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Hey Faggots,
My name is Jack, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day getting headshoted as Genji. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any play of the game? I mean, I guess it’s fun blocking other peoples line of shoot with Mei because of your own lack of skills, but you all take that to a whole new level. This is even worse than grabbing Junkrat’s tire as Roadhog.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was leader of the old Overwatch team, and came back from the deads. What did you came from, beside from the “D.Va with a big ass” fanclub? I also get straight headshots, and have a banging hot medic (She just resurrected me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just ragequit. Thanks for listening.


>Veeky Forums believes in forced 50% win rate
>I have a 10% win rate in ranked

Eat shit guys

post art and shit

im gonna fucking main reaper, nobody carries as hard as this god damn edgelord

we need ingame chat room

Reminder being a hip kid with a hoverboard and a vape in hand is okay.



>Roadhog and Soldier
>scared of Winston

ow huniepop mod when

>oh no, a winston who could just jump here anyway

Does he exist specifically for console plebs?

I can't think of a reason to use him over bastion

quick play is amazing right now

>What did you came from, beside from the “D.Va with a big ass” fanclub?

elevated kek

I don't know, man, I just copied the OP from the last thread
maybe next thread someone else will include it

>Add people from the ID list
>No mic and too nervous to accept any invites
>Dont want to do solo ranked because I know I'd get shit on

bitch has a sniper rifle why is she jumping on that shit like an angry winston

>Guy thinks hes good because he got his high ranking due to stacking with his friends.

How so?

>badly beat enemy team and they start swearing at each other post game

>Soldier: 76
>being scared of Winston
This comic would've been funnier if it wasn't 100% wrong.

How have you been doing? I got like 5 stomp games in a row last night.

Every highlight from a comp game has "Play of the Match", even if you didn't get the PotM.

Good question

>Implying monkey trouble has any chance of beating a Roadhog

>get nothing but shit teams during all the placement matches
>8 losses, 2 wins

>rank 43

>suddenly I get decent teams and actually start winning significantly more than half of the games

Guess they just ignore the QM rankings and shove everyone into the same placement matches.

>shooting small arms at a vehicles that your comrade is climbing on top of

this does not seem well-advised

They're swearing at each other for being shit, not because you did well.

tell me about Roadhog

why does he wear the mask?

Torb's Rivet gun is grossly underestimated.
Torb's ult pretty much denies all pushes alone.
His turret can instantly lock onto tracer's/Genji's that could give bastion trouble.
The armor he gives to teammates should also not be underestimated.


Just kill me. I want to DIE DIE DIE

Does Pharah's ult have a stupidly quick recharge time?

>level 30+
>enemies keep kicking my ass
>my teams are useless as fuck
Why does this game hate me now?


Anyone else feel like fan the hammer could use some adjustments? McSkill's whole gimmick was that he could insta-gib most people with fth but now it's been taken away from him.

my team was getting spawnkilled in Anubis and I capped the last point 0-100

mistakes into miracles

I honestly feel like I lose more defence games with a Torbjorn on my team than without. Anyone else? The turret is just piss easy to kill and he's fat as fuck so scoring headshots is easy.

I'm not bragging or anything. Its just fun to watch them turn on each other.

>Competitive match
>Enemy team trying to cheese with triple junkrat

Or perhaps he was wondering why you would hook a man before shooting him in the face

>McSkill's whole gimmick was that he could insta-gib most people with fth but now it's been taken away from him.
It's almost like it was never meant to instagib more people.


>on win streak at rank 54
>get matched with a team of solos that havent even calibrated
>enemy team is all 60+
>loss 3 ranks on loss

guys, this needs to stop
can't you see 'gg ez' is wrong?
there are real people on the other end of that chat and you're hurting their feelings

fth should be bad. he needs to be better in other areas (less falloff)

>comp game, defend
>3 players insta lock tracer, hanzo, genji
>2 other players pick reaper and bastion
>ask someone to choose zarya or rein, as I pick mercy
>they ignore me
>point A taken in 30 seconds after they roll everyone because mah flanks
>pick my boy s76 as a desperate attempt to fight back a push
>stay s76 entire 8+ minutes defending
>win the round

they all remained their retarded heroes the entire game as well, don't know how it worked

>The armor he gives to teammates should also not be underestimated.

>trying to coordinate a push against a Symmetra+Torb+Bastion lineup
>a 300 HP Genji is throwing shurikens at us
I fucking hate Torbjorns.

They're like Engineers in TF2. All they do is delay the game and slow everything down making pushes require several ults just to maybe hit a checkpoint.

Jesus christ, I sound like a whiny Scout main bitching about mini-sentries now.

I'd rather be able to move about freely and give teammates armor.

>went 6-4 and got 56

i'm content with this because i shit the bed in two of my losses

in the top corner it will say play of the game or highlight though so you can't troll shit highlights as potm

Mcree's chest armor looks like a snake

Hanzo banned in competitive when?

It's not even remotely fair that one team might have to endure a Hanzo and the other not.

Kill yourself

why did i lose 5x more points than i gained for a win?

this shit reminds me of the horror that was rocket league early ranked

can someone link the korean girl playing zarya

I guess in the long run it will average out again, just annoying if you get unlucky during those first 10 games because you'll be spending a shitton of time to catch up with the rest

I'm shit at this game.

I also haven't tried out more than half the cast but I don't think I want to either.


>tfw in level 60 range

Feels good

Good thing it's not in his boot

maybe they weren't retarded and point a is just practically indefensible on all maps

I've killed so many Pharahs with Junkrat
It's like they read that she's a hard counter for him and that means a free kill with no skill involved.

>Numbani defense
>torb, reaper, mei, pharah, mercy and me, Zarya
>I get my ult 6 times from this enemy team with a zenyatta, lucio and reinhardt
>I use my ult 6 times getting 5-6 people each time
>despite having 2 assault character MADE to exploit this ult, and me annoucing it three times before every ult, they never once use their ult on a crowd
>mercy messages me after the game
"Those guys were fucking retarded, we could have wiped the team like 5 times easily"

two of the times I was at 100 energy when I used the ult, but noone shot the shields with me, so I couldn't burst them down before the ult ended.

I fucking hate players who use their ults only to save their lives., and reaper and pharah both did it multiple times.

we lost, torb got POTG when he switched to bastion and killed 3 people with his ult.

why would you think you could play mercy with a team like that?

You don't think their choices for heroes for defense isn't questionable, user?

>Omniums could never meet Omnica's production numbers
>and yet could still output endless robot armies to destroy humanity


I don't really care because I get worse insults every day on Veeky Forums, but it seems childish. Two of the guys I used to play with did that shit all the time too, every match would end with "epic bantz" which was actually just them insulting the enemy team even though they were good losers.

Whats your ranked score user. Mine is 48 dc`ed game accidently feels bad man.

>20 tick

Fucking casual normies

>Has a "reach for the sky" voiceline
>No "there's a snake in mah boot!" or "Somebody poisoned the waterhole!" voicelines

Absolute garbage game

>Symmetra and Torb can effectively give an offense class 50% bonus health
This shit is starting to annoy me
Trying to kill a 350 health reaper is fucking torture

what a triggering trend


Where the fuck is my forced 50

Why the fuck do I get utter fucking morons that are lv 100 and filter feed 1 by 1 and never play the objective.

Is King of the Hill Ranked level XP getting fixed yet? Right now you barely Rank up right now in KOTH.

is this the grind i've been set up for

I spent all day playing with drooling retards. Got a double cap on Hanamura with 5x76 and a speed Lucio. Other team was salt incarnate.

I thought if I could at least heal them maybe I could make a difference, I didn't think an all 6 damage team would do well for defense, bastion being probably the best choice

hey whatever works

>Their team
>Two 3-man premades
>My team
>Two 2-man premades and two solo players (myself being one of them)

Is this balanced?

Stop typing is now toxic lmao

>go up two levels
>go down three levels


You're right though about sentries. The games are most fun where you have to deny an area based on aim and skill rather than plonking a turret down and pressing Q as they press Q

Highest or currently?
I placed 60 but then I had some terrible games and now I'm 55


Was that a king of the hill win by chance?

Koreans please translate this.

>A small collection of Overwatch toxicity
>"You've been doing nothing all game"

Holy shit even reddit saw through that bullshit

If that was Koth the xp for it is bugged.

I agree on the stats thing. Discourages at least some tards from only caring about their K/D ratio rather than going for the objective

Is there a reason Mercy is associated with anal?

>Not Until Marriage Tier

>Hot And Sweaty Tier
Pharah, Zarya

>Fun Tier

>Death By Snu-Snu Tier

>Butter Face Tier

>Public Use Tier
Mei, D. Va

After 15 roadhog matches i finally found out you have a right click med range attack. Cool.

This reminds me of how fucked up league of legends matchmaking was in it's infancy.

I literally cannot fucking believe how stack queues are being handled, coin flip, leavers = auto loss, as well as the fucking "lose 1 rank, gain 1/10th of one" shit.

Did blizzard even fucking test this?

>hobby drinking
>favorite drink: milk

u wot

>Playing this game solo

You should have known better you idiot

yeah I've noticed this too, it's pretty bullshit
>hanamura defense
>playing mercy
>defending A chokepoint with rein
>our torb and symmetra give me armor
>end up with 300 total HP
>mfw I literally did not die once all game because of this

>lose two games in prelims because team is fucking allergic to the point and I'm usually the only one even near it