League of Legends General - /lolg/


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first for BURST

Fiora is very healthy

is there any (FREE) alternative to MK Jogo?

xth for polygamy.

Fiora and Tristana have some good child-bearing hips.

Among others.

What sane man would ever marry Jinx?

Doesnt it work anymore, or do you need to pay for it now?

>That Kayle neck
Every fucking time.

>mfw when playing with lolgen

147044518th (ish) for completely gutted

>ywn fatten Tristana up with your children

muh viktor tier waveclear with a huge slow on a 4s cd

lulu is cancer

riot perma'd some players who were using it
mk jogo dudes didnt want players to get banned and turned off most of options
they said they will find a way of adding skins without risk of getting banned aaaaaand mk lol is completely unusable now so i guess they failed

>take graves bot
>build cleaver and deaths dance like I'm a bruiser instead of adc
>Take barely any damage from their adc or jg while I wreck them

well they were shitters with closed source "donate to us follow us on facebook"-programs

rather than just doing a super simple script or explaining what needs to be done to edit the archive files for skins

carelessly using programs like that is players own fault

Yeah I got banned too, I also disabled every shit I dont need like Timers, chat, I only used skins u know and got banned for 1 Day (Dec 2015) I think, I stopped using it after.

Thats so sad man, and I dont want to install some shit custom skins. Fuck Riot

Going for game 3. Wish me luck.
>Viktor tier waveclear
>after damage nerfs and Viktor's Hextech Core

Fiora is the most stylish toplaner
Vayne is the most stylish AD carry

Who are the most stylish mid, support and jungler?

Tbh we could've won but our nexus was exposed and they had a trinket no one scouted so Nasus just tp'd and ended just when we were about to come back in the game. We were really badly pushed by nasus top and the rest mid/bot. Vayne is viable in some situations, you're just a shitter.

Sona is saggy and needs a bra

ahri probably, maybe azir
shaco or maybe udyr

Good luck user

Traditional mage mids, Xerath. AD mids, Zed. Jungler, Lee Sin. Support Bard.

>tfw playing Fiora lately
>she's really damn fun
>she's also pretty hard
>tfw you missed the period when she was busted as fuck and freewin


>Vayne is the most stylish AD carry
>Not Jhin

mid - yasuo
support - thresh
jungle - idk

She's still busted. I first time'd new Fiora in One for all, after literally everybody on my team fed. I 1v3'd the enemy GPs and came out with double kills consistently.


Leona outdamaged everyone.

You mean busted as fuck and permaban.

Nah she's merely alright now.

Obligatory PRAISE THE SUN post

she's a bit better than alright family.

are leona changes out yet?

Is the remake system for you a blessing or a curse?


I think it's a blessing in more than one way. Aside from stopping the game from turning into a grueling 4vs5 match, it can also surprise the enemy team or even give them some blue balls. Only bad thing though is that my team can also get some blue balls if the enemy team decided to remake the game. It also destroys my chance of getting some cheap wins.


lane lulu is one of the most cancerous things to ever grace this game

Riven is the most stylish top laner though

She's pretty balanced. High skillcap, some good matchups, some bad matchups, overall not a very good teamfighter. Might become a bit better without TP being such a required pick but she really isn't a problem at all.


>riven using a broken sword like a club
>jumping all over the place and screaming like an idiot

>compared to fiora's sleek bob and weave and precise strikes style

not even close
riot fucked up with fiora's design but gameplay wise it looks really good and flows nicely

are we dead

>it's another """""""pantheon is meta"""""" episode





is league rebirthing?

I think the right word you're looking for, user, is "reviving".

>there are people on here right now who don't know what this is

new client to bring back the playerbase when?


>game gets serious competition which threatens to overtake game's playerbase
>put lots of players through an artificial login queue
>"oh wow guys league isn't actually dead"

I've seen it before, doubt that this'll be the last time I do. Might not even be the last time I see this company in particular do it.


>that shaco build
who the fuck still builds shyv and red smite on shaco

>there are people on here right now who don't know what this is

Thanks, I really needed that

Will Riot ever add a character based mostly on combos and fast reactions? I mean something that would seem out of a fighting game. Riven was supposed to be that but I think we can safely say they failed horribly.

like zed?
like yasuo?
like lee sin?
like riven anywhere higher than bronze v where you play?

when laning against ads as lissandra or morgana, should I rush roa or buy armguard first?

>Lee sin

I always rush ROA.
But I'm shit as fuck at this game

>ad that can kill you in one combo
>ad that can't

>Passive lane early, manage to score a few kills on Mordekaiser once I have my ult
>After dying at lvl 2/3 I forget, Soraka started laning mid and taking farm
>Ashe and Fizz are constantly flaming each other and Soraka
>Soraka doesn't say a word. Fiddle trys to defuse the situation
>I've not said a word other than flash timers etc
>Fizz ends up laning bot while Ashe and Soraka are mid
>Fiddle doing what he can in this mess
>Mid and bot being ganked
>Morde get ignored
>Enemy team start doing stupid shit because overconfident
>Bard building god knows what
>I end up 15/0
>Only Ezreal can stop me with red buff and kiting
>Ashe intentionally feeds about 4 kills because of the argument him and Fizz are having
>She was 0/9/2 at this point
>We get a few barons
>We survive them with elder drake and Morde elder drake ghost
>Fiddle manages to get Fizz and Ashe to agree to work together
>5v5 final fight in mid
>We ace and win

Nice that we won this game, after an earlier game where a twitch intentionally fed.

So does anyone actually enjoy these blog posts or do you want me to stop shitting up the threads with them?

Who reliably shits on pantheon?

Aatrox... you'll know why once you've won laning phase.

>tank Morde
What a retard.

In lane? Ranged AP does pretty well if you can stay far away from him without denying yourself farm.

Really anyone can work, the key is to not die lvl 1-5 and he won't take over the game.

Yeah I didn't think much of him when I saw the grasp instead of stormraiders. I think he went tank because I was one shotting him if there were 2 tentacles on the field.

I mean, they had Gragas so it's not even like he went tank because otherwise they'd have had none.
Oh, he's one of those faggots.

Do you know what he started, both items and skills? Honestly the lane could've gone either way if he'd fucking built properly.

did you go stormraider's Illaoi yourself?

is there any point in farming after you get full build?

Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.

>tfw Udyr or Sona will never be able to buy this again

you can buy a zzrot, place it down then sell it and rebuy your item

>/all i think kha was trolling

Can you rebuy another Zz'rot?

I took deathfire's touch. Shit's strong on Illaoi.

I started corruption potion and he started doran's shield. He pushed me in and denied me some farm because Illaoi is shit until lvl 5 onwards. He started E I don't really know what he maxed because I killed him before he could really use anything and I never traded with him.

no, it'll be on cooldown

Always fun to watch Yi run a team down and slaughter them.

Depends on the champion, you can change shit up or go for a more expensive build like 4 IEs on jhin

Wait why is DFT strong on Illaoi? She doesn't typically build full damage and DFT is only a bonus AD and an AP ratio with no base damage. She doesn't constantly apply ticks of it more frequently than 0.5 seconds with quick ticking DoTs or super close damage intervals like say Malz or Vel'Koz either. What makes it work?

zed is poke central then R autoE W swap shuriken kill
yasuo literally has one combo, EQ
lee sin is le insec
riven is the only one who is somewhat combo based but she only really has one cancel which is E into R/Q, Q and W aren't cancellable (except for tiamat)

also im diamond lad fuck off

>sit back and poke and if somebody mispositions do the shurima shuffle which is extremely easy since they changed it

i mean a character with lots of animation cancels and legit combos

>destroy Riven in lane
>cries about le noob champs

every time

It's truly fucking incredible the cretins this game attracts it's actually amazing someone is prepared to waste 50 minutes of their life just to lose a game on purpose

Her W applys 4 seconds of it. Every proc of damage from her e vessel applies it and tentacles apply 2 seconds of it. Thunderlords tends to proc on the vessel so it does less damage than normal.

I always go either death's dance or black cleaver first. If against ap I'll get hexdrinker first but if I go back with 1350 I'll grab a bf sword.

You seem mad kid go watch some Naruto or something lmao
>I could be challenger but muh team :(

keep telling yourself that noob

>enemy picks riven
>i pick darius or garen

panth and gragas are serious cancer

>AP Panth
>went 12/2/1

is this Wood V?

>>I could be challenger but muh team :(
Yeah it's my fault that a duo afked just to spite his team when the game should have already been over

Oh but let me guess you're a silver shitter or a jaded diamond faggot who wants to kill himself because he can't come to terms with the fact he's bad

I've seen some Illaoi max E first for the cooldown and the massive amounts of damage the spirits do to their host. Is that actually typical or have I been misled and you just max Q for the damage?

So wait, what's the one shot Hecarim build?
Runic>ghostblade>TF or duskblade?

If you can't carry you deserve it.

hoo boy

I've done both and it honestly depends. On a squishy target like Riven I max q and once I've bought some ad 1 q does 1/3 of her health.

Maxing E isn't bad, reduces the cd and increases the damage the vessel does but it makes you easy to play around. If you max vessel and miss it you gotta wait around until it's off cd because if they fight you while it's down you're a dead man.

Funny thing to do, if the enemy is low health and they've been cursed and they're waaay out of range. While a tentacle is spawning use your ult, the tentacle will slap really really fast and likely kill them. If it doesn't you get another chance with the second tentacle spawn.

What's your rank? No doubt something absolute shit yet you come on here acting like a big man thinking you're in any position to give advice when you can't even fucking improve yourself

it is

It's a strange thing, people wasting that much time for no reason.

I never want to leave this is hilarious

Bohohoo bronzie is mad because he can't win a game :(

guys please give me fiora tips


are the patch notes written by 16 year olds?

Olaf nerfs when

slowest lb rotation i've ever seen