League of legends general /lolg/

Best waifu and freljord edition
Ice wife is a soft and pure QT who lactates ice cream!
old:Remember: If you waifu Elise or Poppy, your waifu is a slut, and you should commit Sudoku


>tfw hot as fuck and no ac
could use a liss right now tbqh

Why does ryze now have a random ass aoe teleport for an ult? This makes no sense with the rest of his kit.


Reposting a little guide for anyone who wants to feel the freelo of the new Ardent Censer Soraka:

Start with Spellthief's Edge and upgrade it fully to Eye of the Watchers. Then CDR Boots or Boots of Swiftness, Forbidden Idol and Kindlegem. Now you have 45% CDR (you must have your ult ready as many times as possible), some bulk and +10% to heals

From now on you heve fuckton of options, for example:
>Ardent Censer (build it every time, this item basically turns you into a better Janna/Lulu),
>Mikael's Crucible for even more heal power (Boots of Swiftness instead of CDR for this one),
>Upgrade Kindlegem to Locket or Warmog,
>Go with RoA and your W will hurt you less,
>Buy Rylai's and your silence will also slow faggots (VERY useful),
>Rabaddon's is also nice for ultimate heal build,
>GA if you want more bulk and have a second chance to cast your ult in teamfights,

In short: rush CDR, then heal power and then do whatever you want.

he's a rogue mage who wanders around the world like a nomad.
teleporting is useful to a traveling nomad.

>all those support item buffs
>all those spirit visage abusing drain tanks
>all those Soraka and Janna mains ready to hit 80% winrate
>you'll never invalidate their existence by killing the ADC in a single hit

>sides of head shaved

nth for fuck draven
n+1th for fuck soraka

I was just complaining the other day that ardent didn't get enough love, and then I see its getting a huge buff.

How's bronze?

No idea, I've never been bronze.

xth for leagues biggest and best bust

I want Tristana to choke on my cock!


>The Rune Mage is sometimes unbearably strong for reasons that aren't necessarily clear to his opponents


Sluts > pure girls

Then wich elo is that? They play like shit.

>blitz does 800 mixed damage in 1.1 seconds with nothing but sighstone and boots1

You're an idiot.
Everyone knows that fizz killed you because his cooldowns were up. Ryze's passive and the way that it's up at weird times and also totally fucks with all his other cooldowns makes it very hard to tell if Ryze can actually run his rotation right now or not.

Pure girls>sluts

Pure girls are hypocrite sluts. Embrace your inner sluts everyone

>irontumblr gone
>pool part skins for waifus in less than a month
>he was dropped unceremoniously with no goodbye letter or sendoffs from his coworkers unlike Lyte

Feels great to be vindicated.

>Implying Sona isn't the sluttiest champion.

Is he really gone? When did this happen?

>tfw warwick main

>implying Sona isn't the purest champion

>everyone saying Overwatch killed league
>League is still alive, it's just not number 1 anymore
>Riot suspiciously comes out with several improvements people have been begging for for years all in the span of a few weeks following OW's release
Competition works.

Be glad for that

Because CertainlyT is going to fuck Warwick harder than he did mordekaiser. He's going to Knot that fucking wolf.

We now only need solo queue and a new cute waifu.

I thought Warwick was getting a proper rework and not whatever the fuck Mordekaiser got, which just felt like a patch job to make him make sense and not be awful (and it failed because his entire concept is fucked).

When they nerf you but not quite but sort of enough for your banrates to drop.

Also best ship.

>tfw Mordekaiser is on the list for a REAL rework next year complete with visual update
>tfw new Morde is still pretty enjoyable all things considered and 3!!! is one of the most satisfying abilities in the game

He is getting a proper rework


Jinx is way too cute, unfortunately I suck with her.

A game this huge can't die overnight. It's on the decline and there's no indication it's going to get better.

i only report people if I lose and they are on the winning team

same senpai. I only just started playing Fiora and she's fucking nuts

are sonas nipples big enough to show through a thick dress?

>Competition works.
This. It's what I've been saying, Riot got lazy and complacent but lately I feel like they've been more on the ball and it's not a coincidence that the last month OW has been gobbling up League's market share in Korea and viewership on Twitch.

If they find themselves in a permanent competitive relationship with OW we might see some real strides forward this year.

>hating on our guy CertainlyT

Daily reminder that the only ones that complain about based CertainlyT are the ones that don't play his based champions (Mordekaiser doesn't count, they didn't give him artistic freedom to fix him).

Certainly T makes interesting champs though. If nothing else he'll probably be broken. I didn't know he worked on Mordekaiser but I wouldn't expect anyone to "fix" Morde, he needs a real rework from the ground up.

>zombie nunu is more of a legendary than nunu bot is

New skin for best husbando when?

Wtf do I pick vs Quinn top?

i respectfully disagree

This. CertainlyT can't be blamed for the fucking tragedy that is new Morde. It was only a partial rework/tweak, he didn't have full control over it, Morde was already on the list for a REAL rework, they basically asked CertainlyT to experiment with the concept of a melee botlane to shake up the meta and Morde was just unfortunately the guinea pig.

Don't husbando my main please.

The game's been going through cycles for years now. Playerbase naturally dips and rises over time and every metric of measuring League's playerbase is unreliable, only Riot knows how many people are playing and the trends so I don't get how people can realistically say the game is dying.

Note that people have been saying this for years.

I'm legitimately terrified of what abomination is going to spawn. There is no inbetween when it comes to CertsinlyT champs.

His Q really is the only ability that should stay should a rework come to pass. Everything else is FUBAR and needs to go

I'm banking on horribly power creeped cancer on release. Situational movement speed, maybe some kind of dash, %HP damage is a given, maybe arbitrary stat scaling built into his passive or ult, probably 3 passives at a minimum.

>fuck Warwick
In a good or bad way? Because he's probably going to overload the fuck out of his new kit just like he's done with all his other creations.

CERTAINLYT apologists need to neck themselves

The best rework Riot has done is Tristana's

I'd keep the passive. Mordekaiser is a delightful inversion of the current trend of "build defense but do damage" where he builds damage but gets tanky.

that's not how you spell twitch OR shen

That's not Miss Fortune.

>tfw also ww main
I ready for him to turn into an ad brusier with a dash and his ult made a skill shot. And by ready I mean i want to kill myself.

>liking floating dildo shen
nah man. nah.

Which mastery is better with based foxgirl of hot body? DFT or TLD?
I'm against Annie.


>want to play Hecarim
>but only want to play the ebin maymay one shot build
What do lolgen?

just got fucked in a silver ranked game by an enemy smurf jungling as teemo

>our jungler couldn't do shit and was getting mercilessly stealth cheesed by ignite over and over again
>lategame there were shrooms fucking EVERYWHERE

Why are high elo players so good at making bad builds work? He finished 16/3/23 and fucking carried as Teemo jungle

>faggot Zed on other team gets fed
>Playing Soraka
>Get my Ashe ADC fed as FUCK
>Illaoi is off jacking her dick while Zed destroys us
>I'm Soraka so I heal everyone like mad
>We eventually win

thanks for reading, fuck zed

That's just yellow bronze.

>just got an entire new gaming PC
>can now play all of the vidya



People play retarded at every elo, but general game knowledge and builds and such are much better the higher up you go.

Did anybody on your team even bother getting a red trinket or pink wards?

Healthy enough.


The passive is exactly the part of him that's so cancerous and needs to be removed or at the very least significantly altered. Damage based mitigation is nearly impossible to balance

Sooo... which is better?

what was his full build

i want to try this

Fuck off, sidecuts are hot.

Jungle Teemo works ONLY if he snowballs HARD.

Most build AS/On-hit. Bloodrazor, Wit's, bork, etc. etc.

Lucy boots/redrazor/nashor/banner/zz/meme mask

Can't remember the order

Okay guys.

Mobility boots only give bonus MS outside of combat. But if I take Mobility Boots on Hecarim, and I initiate combat, will at least the first attack take the mobility boots' bonus MS into account regarding his passive or will I get absolutely nothing out of them?

the first one helps you clear faster while the 2nd one makes your ganks stronger


xth for polygamy.

Cool, man.

>jungling teemo works
>implying he won't be jumped at level 2 because of no sustain and shit clearing power

Someone with range, or with more than one dash.

Typical Teemo Jungle path is HARD leash for first camp, then Red, then he gets FB. If the third step doesn't happen he falls off a cliff.

Can't wait for all of the experience I've gotten spamming Warwick to D1 to be wasted when they completely butcher his kit.

Just tune up his AA numbers slightly and give him a slow on his Q.

>implying high elo players can't capitalise on common bronze/silver mistakes and make the most ridiculous meme builds work

See This user got ruined by a fucking awful build

>commit sokoku

CertainlyT here

Warwick will have a targeted dash ability where he can leap 400/500/600/700/800 units to any champion he has recently damaged every three seconds

Best thighs coming through

No need to be jelly

Yes. IIRC, Hecarim's passive only checks every .25 seconds or some shit. I know they changed the refresh interval back when homeguards was still a boot enchant as a nerf to homeguard TP ganks. Basically, once you lose the mobi speed, you've got until the next refresh to deal damage with your mobi-boosted AD.

>tfw I unironically enjoy sudoku

I like it, it's a nice brain exercise I can do in the morning before work. I also like kakuro.

that looks like a happy cade :3c

I mean I understand it'd work if it all goes well for him but it'd be too easy for him to get countered jungle. A good jungler will invade when he sees meme shit being played, like when "burning bush Zyra" jungle used to be a thing.


Shouldn't that be sepuku, OP?

Flash ult Q dead adc

>Enemy team locks your main before you can
>They build him like a retard

Oh, that's super fantastic. Thanks a ton user. I've been experimenting and have found I actually like mobis over swifties for my sheer map presence, but wasn't sure about how it worked with his passive. Thanks user.
I like Kakuro much more than Sudoku, and that "lantern" puzzle involving aligning X number of dots on a grid I forget the name of

damn this shit brings back memories

>no more full damage or full utility builds
I miss it

>enemy picks zyra and azir
>they win because they keep doing half-screen dps