Well obviously that's happening, since nobody's posting here.
Blake Wright
What is the difference between lake and sea water tiles?
Right now I am making sea water have more contrast between light/dark areas to show it is moving more, but when looking at both tiles in the same map, they look like they could easily replace one another.
I think I'll try making sea water considerably darker as well.
Nicholas Hernandez
Not my fault the thread keeps dying when I'm sleeping.
Isaiah Wood
The smaller boat vehicle can't go on deep sea tiles
Nicholas Cox
>Season Pass DLC 3 is one tileset
Wow am I glad I didn't pay for that. Heaven help you if you dare speak ill of it on the rpgmakerweb forums, too. They banned me once before for saying the season pass didn't seem worth the money.
Justin Nelson
according to the blue squirrel fag a if they were translating time into opportunity costs it would be like $3000 for a tileset.
I call bullshit of course, but that's how much they see it as being worth.
Landon Parker
As someone who's throwing together a smaller resolution tileset themselves, that cost could be appropriate if you were commissioning the tileset. At $5/tile, $3000 would get you 600 tiles, which would get you 2 and a bit B-style pages, or all the stuff for an A page plus change depending on how you count animating the water and whatnot. Of course, if each tile was cheaper you'd be getting more. How much is in the tileset, anyway?
On a different note, those tracks seem awfully small for the train [which itself looks way too big for the characters there]
Liam Martin
>if they were translating time into opportunity costs it would be like $3000 for a tileset. Sure, if it was custom made I could believe that. But this tileset isn't tailor made for the person buying it (ie subscribers) and that lowers its worth. Those train tiles are worth a couple of $100 or so, if you commissioned them. It'd be stretch to say the whole tileset is worth $1000, no matter $3000. I think that's poor argument on Shaz's part. I mean, you're technically getting a good deal (if you consider the raw man power it took to make it and other competing artist's prices), but it's for something many people don't necessarily want or need. It's like buying those Lootbox things: sure, the items inside are worth more than $30, but you don't know what you're getting before hand and more than likely you want even want half of what's in the box. It's unfair to put down people that are disappointed. To people who can't use these tiles/don't match their game, they're not worth $3000.
Ayden Brooks
>>On a different note, those tracks seem awfully small for the train [which itself looks way too big for the characters there] I just noticed that after I posted my reply to . Look at the train doors: they're for two tile high characters. Real nice. This even further limits the amount of people who can use it.
Jonathan Edwards
Two tile doors are the bane of my existence right now. I'm trying to figure out a workaround. I'm thinking I'll edit one of my wall tilesets to include the doors and keep them static, because at this point I just want fucking doors.
David Ortiz
>those tracks seem awfully small for the train
Holy shit, if we're going by that image then the train is only one tile wide. What the fuck.
Charles Reyes
I meant more like, how can I visually inform the player about the difference between lake and sea.
Parker James
Don't let this thread die again, you hear!
Elijah Clark
Holy shit you guys are right! What a fucking mess.
James Reyes
and now i have doors instead of stand in tiles i am the champion and the doors-as-characters system can suck it
Julian Powell
>Kaduki killed his website again, except this time so he can put the resources he already made and released for free behind a Patreon-like subscription paywall Why does he keep doing this?
Cameron Reed
I don't even want to know how you're having these issues. Just use the door quick event and choose the two tile-high door you want to put in.
Lucas Nelson
His resources are very popular. Pretty much everyone in the community has used his stuff at some point. It's understandable he'd like to make some money out of it.
Eli Turner
I'd understand if he put his new resources behind a paywall, but stuff that's years old? That's kinda dickish, even if it is all his own work.
Noah Butler
Is it even commercial approved if you subscribe? I seem to remember that was totally forbidden for all his resources.
Grayson Sullivan
>opportunity costs. >counting chickens before they hatch. >Get an Art degree they said; You'll make a lot of money they said.
Easton Long
are you kidding me it looks fine when you play it? it looked fucked on the tile screen so i never bothered to test it.
oh well, what's done is done.
William Myers
Shaz is such a fucking tool.
Joshua Moore
The sea is deeper, so it should be darker in color than the lake.
Chase Anderson
Lucas Richardson
The RTPs aren't exactly stellar with realistic proportions -- case in point, vehicles, trees and houses. I don't see what makes it different.
Luis King
Quick, someone make a mock-up of the train from front-view.
Depends on whether you want Active Time Battle or not. Personally, I much prefer CTB, but ATB could be useful in games where you want the player to feel more tense.
Hunter Taylor
Very cool
Christian Myers
I prefer CTB, too. I also think it's not worth giving up Yanfly's Battle Engine Core worth anything. The amount of special effects I do depend so heavily on Yanfly's Battle Engine Core. From the row formations to selection control to the buffs and states, there's too many valuable things you lose out on if you switch to Victor that it's not worth it at all.
Colton Reyes
Because at the very least a house and tree has "depth" via optical illusion (i.e. even though the depth of the house can't be determined by our viewpoint, the height of the house implies it's depth.)
Whereas with the train, we have a direct reference to how deep it is - the tracks. The tracks = the depth of the train. And the tracks = the depth of one ordinary human being in this case. Therefore, we can infer that the depth of the train = the depth of one human being.
It's absolutely ridiculous. The tracks needed to be 3 tiles wide.
Hudson Jenkins
This. Please stop dying while I'm asleep.
Ryan Clark
I don't agree with you. The tree has absolutely 0 depth. As an artist I absolutely hate the proportions and perspective in the RTP.
The tracks are 48x48, which is the same size as the normal human body in RTP land. Here is the scale of a human lying down on train tracks. It makes sense that train tracks are only one tile.
I don't feel like arguing but everything about the RTP is questionable.
Jeremiah Green
>The tracks are 48x48, which is the same size as the normal human body in RTP land. Here is the scale of a human lying down on train tracks. It makes sense that train tracks are only one tile. Except the train is drawn to be in proportion to 2 tile tall characters. Take a look at the door. So the tracks should be 2 tiles wide (by your reckoning).
The proportions in the rtp is fucked though, you're right.
Zachary Reed
A train track is roughly = to a human LAYING DOWN ON THE TRACKS. A human standing up is not the same width as a human laying down.
Brandon Walker
>Not stellar The forced perspective is really amateurish.
Wyatt Reyes
>Except the train is drawn to be in proportion to 2 tile tall characters. Take a look at the door. > The proportions in the rtp is fucked though, you're right.
The fact of the matter is, the sprites are 48x48 so they have to remain 48x48 to be consistent with the rest of the assets And I say consistent very loosely. I don't doubt they added smaller doors, Case in point -- RTP itself.
If we really want to rail on the asset, then the train should be thinner and adjusted. But I doubt it would be as 'visually interesting.'
Brandon Peterson
Have you made an RTP character 'lie down' in that perspective? It's the same size, it does not matter.
Parker Foster
But that's due to the RTP being shit. There's no excuse for the train track to only be one tile.
Dominic Sanders
>If we really want to rail on the asset, then the train should be thinner and adjusted.
Josiah Cook
Not him but I agree, it looks way off like this.
Cooper Hall
Only if it's a Cavalier projection. In which the Y & Z axis are equal. It's suppose to be Cabinet. You distort the Z axis. If it was Military you distort the Y axis.
Gabriel Lopez
>If we really want to rail on the asset, then the train should be thinner and adjusted. What? Why should it be thinner? The problem with the characters and tracks vs the train is that the proportions are different. The train is in proportion to 2 tile tall characters. If they wanted the train to be in proportion to the rtp, they should make the train shorter. At the moment, it's too tall and that throws it out of whack with everything else, including the track. I made a really ugly edit to show what I mean. I've reduced the train's height to 50% and now it fits on the track. Dunno how they managed to fuck this up. Did they just make a screenshot with the wrong train? It's there a 1 tile high character train included too, that I don't know about?
The rtp characters are not drawn directly face on. They're drawn from a slightly elevated angle similar to SNES Final Fantasy games. This means they appear shorter than they actually would be, if drawn face on. So yeah, they would be longer if they were laying down.
I saw your pun and I'm not amused.
Juan Ortiz
>What? Why should it be thinner? The problem with the characters and tracks vs the train is that the proportions are different. The train is in proportion to 2 tile tall characters.
Sorry but no, that is not what I meant by thinner. Don't put words into my mouth.
Michael Smith
Because it's meant for a mine cart, not a train. Ya'll are dinguses.
Cameron Williams
Yeah I'm leaving this talk, I don't feel like having the discussion but my point was RTP is shit anyway with proportions it's an odd argument to be having.
I would agree with the train tracks to be 1 and a half tiles but that would make the train look like a giant so whatever.
Ryan Martinez
So where's the actual train tracks?
Kayden Carter
Bump so this thread can keep derailing
Wyatt Watson
Gabriel Turner
Julian Fisher
Don't die on me like /jrpg/
Elijah Adams
So is this our new meme? Train puns?
Joseph Robinson
"the developer" did a hack job and skipped quality assurance testing.
They have no business calling themselves "official"
Asher Jenkins
maybe if we can keep on track with it
Jack Scott
VERY popular artist who makes RPG Maker resources and also made the most popular sideview script for VX pre-Ace. If you look at a mobile app store, you're sure to find games that use his sprites.
Nathan Hughes
Is the bottom how you think it should look? That still has the problem of the top of the train being 2 tiles wide and the track being 1 tile wide.
Dominic Carter
For a while at most. It's not that fun.
For what it's worth, I'm sometimes having perceptual issues with the perspective in general.
While pixel sketching about, I instinctively drew the top right lighthouse. The top left one does seem out of place with its full surface circle being visible, but that's what the perspective would roughly dictate.
Jeremiah Diaz
So what happened to the collab game? Is it finally done?
Austin Williams
Presumably got left out of the OP
>/rpgmg/ Chain/Collaboration Game! >Status: Pt. 14 (The Real Finale) is in development.
>Done with their part: >- RPG Maker Maker !!nHmJbtdk7T2 >- Cortop !QqL8nX9URE >- Duwang !yP15zzo8dA >- MEands !!sbyw5zs4GtT >- Alexander Guy !swIUti/LTA >- salt !AOUYhrDYgU >- Double user !WAnon.pOpQ >- Crunch !I1tYcLS8Ts >- Comp !MEJ8qE/3h >- Silent Maid !ztOzYBnEEw >- Joakim Morgen !!4elh6dhvavq >- W.T.Dinner !LTqeha3bQk >- Firgof !aFqhsxkECQ
>the Collab might be getting sold by IP Builders as we speak. ;_;
Juan Cook
Feel that something in between the two on the top, but with the tower the left one has, would work best.
Aiden Nguyen
This is Bubbles of course
Nathaniel Scott
Austin Foster
They don't even call themselves IP-Builders anymore. Their name became so toxic among the RPG Maker community that they go by EQ Games now.
Jaxson Smith
Post progress
Asher Foster
I can't. I was convinced to pick up Granblue Fantasy yesterday, and now I haven't made any progress since.
Hudson Myers
Can you make a Terranigma/Zelda-style RPG with RPG Maker and make it feel fluid?
Bentley Davis
Yes, but it's not worth the effort. Just use Zelda Classic / Game Maker / anything else instead.
David Moore
Yes. Zelda ABS script gives you all the tools you need to make a zelda-styled game and the 8-way movement script with added sprinting makes it possible to walk everywhere. Why?
Jason James
Andrew King
I take it this person got lost on their way to the Viridian City NPC auditions.
Henry Myers
He checked in once or twice after signing up. I haven't seen him lately, though.
Bubbles, if you're alive, say so!
Nathaniel Williams
Oh I remember you from last thread. Did you get my reply about the doors being 2high even if it's showing as 1 in the Editor? You are playtesting to see if it reflects right ingame, right? Because the Editor won't show you everything 100% as it will be ingame, obviously. Just making sure!
Jaxon Nguyen
The empire takes banditry very seriously
Jason Butler
>No General Leo, it's a trap! Kefka's going to kill you!
Seriously, that picture reminds me hardcore of Thamasa itself, and the Empire invading it when General Leo dies in ff6.
Owen Gomez
Working on the scene leading up to this moment.
Basically, this is a flashback showing how and why two of the main characters left their old gang.
Gabriel Rodriguez
Bill isn't a very Leaderlike name. Also, having the white haired guy walk into the blackness kinda hurts immersion, maybe remove a single "walk down" from that part and have him disappear on the exit tile like the player does.
Carson Sanchez
I'll consider the exit tile thing, thanks.
>Bill isn't a very Leaderlike name
His full title is "Blacktooth Bill." I just thought I'd said the full name too many times already in a previous monologue. Also, the white haired guy is basically the only one in the gang not intimidated by him, so I thought it would make sense for him to refer to him more casually.
Jason Sanders
Makes a lot more sense with the backstory then, carry on!
Noah Ramirez
William King
Making a Zelda like in Gamemaker is easy. It's been done so many times.
Zachary Foster
Is the water lag in MV caused by loading times? I am experimenting with my custom tileset, and not getting lag at all. The biggest difference between my tileset and the game's so far is that mine is about 20$ of the one in the RTP.
Parker Young
>20$ 20%, I meant.
Jeremiah Barnes
If you can, make a special black tile that goes above actors, and place them just beyond the exit. That way, actors don't just suddenly disappear.
Jason Hill
Remember to make back ups of your projects
Sebastian Stewart
>Bill isn't a very Leaderlike name There are some who call me... Tim
Sebastian Green
Did they patch to help alleviate the animated tiles lag? Are you comparing a project with an old version's scripts to one with new ones?
Ryan Barnes
>Have every name set except for the most important NPC Fuck This annoys me greatly.
Adam Hill
Not the same guy, but I still get lag with animated tiles on my map.
Parker Campbell
Describe this person
Isaiah Sullivan
Mh, some kind of mentor character who doesn't want a mentee but rather a partner who he can trust. Is actually super depressed by the loss of his former partner but somewhat happy that he can show the MC some things.
Hudson Collins
Is he supposed to have a meaningful name, or rather a fitting name? For the former, I, myself, would twist foreign languages. For the latter, I'd seek inspiration from somewhat similar characters and whether their name fits them.
Brody James
No, I haven't updated my RPG Maker MV, and yes. The same map, with the RTP tiles lags, while the one with my tiles doesn't.
Justin Jackson
The thing is I'm not going whack with fantasy names, I'm keeping everything "normal" and coherent.
If the user that told me about the frequencies and pitch is around, give this a listen and tell me if that's what you meant and if it sounds any better. I cleaned it up some and tweaked the bass a bit.
Jace Fisher
What is going to be the most memorable moment in your game?
Jordan Foster
The moment when you find out who the true villain is. I predict that at least 70% of all players will literally shit their pants in shock at that very moment.