World of Warcraft General - /wowg/

/wowg/ guilds:
@ Illidan (Horde)
@ Sargeras (Alliance)


/wowg/ battletag friends list:
(Rarely used or updated, use at your own risk)

General Resources:

Anti-Shitposting Filters To Make WoW General Great Again:

WoW Token Price:


So I read that Disc Priests got shafted really hard. Any reason to play one over a Holy Priest at this point?

>Come back to /wowg/
>There's filters in the OP
>My name is in the filter
What the fuck happened while I was gone?.

How do I do good dps as ARC MGE?

>healing as anything but druid
ha ha ha ha


/xivg/ here

if your still playing and paying for this garbage then kys yourself!

Jokes on you, I already have a Resto Druid that I love to play. I just wanna try out the OG healer class.

>not a single heirloom is five resets worth of full clears
>suddenly three back to back to back

>ywn be as big as this Tauren

You better be tauren you little bitch.

>Shitpost and/or avatarfag
>Get put on a filter list
>Wonder why it happened

How dense.

>TFW not on the List or in the Toybox.

I barely Avatar anymore. My days of being an attention whore were MoP

having to play heroes of the storm for the graves pet is fucking agony

What the fuck is the toybox

Discord meme central

Sorry. Filthy night elf druid. Friends all started on Alliance, so it was hard to choose Horde over friends.

Taurens appeal to me though, so I wanna roll one soon.

are you at least a female

woah thats a big cuck :ooo

it is icy's orbiters that he tries to collect to feel wanted.

Night elves are okay too.
Having friends must be nice

2 months lads. Where is the pre patch billy

why would anyone orbit him of all people?

current mood

>Resto Druid players have to be female.

This healer meme needs to stop.

To answer your question, sorry user. Guy here playing a guy druid. I do want to roll a female Tauren if that makes things any better for you.

because he's super cute and nice and not a sociopath

Because losers want to orbit someone and feel part of something.
even if that something is as degenerate as the samefag regime.

i wonder whats going on in there

Who the fuck is linstad? I keep seeing them in there


I am no one relevant. Just a shit player, on a soon to be ded class


cute cow

>do some bgs for weekly quest
>despite having full pvp gear none of my attacks feel like they do any damage
>healers just stand there with 4 people wailing on them
>all encounters are all massively one sided fights where whoever has more healers wins
>massively one sided for whatever side is defending
>despite Alliance being the supposed tryhard pvp faction because of humans, Alliance suck shit at PVP and can't get any objectives
Some of the worst pvp I've ever seen in a game


Shouldn't have even answered. That's why you're on the list.

some girl icy's been orbiting in lynris's abscence

i heard he's bought her store pets

>healers just stand there with 4 people wailing on them

the fuck else are they gonna do with 4 people wailing on them

peel you sperg

his newest toy


>tfw I'm a literal autistic who can't decide on a class to play despite having played them all at 100

At the point this last thing I want to try out is a frost DK, but I'm not that keen on being melee. The only other thing I could think of doing is leveling a fire mage but I heard fire is shit in Legion.

>On the list because you answer questions asked directly to/of you
Nice meme

Why do tauren look so goofy?



>all this new images added to my md5 filters


My point is that you think your name matters enough to answer the question of who you are. Nobody gives a fuck

>you think your name matters enough to answer
But I never gave my name, nor do I think anyone should give a shit who I am yet. Someone asked me a question, I gave them the answer. I'm no one relevant and put in a hint if he really cared over who I am or not.

If what you said was true I would have said my name, and put on my avatar for it.

I think the problem is having all of them at 100 to be honest. I'm having the same issue.

It doesn't help that almost every class/spec is boring as hell at 100.





Nice rebuttle




Why is this Tauren so happy?


>have every class at 100
>realize they're basically the same

sad. this didn't happen to me back in wrath

I guess I'll just level up a mage on this server. Then I'll have all the classes I might want to play on one server.

Leveling up is just killing my soul especially when each time I swear I'm going to stick to this character and get really good at the class only to reroll a few days later yet again.

Is that one talent that forces mages to awkwardly stand on that arcane symbol in raids still the best one? I fucking hated that retarded shit. Is it being removed in legion?

because he unironically thinks samefagging is funny.


>buy legion
>boost mage
>very happy, always wanted a mage
>don't like frost, don't like arcane, only like fire
>get tired of being a mage

>level rogue
>very happy, always wanted a rogue
>run out of stuff to do

>level a monk
>not even 100 yet
>already tired of it





tfw no futauren gf who will show me her massive tauren dong

Post draeneis.





Anyone in here use TMW in beta?


But fire is fun :D

Expect when you are brainlessly trained by skiiiiiilllleeeed turbofags >.>

yeah works fine, just turn off lua errors or it has a shitfit because multistrike is no longer in the game.

I'm using the Legion version, does it show timer text for you because mine isn't

>tfw no one will ever tell me if these mods have jiggle physics

how do we make /wowg/ great?

That particular one doesn't but most other races have some kind of animation write over with tabard animations, so they flop around.

>icy not realizing Linstead is a man that is tricking the fuck out of him
>every screenshot Linstead has his voice muted
>people actually unironically think that people don't have some sort of communication device this day and age

Icy is getting tricked so hard kek

cool, I would like dick physics like the mop/wod staff and waist ones

>join bg
>this is what I get

Oh there's a legion version? idk man haven't used that, I just grabbed the WoD one back when beta came out and have been using that and timer text and shit work fine. Can't speak to how good the Legion version is, might have some bugs.

Talking about WoW, using the filters in the OP, reporting shitposting and avatarfags, and ignoring their posts by not responding

anyone have a group going for Fight Kill Salute carries?

Hi, I'm from b and decided to start playing wow. Can I live here now? Also any tips for new players?

>doing a bg without male pandaren healer to help you.
Sorry, not a masochsit.

>Lich King movie will be a trilogy.



Is there any fix for the disconnecting in Draenor zones when you go to different areas?
Happens a lot to me in Gorgrond but never got a disconnect anywhere else.

Good luck with that dearly, still here ;!!



>playing anything other than fem panda

pretty much this. the filters have made this place fucking tolerable actually. I know the shitposting is still going on, but as mods don't seem to answer reports, filtering is the next best thing.

Gul'dan got beat by a new warlock ;^)

>being attracted to femininity
Sorry, I am gay and only like MEN aka big hairy cuddly male pandaren only.

So only play male pandas


cersei is so hot