the boys." He's not like you, doesn't care about you, and won't look out for you. Your life is pathetic because you're an asshole, a racist, and a bigot. The way to improve your circumstances is to stop being a fuckup, not by electing a far richer fuckup to be president.
Drumpf can't even beat an index. If you can't even grow your wealth faster than the most conservative investment strategy known to man, then you are no businessman. Drumpf is a failure who simply got a huge head start.
Your unbriddled (and creepy) devotion is noted, however. One more shill for the daily quota!
>$0.50 has been deposited to your account. Thank you for Manufacturing the Record.
Thirteen postings eh? I hope you aren't doing this for free.
I don't think so.
His net worth was supposedly 1.5B in 1989
Bloomberg was generous when they appraised him at 2.9B -- not even beating inflation. He hasn't made shit in 25 years and has lost money on stupid, ill-advised ventures like Trump Vodka.
I also think his policies would be a disaster economically and Moody's agrees with me.
He pulled out enough to fund his own campaign quite comfortably
>yet shouldn't those first worlders still have some level success comparable to Trump's?
Plenty of people who are born into upper middle class families do find success greater than Trump's. See: Zuckerberg
Not enough to make me think he's worth more than the Bloomberg figure.
>$0.50 has been deposited to your account. Thank you for Manufacturing the Record.
>invest all 40b in BRK in 1970
brilliant m8
Buffett did it. Because he's a successful businessman.
Drumpf did something else. Something with a mediocre track record that can't even beat the market. My grandpa did better than Drumpf; gramps just started with less.
But your support is noted.
>$0.50 has been deposited to your account. Thank you for Manufacturing the Record.
>When the real estate market dried up on him he switched to branding as a way to make business.
Also, this.
People cite this early 90s C-SPAN video of proof of Trump's intelligence, but all I see is a self-serving man begging for a government bailout of his failing businesses.
There was an interesting article on Trump in the early 90s:
Wow. I can't believe some of the posts in this thread. Otherwise intelligent people really getting things twisted.
> Trumps net worth is $X
Says who? When you're that rich and diversified it's not that simple. Trump himself can only estimate.
> small loan of $1M, other loans
There is a BIG difference between a hand out and a loan back by a hard asset, I.E. real estate.
> bankrupt businesses
A few failed endeavors, but an aggregate of all his venture is still a net profit. Can't win them all.
> didn't beat index fund
This is the best one. Trump is a human being with expenses(including divorce) not an investment fund.
Furthermore he beat THE index funds of all index funds. SPY.
> Didn't beat most successful INVESTOR in modern history, Warren Buffett.
Buffet is an investor who accumulated 99% of his wealth after his 50th birthday. Trump is a businessman and entrepreneur. Why he was even mentioned is beyond me.
Thank you TIDF
> lawsuits
If you don't understand this, you've never been in business.
Had to google that. "Trump internet defense force." I don't even like trump that much I like have fun pointing out bullshit.
> Points to extreme outliers such as Zuckerburg.
Again, this is nonsense. Even more so since he got rich in tech. Please do some reading on statistics, probability, etc.
Had to google that. "Trump internet defense force." I don't even like trump that much, but have fun pointing out bullshit.
> Points to extreme outliers such as Zuckerburg.
Again, this is nonsense. Even more so since he got rich in tech. Please do some reading on statistics, probability, etc.
There's a decent number of billionaires who are richer than Trump who came from humbler backgrounds. Look at /pol/'s favourite boogeyman Soros.
I was only addressing the claim in that nobody born lower/middle class becomes as successful as Trump.
Please fellate Trump some more, though.
Again, you are referring to outliers. I.E. you're full of shit.
I'm not retarded, I just have no clue who this Donald Drumpf person you keep mentioning is -- you tried to link something to me that I think was supposed to explain it but all the thing you linked to me said was that Donald Drumpf is NOT Donald Trump, so I'm just not sure who you're talking about.
>Plenty of people who are born into upper middle class families do find success greater than Trump's
>plenty of people
>lists one person who attended an elite college and stole other rich people's work to gain his own success
If he's rich enough to quit today and still live in a modest home for the rest of his life (equivalent $100K per year budget to be 'comfortable'), then I consider him successful.
My standards are low, though.
Net worth includes more than what you have in your bank account, retardo
All this slave morality....
Stay poor plebs! Read some more Marx while you are at it lel.
So to recap: Hillary wants to abolish the right to free speech, freedom of press, and the right to bear arms.
Trump wants to deport people who are in the US illegally, criminals who in addition to illegally entering the country evade taxes and rape.
And Trump is the bad guy
As you've been told time and again, he did beat the index over the time of his career. Picking an arbitrary date (1988) and then deciding he didn't beat the index during that date range is highly misleading.
And why do you hate Trump so badly? Does his hair remind you of the priest that molested you? Are you jealous of his success while you have nothing?
I hope to god you don't support Hillary. Trump might be an idiot but he's not half as dangerous as Clinton would be.
That chart is like asking what if the previous record-holding lottery winner Jack Whittaker invested his $300,000,000 in Bitcoin.
Berkshire Hathaway wasn't a sure shot. If it was, literally everybody, including Warren's crusty ass would have dumped everything into it instead of having a personal website that, by default, asks you to give her five dollars.
> autodirects to the above link.
His net worth is 4.5 billion according to Forbes, and I'll take their word over some butthurt cuck like you
>Hillary wants to abolish the right to free speech
>freedom of press
>and the right to bear arms.
>$0.50 has been deposited to your account. Thank you for Manufacturing the Record.
>Gentlemen, please note that posting multiple lies in the SAME internet forum thread does not qualify for full per/post payment.
>$0.10 has been deposited to your account. Thank you for Manufacturing the Record.
And forbes fucking hates trump. Hes pretty much the only guy i see them bash. Wich is strange because they shoud be friends?
It's not.
She wants to shutdown Breitbart and have the government decide who's a journalist and who's not allowed to publish the news.
That's freedom of press and freedom of speech down the toilet.
She's also mentioned she likes the idea of hate speech laws.
And how could you think she doesn't want to abolish the right to bear arms?
Not only is she a democrat, but she's an extremely anti-gun one.