>look at pictures of escorts in London
>lots of 10/10 blondes with incredible bodies
>look at escorts in my city
>6s at best with the occasional 8s
it's not fair
>look at pictures of escorts in London
>lots of 10/10 blondes with incredible bodies
>look at escorts in my city
>6s at best with the occasional 8s
it's not fair
>paying for sex
Porn is free, dumbass.
hookers are a waste of money
try r9k
A third of biz threads are stray /pol/, another third is /R9K/ and another third is turbo crypto shills. Sigh....This is all so tiresome.
Sounds like you've found yourself a market. Grab one of those London 10s and tell her she can become queen in your city.
Are you lost? It has never been any different.
this just jack
I have been here for over a year and biz had its moments. Also, a man can dream, cant he?
As a man who has fucked too many hookers, it's not worth it. You panic after every session, have to get quarterly STD tests, and start hating your life. I was never truly happy during sex until I had a relationship with someone I loved.
sounds legit
I find that if you start a thread which shows you've done your homework on an industry or an ideas that's when the quality posters come out of the woodwork, or perhaps just stop shitposting.
Its the topic of the threads that's the real problem
>I have 30 dollars, how can I maximize returns
>I need 200 dollars in the next 73 seconds
>Monerumpcoin. Too the moon boys.
>My stock dropped. Frog post.
Don't come here expecting anything but shitposting
>I find that if you start a thread which shows you've done your homework on an industry or an ideas that's when the quality posters come out of the woodwork
this. I will berate any posters who frogpost or just want a quick, dumb answer. Have you ever used openstack? If you ask a question that could have been easily found on google, they delete your post. I love it. Wish we did that here.
Is there a difference between escort and a hooker?
Technically you are paying an escort for her time, not for sex, so it's much less illegal.
Escorts tend to be cleaner, safer, and much more expensive.
didn't you use condoms?
So you can pay but still have no guarantee of getting sex...
... then the feminists have already won.
What the does this have to do with business, you fucking autist?
Piss off.
Nigger this has nothing to do with feminism.
No one is going to hire an escort with a reputation for not putting out. You just can't say "this money is for sex" because that's illegal.
Prostitution needs to fucking be legalized already god damn it.
Even the ones that are fat and ghetto still want $200-$300 an hour with a ton of rules, and the hot ones have rates of $400 and up.
Legalization would increase competition and therefore encourage better quality of services and service providers.
Condoms don't always do the job, user. I know, I've had hundreds break on me.
Lol the whores in Finland are legal and 100-150 euros for 30 minutes. 6/10 or 7/10 looking. That's not bad since average girl is 5/10 and the average girl is good looking
You are using them wrong or using Chinese ones.
No, no. I'm using them correctly, it's just the ones designed specifically to be thin break on me.
>Implying monero didnt moon and isnt a quality coin.
150 euro for 30 minutes is almost $350/hr.
>That's not bad since average girl is 5/10 and the average girl is good looking
Girls are like video games, 7/10 is average.
Why don't more whores and strip clubs blackmail high rollers?
>I've had hundreds break on me
Haven't had a good lawl like that in a while.
Have you had sex tens of thousands of times?
is this how you cope?
lol u can find 7+ in spain for 150€ hour or less
but then you brag about having big salaries when you cant even get laid with hot girls